While healing is a large topic in the material, I'm interested if any of you work with the energy body or have any experiences with those who do. What do you study or what forms of healing have you encountered?
What's interesting though is that if you compare say India and China, two cultures that relied heavily on meditation, you would assume that they would discover a universal system so to speak but they didn't. In Hinduism there are chakras and in Daoism there is no mention of chakras at all, rather the meridian network and one of several systems such as qi gong is used. Unless I'm uninformed? Hinduism does have the concept of nadis, but it's not as developed as acupuncture and its channels.
This suggests that our imagination (or I should say, the ability to interact creatively with our mind/body) plays a large part in developing a system that works, which is in alignment with the concept of ritual, thought forms, and just shamanism in general. Many indigenous cultures that never developed a complex energetic framework simply rely on ritual and intention.
Ra suggests that the role of the healer is to visualize what is to be healed:
Other quotes of interest:
Another question..Ra mentions common rituals being more beneficial than designing your own (74.15). But I know elsewhere Don asks again whether or not designing your own is better and they say yes, unless I'm confusing that with something else. Can anyone find that quote?
What's interesting though is that if you compare say India and China, two cultures that relied heavily on meditation, you would assume that they would discover a universal system so to speak but they didn't. In Hinduism there are chakras and in Daoism there is no mention of chakras at all, rather the meridian network and one of several systems such as qi gong is used. Unless I'm uninformed? Hinduism does have the concept of nadis, but it's not as developed as acupuncture and its channels.
This suggests that our imagination (or I should say, the ability to interact creatively with our mind/body) plays a large part in developing a system that works, which is in alignment with the concept of ritual, thought forms, and just shamanism in general. Many indigenous cultures that never developed a complex energetic framework simply rely on ritual and intention.
Ra suggests that the role of the healer is to visualize what is to be healed:
Quote:56.3 The function of the healer and crystal may not be over-emphasized, for this power of interruption must needs be controlled, shall we say, with incarnate intelligence; the intelligence being that of one which recognizes energy patterns; which, without judging, recognizes blockage, weakness, and other distortion; and which is capable of visualizing, through the regularity of self and of crystal, the less distorted other-self to be healed.
Other quotes of interest:
Quote:49.8 The type of meditation which may be called visualization has as its goal not that which is contained in the meditation itself. Visualization is the tool of the adept.
Quote:50.8 Thusly a visualization which can be held steady to the inward eye for several of your minutes, as you measure time, will signal the adept’s increase in singleness of thought. This singleness of thought then can be used by the positive adept to work in group ritual visualizations for the raising of positive energy, by negative adepts for the increase in personal power.
Quote:58.3 There is great art in the use of the swung crystal. At this point in your development, you would do well to work with the unpowerful crystals in ascertaining, not only the physical major energy centers, but also the physical secondary and tertiary energy centers and then begin to find the corresponding subtle body energy centers. In this way, you may activate your own inner vision.
Quote:49.5 One may examine each of the energy centers for such secondary centers. Some of your peoples work with these energy centers, and you call this acupuncture. However, it is to be noted that there are most often anomalies in the placement of the energy centers so that the scientific precision of this practice is brought into question. Like most scientific attempts at precision, it fails to take into account the unique qualities of each creation.
Another question..Ra mentions common rituals being more beneficial than designing your own (74.15). But I know elsewhere Don asks again whether or not designing your own is better and they say yes, unless I'm confusing that with something else. Can anyone find that quote?