06-12-2016, 02:23 AM
from January 12, 1986: "I, Yadda, greet you in love and light of infinite Creator. We almost not get in this time because we have continuing difficulty with the challenging in name of name, that is, in name Jesus rather than in vibration of Christ or Christ consciousness. This instrument hard-headed on this point. However, we wished to give thanks to this instrument, as always, for the challenging and appreciate it even though it is pain in neck."
Haha! I can only imagine these vastly intelligent beings of light surging with love for Carla at her stubborn challenge. this made me laugh aloud. "even though it is pain in neck."
share some more jokes/funny moments made by Ra or by those channeled by L/L Research!
Haha! I can only imagine these vastly intelligent beings of light surging with love for Carla at her stubborn challenge. this made me laugh aloud. "even though it is pain in neck."
share some more jokes/funny moments made by Ra or by those channeled by L/L Research!