About 3 weeks ago I had a dream about an orb of white light that appeared before me, hovering around searching me. I just looked at it, wondering, hoping. It spoke to me and told me to follow it in a really Lord of the Rings Elf Queen voice. So I'm flying behind this thing, it was going so fast.. I almost felt like a wave of light, zooming behind it. Unfortunately this didn't last long and before long I could not keep up but as it whithered away into the star's I felt an amazing amazing sense of joy, like proper satisfaction. I woke up right after it all happened and I was fixated on this light and kept my eyes closed to keep the feeling going to no avail but this dream just won't go away from my thoughts.
We all have dreams, falling in love or maybe killing people and they stick with us for a day or two, leaving us with deep feelings; but after this specific dream, the minute I woke up I just almost felt like my soul had been touched more so than any falling in love dream. For the last 3 years (or even my whole sub/unconscious life) I have been looking for Gnosis, knowledge, inner realisation. I have become detached from the Western dichotomy I reside, and after a period of depression I decided that it's upto me to fix my mental state. Although I attend Uni, I see this institution blinded and disillusioned. Fundamentally, I realise that the material life means nothing, it's evil. I am just thinking my change in my entire outlook could be manifesting into my dreams.
I am aware of Theosophy, The Gnostics etc. I read and am interested in all the alternative "out there" stuff (UFO's, Ancient Knowledge, New Age thought etc). Uni helps to keep balance and let me hold onto some form of scepticism but when I am having dreams of Orb's of light with a message, I couldn't help myself asking fellow wanderers?
We all have dreams, falling in love or maybe killing people and they stick with us for a day or two, leaving us with deep feelings; but after this specific dream, the minute I woke up I just almost felt like my soul had been touched more so than any falling in love dream. For the last 3 years (or even my whole sub/unconscious life) I have been looking for Gnosis, knowledge, inner realisation. I have become detached from the Western dichotomy I reside, and after a period of depression I decided that it's upto me to fix my mental state. Although I attend Uni, I see this institution blinded and disillusioned. Fundamentally, I realise that the material life means nothing, it's evil. I am just thinking my change in my entire outlook could be manifesting into my dreams.
I am aware of Theosophy, The Gnostics etc. I read and am interested in all the alternative "out there" stuff (UFO's, Ancient Knowledge, New Age thought etc). Uni helps to keep balance and let me hold onto some form of scepticism but when I am having dreams of Orb's of light with a message, I couldn't help myself asking fellow wanderers?