Before we go any further I would like to share a bit of information about the 666 Frequency and dispel some of the negativity and fear attached to this number. I’ve talked about this before, but I want to share it here again today.
First and foremost, the number 666 is the number of MAN; the number of HUMANKIND. Actually it is the number of all life on Earth.
All life forms on earth are carbon based; including Humans; and the element Carbon has 6 Proton, 6 Electrons, and 6 Neutrons.
The number 666 is actually encoded with the Sacred Knowledge of our True Multi-dimensional Spiritual Heritage. This is a very powerful frequency weaving that has specific and significant information and correlations associated with physical man; especially with the Human Physical Body.
“Part of the information for the directions on how to activate, maintain and navigate the Physical Human form into, in and through, the Multi-dimensional Realms is contained within the 666 Frequency. Other parts of this information are contained within additional triple digit repeated number Frequencies and must be accessed in specific sequence to retrieve the complete information and instructions for Activation of the Physical Multi-dimensional body.” (Information from Teutilarhon of Atlantis; 7/28/14)
The Ancients knew this. And those who would wish to control Man and Earth know this. So they attached the energy of fear to this number in order to hide it plain sight. Really, what better way to hide something than in plain site? The 666 number was chosen to attach the energy of fear to because it holds the initial information related to this subject. Once this information is found then the other sections of the full set of directions can be easily located and accessed.
Much of the Ancient and Sacred Mysteries of the Goddess and Sacred Feminine Aspect, along with the Knowledge of Creation of the Cosmos are also held within the 666 Frequency.
The 666 Frequency holds the knowledge of, and shows us our Blueprint of Perfection.
The 666 Passive Potential speaks to us of the Multi-dimensional Realms coming into matters form; meaning moving more into our everyday world and reality in a much more physical way.
The 666 Frequency holds the key to the codes necessary for Man’s movement into the Multi-dimensional Realms in Matters Form; whatever that may look like from here.
So this 6/66/666 frequency weaving is speaking to us of the knowledge that we are moving ever closer toward entrance into the Multi-dimensional Realms in a physical fashion, and that we have always been, and always shall be, held in Divine Love and Spiritual Perfection, no matter what form we exist within.
This tells us that it is time we begin earnestly healing any thoughts and beliefs that do not allow us to “Know” without doubt the Truth of the existence of a Multi-dimensional Reality and our ability to exist there. We must Re-Awaken fully to our Divine Heritage, and realize and own the fact that we came from Perfection, Are Perfection, and Shall Return to Perfection.
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First and foremost, the number 666 is the number of MAN; the number of HUMANKIND. Actually it is the number of all life on Earth.
All life forms on earth are carbon based; including Humans; and the element Carbon has 6 Proton, 6 Electrons, and 6 Neutrons.
The number 666 is actually encoded with the Sacred Knowledge of our True Multi-dimensional Spiritual Heritage. This is a very powerful frequency weaving that has specific and significant information and correlations associated with physical man; especially with the Human Physical Body.
“Part of the information for the directions on how to activate, maintain and navigate the Physical Human form into, in and through, the Multi-dimensional Realms is contained within the 666 Frequency. Other parts of this information are contained within additional triple digit repeated number Frequencies and must be accessed in specific sequence to retrieve the complete information and instructions for Activation of the Physical Multi-dimensional body.” (Information from Teutilarhon of Atlantis; 7/28/14)
The Ancients knew this. And those who would wish to control Man and Earth know this. So they attached the energy of fear to this number in order to hide it plain sight. Really, what better way to hide something than in plain site? The 666 number was chosen to attach the energy of fear to because it holds the initial information related to this subject. Once this information is found then the other sections of the full set of directions can be easily located and accessed.
Much of the Ancient and Sacred Mysteries of the Goddess and Sacred Feminine Aspect, along with the Knowledge of Creation of the Cosmos are also held within the 666 Frequency.
The 666 Frequency holds the knowledge of, and shows us our Blueprint of Perfection.
The 666 Passive Potential speaks to us of the Multi-dimensional Realms coming into matters form; meaning moving more into our everyday world and reality in a much more physical way.
The 666 Frequency holds the key to the codes necessary for Man’s movement into the Multi-dimensional Realms in Matters Form; whatever that may look like from here.
So this 6/66/666 frequency weaving is speaking to us of the knowledge that we are moving ever closer toward entrance into the Multi-dimensional Realms in a physical fashion, and that we have always been, and always shall be, held in Divine Love and Spiritual Perfection, no matter what form we exist within.
This tells us that it is time we begin earnestly healing any thoughts and beliefs that do not allow us to “Know” without doubt the Truth of the existence of a Multi-dimensional Reality and our ability to exist there. We must Re-Awaken fully to our Divine Heritage, and realize and own the fact that we came from Perfection, Are Perfection, and Shall Return to Perfection.
*sniped* from where you can find the article in it´s whole...