While exploring the catalytic value of the ergoline class of entheogenic tools, ive learned that these compounds have something very unique about them. They amplify emotions, while at the same time they induce euphoria. Now im not talking about a rush of some sort, im talking about love. They induce a trance state where you fall in love with everything around you. Being a naturally occurring psychedelic(more specifically the seeds of the Ipomoea Tricolor vine) it dissolves boundaries. You look at another person and you see yourself. You look into the mirror and you see the love of your life.
My experience with the trance state this entheogen had to offer didnt quite get to me until my 6th attempt at taking it. The most important thing i learned while in this trance state is that every person you've met, every musician you've loved..Every poet, writer, actor and artist you've admired, were all catalysts to shape you into the person you are this very second. It's all a part of the divine plan. Nobody is independent, we're all interdependent on one another. You may not see it, but somebody in the room might know or have whatever it is you're seeking. It's all a matter of opening up to one another.
We as individuals have goals, we as a society also have goals. But if the individual doesn't achieve his or her goals, then how will the society ever move forward? Why are institutions governing over the masses and telling them what to think, what to watch, what to eat, where to work and what to do with your free time?
These tools have been put on this planet for us to use in case a dominator culture rises up and takes control of everything. These plants are tools we must use to get in touch with the gaian mind. To find the answer to lifes biggest issues. Everything can be solved as if over night. Its a all a matter of how much you appreciate what mother nature has provided to you. Although most naturally occurring plants and fungi are illegal to posses or consume in our western societies, this shouldn't stop us from practicing our free will. It is our birth right, on every land on this planet. Reject authority but keep the love and light in your hearts. We can live peacefully as a social memory complex if we all pitch in as one, instead of causing a power struggle and fighting for who calls the shots.
My experience with the trance state this entheogen had to offer didnt quite get to me until my 6th attempt at taking it. The most important thing i learned while in this trance state is that every person you've met, every musician you've loved..Every poet, writer, actor and artist you've admired, were all catalysts to shape you into the person you are this very second. It's all a part of the divine plan. Nobody is independent, we're all interdependent on one another. You may not see it, but somebody in the room might know or have whatever it is you're seeking. It's all a matter of opening up to one another.
We as individuals have goals, we as a society also have goals. But if the individual doesn't achieve his or her goals, then how will the society ever move forward? Why are institutions governing over the masses and telling them what to think, what to watch, what to eat, where to work and what to do with your free time?
These tools have been put on this planet for us to use in case a dominator culture rises up and takes control of everything. These plants are tools we must use to get in touch with the gaian mind. To find the answer to lifes biggest issues. Everything can be solved as if over night. Its a all a matter of how much you appreciate what mother nature has provided to you. Although most naturally occurring plants and fungi are illegal to posses or consume in our western societies, this shouldn't stop us from practicing our free will. It is our birth right, on every land on this planet. Reject authority but keep the love and light in your hearts. We can live peacefully as a social memory complex if we all pitch in as one, instead of causing a power struggle and fighting for who calls the shots.