09-08-2016, 10:04 PM
If one can graduate by love and acceptance, why does one continue to pursue distorted knowledge and remain hidden?
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09-08-2016, 10:04 PM
If one can graduate by love and acceptance, why does one continue to pursue distorted knowledge and remain hidden?
09-09-2016, 03:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2016, 03:05 AM by APeacefulWarrior.)
Because pursuing distortions is how interesting new ideas, acts, and ways of being are discovered. While it's very difficult (and unwise) to personify the Creator to any significant extent, one thing Ra was clear about is that the Creator craves novelty, or at least that's commonly agreed by the higher sub-logoi. It wants to explore every possibility within itself, and that can only effectively happen with the combination of distortions and free will causing interesting new results.
For example, in 77.17 he directly addressed the idea of entities being created by a sub-logos without free will and effectively "hard coded" to be fourth density positive. These experiments were considered less than satisfactory by the sub-logos because the resulting entities were almost entirely non-dynamic and, for lack of a better word, boring. Despite the implied billions of years they spent ever-so-slowly gaining wisdom, very little was actually learned along the way. OTOH, despite all the toil and sorrow associated with a heavily-veiled, heavily-distorted existence like here on Earth, it's incredibly fertile ground for new experiences in the grand scheme. Which is one reason why voluntarily choosing to incarnate here is, itself, a form of service. We're the Portland or the Austin of the cosmos: Keep Earth Weird! ![]()
09-09-2016, 05:25 AM
Quote: It wants to explore every possibility within itself what about the other-self, does it matter not?
09-09-2016, 05:51 AM
shouldn't we be compassionate to each other after this long journey of not knowing who and what we are? forums are a fun place to harvest knowledge and share opinions, and as distorted they are most of the time there are those who will see those opinions as hurtful not only to themselves but their belief. don't we all just want to be together? isn't that the striving goal to 4th density, that of love?
09-09-2016, 10:07 AM
I'm getting the feeling I didn't understand what you were asking. Are you referring to something or someone in particular?
In the grand scheme, we embrace distortions because they allow us to experience interesting things which, in turn, contribute to the Creator's overall knowledge of everything within itself. On the smaller scale, that takes an infinite number of forms, as every entity explores different balances between self/other-self, love, wisdom, and unity. For some, this means identifying so strongly with their beliefs that they see a questioning of their belief as a questioning of self. That's simply the path they're walking down at the moment, and they'll leave it sooner or later. Otherwise, Unity with each other and the Creator is ultimately the goal, but it's not a race. Some get there faster than others. Some want to get there faster than others. And 4th Density is more a call to service, in general, rather than necessarily being all about "being together." Some may desire togetherness as part of their services, others will not. Every path is different.
09-09-2016, 10:56 AM
so you are saying there will still be those who walk by themselves in 4th density? how does that apply to the lifting of the veil of forgetting? is it actually possible to hide your thoughts of other-selves from other-selves in the density of love? just what is compassion that Ra mentioned themselves seeking further after the learnings of wisdom?
09-09-2016, 10:59 AM
being alone for some years is possible, but how about 10,000 years?
09-09-2016, 11:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2016, 02:36 PM by APeacefulWarrior.)
As I understand it, thought-sharing is common in 4D, but it's also possible for an entity to still block themselves off from it - especially in the negative polarity. And even then, some 4D pos and neg tend to see each other as adversaries and some choose to actively "fight" against each other. A 4D pos who chooses to actively fight against negative other-selves is certainly not embracing togetherness!
But, others see Love as being more all-encompassing and attempt to give service to all who want it, regardless of polarity. It just depends on the individual entity's individual distortions. In effect, they're choosing (whether they realize it or not) which aspects of intelligent infinity they're embracing, and which they're rejecting. I believe some measure of alone-ness is possible to achieve, at least in the sense of self-imposed isolation, but there are very few reasons an entity would do this. And they probably wouldn't be truly alone, just blocked off from those around them. As far as time goes, it works far differently on "the other side" than here. I know Ra tried to put things in human terms of time passage to help with understanding his teachings, but you know the whole thing where 'time flies when you're having fun' and an hour or two can just slide by when you're too busy doing something you enjoy? As I understand it, it's possible for that phenomenon to encompass huge amounts of time (as we see it) in higher densities - but, of course, if one doesn't notice 10,000 years sliding by, the span of time doesn't really matter. (At one point (14.19) Ra stated he "only" had about 2.5 million years until the next 7D Harvest, which says a lot about his perspective on time.)
09-09-2016, 06:11 PM
09-10-2016, 03:21 PM
(09-09-2016, 10:56 AM)Dog Star Wrote: so you are saying there will still be those who walk by themselves in 4th density? how does that apply to the lifting of the veil of forgetting? is it actually possible to hide your thoughts of other-selves from other-selves in the density of love? just what is compassion that Ra mentioned themselves seeking further after the learnings of wisdom? Some things are hidden from oneself. Sometimes this imply that they are also hidden from others because of this. But those who know themselves well will see through those illusions. |