01-11-2009, 08:38 AM
Have you ever felt remembrance after reading LOO material?
Naturally, the LOO material is distorted. It's projected from entitiys without full knowledge into another very distorting entity of 3rd density and then into speech/text which is a very limited format... this makes it very hard to feel remembrance while actually reading because of the individualized perspective of the information, at least for me. But it's a great catalyst.
No, what I mean by remembrance is when you look/feel around you and realise for yourself - "It was this way, it's always been this way, but I forgot it...".
LOO has passively given me so many of these feelings. I cannot place exactly when I learned the things I remember, it feels like it was when I was a child. I cannot remember much of my childhood, naturally. Perhaps I knew always, being a potential wanderer.
My latest revelation whas when I actually realised that One is All. I sat on the buss and saw in my third eye everything becoming part of me. I must have looked quite dumb as I smiled as a baby and touched everything around me - this is me. Ra said "It is impossible to not serve the Creator." It was so easy, the Creator is me! And everyone around me. Everything around me.
This may seem obvious to you more developed spirits out there, but a self-realised truth is the strongest one, and the only one which mean something. I cannot read LOO and simply believe in it. I must experience it for myself.
I wonder if we can attain out full memory in this density? These "visions" of remembrance have increased lately, likely because time is spinning out of control. We live in an interesting time indeeed...
Naturally, the LOO material is distorted. It's projected from entitiys without full knowledge into another very distorting entity of 3rd density and then into speech/text which is a very limited format... this makes it very hard to feel remembrance while actually reading because of the individualized perspective of the information, at least for me. But it's a great catalyst.
No, what I mean by remembrance is when you look/feel around you and realise for yourself - "It was this way, it's always been this way, but I forgot it...".
LOO has passively given me so many of these feelings. I cannot place exactly when I learned the things I remember, it feels like it was when I was a child. I cannot remember much of my childhood, naturally. Perhaps I knew always, being a potential wanderer.
My latest revelation whas when I actually realised that One is All. I sat on the buss and saw in my third eye everything becoming part of me. I must have looked quite dumb as I smiled as a baby and touched everything around me - this is me. Ra said "It is impossible to not serve the Creator." It was so easy, the Creator is me! And everyone around me. Everything around me.
This may seem obvious to you more developed spirits out there, but a self-realised truth is the strongest one, and the only one which mean something. I cannot read LOO and simply believe in it. I must experience it for myself.
I wonder if we can attain out full memory in this density? These "visions" of remembrance have increased lately, likely because time is spinning out of control. We live in an interesting time indeeed...