09-12-2015, 11:34 PM
Ever have any juicy Wanderer experiences?
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09-12-2015, 11:34 PM
Ever have any juicy Wanderer experiences?
09-12-2015, 11:55 PM
I hesitate to call what I do 'meditation'.
It's probably closer to what is a 'meditative frame of mind'. For eg, I don't use mantras, watch the breath, or use any acknowledged posture. But I do have my eyes closed, and can then observe and process the contents of consciousness. I use this frame of mind to process and figure out catalyst. In terms of frequency and 'how often' - it's a regular thing. I can end up amassing a few hours in any 24 hour period, depending on what I'm working on, and other contraints on my time.
09-13-2015, 01:35 AM
I'm more focused on "active" meditation forms, personally. I'll meditate in more traditional ways for a few minutes if I'm especially upset or need to clear my mind, but rarely for lengthy periods. I'm more interested in gaining more active control of my energy levels and finding ways to open up my mind while also doing things in my life.
I don't want to use meditation as an escape from the world, but rather as a way of enhancing my Earthly activities and keeping in closer contact with my higher selves as I do so.
09-13-2015, 02:48 AM
I'm personally shy of meditating. Its hard for me, my thoughts are like hooks sometimes, when I notice them, they notice me and take me with them into a form of thoughts.
I've been able to just watch often and when they finally stop my whole body just relaxes, I feel like I'm sleeping consciously sitting up. Then I relax a looot, droop down, slouch, mouth opens up and then its just emptiness. Then its usually just that endlessly. If i try to move into visualization i interrupt my own meditations as thoughts begin surfacing again. Meditation is thus, hard for me, it is a very conscious act that requires my utmost attention and at least 30 minutes to an hour. Its why I prefer deep contemplation. Letting my mind wander in considerations of a concept.
09-13-2015, 12:11 PM
I usually can go no more than 30 secs to a minute at once.
09-13-2015, 12:16 PM
Always and never
09-13-2015, 12:24 PM
I meditate twice daily. My method is based on what i have been taught over the years. Its fairly simple, half lotus position on a Zafu with my eyes closed, meditating on the breath as it comes in and out of the nose. In regards to experience in meditation, i have the view that meditation isn't about having some type of wonderful experience but rather simply seeing things as they are, in the present moment. The integration of the meditative state through out the day is important also, the buzz word mindfulness is a popular one in this regards.
09-13-2015, 02:49 PM
I used to spend maybe too much time sitting in one spot to meditate. It's the way I had been conditioned. Until I became more conscious of my path, I'd say I spend at least 20 minutes at the end of the night or beginning of the day to see how deep of a state I can enter- where I then set my intentions. If I'm doing clearning/healing visualizations/affirmations, breathing techniques- these can take much longer time for me due to lack of focus.
Throughout the day and it's activities- I strive to remain aware of my emotional triggers, how it pertains to my energy centers, maintaining a positive/grateful attitude, sharing love- which I find to be all effectively done in a meditative state.
09-13-2015, 10:20 PM
I try to meditate every day, but it usually end up missing a day every week or two. I usually go out from anywhere between 20-60 minutes, depending. My husband and I meditate together, he usually falls asleep unless he's doing active visualization, and wakes up with a snort. Usually by the time he's done falling asleep a couple times I'm into a good deep place.
I consider meditation my time to do my daily download from the cosmic self. I think it's very important to open that communication channel. I also spend much of my day in contemplation, a trait I've always had, but I personally think that stilling the monkey mind so the subconscious can speak is maybe even more important.
09-13-2015, 11:30 PM
As often as I need to focus.
09-14-2015, 07:47 AM
I've been doing short, more frequent meditations. Really, they are just temperature checks of my interior condition, divorced from any need to accomplish anything. They have been wonderful. By releasing the need to have a profound experience in every meditation, I've been able to enjoy it and do it more often. Instead of making myself meditate like a chore, it's become something I _want_ to do, for the first time in my life!
Meditation is not important enough--and too important--to beat yourself up over not doing right, or enough, or whatever.
09-30-2015, 09:19 AM
One time i appeared in front of what I thought was a one creator, a non chalant multi colored single eye, that had all these different colors that had almost a midnight rainbow effect going on with colors that seemed to shimmer like metals.
it was so indifferent to everything and tit for tat that i became weary of this type of energy, wondering if it was infinite peace or infinite retribution. in that light i decided to search elsewhere. often times i get signs from my guides. i meditate very often, and one time i meditated, heard a voice say it's time to get up, and i did like whoa looked at my phone and it was 5:55 on the dot. the same things have been leading me here http://www.therabbitholetransmissions.co...rtion.html |