09-19-2013, 11:43 AM
disclaimer: read with a pinch of salt, pepper and sugar. This is from my experiance during meditation that I share. I have no ideá of how much is true. But then again who knows whats true. If you feel I´m creating distorion please let me know or confirm that it resonates. I feel tuned in, I just dont know what to trust at this point even if I resonate with it.
Vision of body’s being massacred
The bodies are transformed in to furniture being smashed
I hear; nearly equal in the big picture, there is a difference, just not very much of a difference. Nobody is ever really harmed, you are safe or it would not be permitted to take place.
I get a vision of a time when there was only light. Then I see a yin/yang sign and hear; creator/light created/dark. Then I get the sense of light creating a game where there is dark, of light beings taking on the role of acting insane in an opposite game.
Then I hear; every demon you see will return to light eventually, the negative had a beginning and thus will have an end, unlike the light that will be forever bright. Take your time, you have forever to shine. In our collective whole there is only a dash of negativity; bitterness added for flavour, contrast that deepens our eternal savour.
Vision of body’s being massacred
The bodies are transformed in to furniture being smashed
I hear; nearly equal in the big picture, there is a difference, just not very much of a difference. Nobody is ever really harmed, you are safe or it would not be permitted to take place.
I get a vision of a time when there was only light. Then I see a yin/yang sign and hear; creator/light created/dark. Then I get the sense of light creating a game where there is dark, of light beings taking on the role of acting insane in an opposite game.
Then I hear; every demon you see will return to light eventually, the negative had a beginning and thus will have an end, unlike the light that will be forever bright. Take your time, you have forever to shine. In our collective whole there is only a dash of negativity; bitterness added for flavour, contrast that deepens our eternal savour.