06-12-2015, 06:15 AM
To a debate on philosophy vs spirituality…
If you really want to understand the why’s of the world, look at the who. On the cosmic level, you contain all of creation, including all universes. Know Thyself and all things become known.
*sniped* from: Why is really Who
To me the bigger question is who wants to know. As the old texts note, we’re usually driven by desire for pleasure and aversion to pain. But when we move out of that drama, the old drivers fall away and there may be a fallow period. What once moved us forward is no longer there. It’s a little like how “childish things” fall away as we become teens.
When who we recognize ourselves to be changes, so too does our perception of the world and what is true. And that changes our motivations, our Why.
As the refinement unfolds and the heart opens, the Lila becomes obvious, the divine play. We come to recognize our role in the larger scheme of things. This may or may not have anything to do what we used to think it was. Or the form of it may simply evolve with us.
This isn’t our “purpose” as has become popular in new age circles. That’s usually more about seeking meaning outside of ourselves. Meaning is one of the deeper ways to lasting happiness but real meaning comes from within.
As Joseph Campbell said, we’re meaning-makers. The meaning we give life is up to us. And that is directly connected to who we recognize ourselves to be. As Monique MacDonald said, it’s really about living life On purpose rather than finding a purpose. Again, that is directly related to self-recognition.
A big part of the natural world is about balance. Much of the activity is energy seeking a new level of balance. When we move more successfully with that, we create less disturbance around ourselves and find increasing levels of support for our desires.
The more we push against where nature is flowing, the more challenges we’ll experience. This doesn’t mean we should become passive. Life is built through action. It means we should learn to move with nature as our ally rather than foe.
If you really want to understand the why’s of the world, look at the who. On the cosmic level, you contain all of creation, including all universes. Know Thyself and all things become known.
*sniped* from: Why is really Who