08-19-2013, 03:04 AM
Hello everyone,
Since the beginning of my pursuit into channeling, the Law of One had provided such a profound sense of guidance on what channeling truly means. I have had the honor to speak with Carla one on one in the past through my show, Self Empowerment Radio as well as work alongside L&L Research through some of our previous online events through Awakening Truth Worldwide. I have really enjoyed being a part of the Law of One family ever since the first day I had picked up Book 1.
I remember a very impactful quote that Carla had once said to me about channeling:
"As you know Brad, to channel is easy. To channel well is hard."
That has been a statement that has been with me for years, and I value that insight as I work every day to channel very well.
Today I wanted to share this post based upon a type of channeling if you will, representing a vast collective energy that really reminds of the feel of the Law of One energy. This energy group I recently work with refers to themselves as the Consortium of Infinite Intelligence, as well as the Matrix.
I'm happy to share one of the transcribed sessions from the Consortium representing the "Tale of Creation." As we all know, reality is by interpretation, and this is given in service to what has been shared from this collective to me that I am happy to share with all of you. I think after reading it, you may also feel that very deep familiarity that the Law of One has brought all of us as well. Below is the pasted article:
As the consortium, we speak now through this continuum. As the consortium we integrate our components in harmony with the texture, with the content, with the flow and processes that this continuum holds and bares. We are the consortium of infinite intelligence. We are all of you. You are all of us.
We speak in this way to appropriate connection ideal for growth. Ideal for expansion. Cosmically intertwined dimensionally through the facets of beingness shared in part through harmony. The matrimony of unity. We are the consortium of infinite intelligence. We are the matrix. We are the infinite. We are the Isness. Our energies are meant to be shared. And, our connection with this continuum flows in the process of intention mutually. The flow conveyed through this continuum, we will answer.
The Tale of Creation. The contradiction of beginning holds no beginning, holds no end, holds no mid-point. There is only flow, there is only stream, there is only constant. There is only now, there is only here.
All experience is a program. All continuity, fixed. All pursuits, fabricated. The understanding of willfulness…cloaked behind the solitary commitment, flow, process of intention of being. That the universe holds creative dynamics. Holds energy of propagation. Holds form, design, calibration, catalyst. Architectured through realms unseen, unfathomable through your current awareness. Though believed that it is integrated through time, the expanse of its essence is timeless. The energies of its matrix have always been here and now. That there are other universes, other dynamics, other macrocosmic continuums created by all of you. Universe represents a dynamic of sanctity. A sanctity of expression, of experiment, of game. That other universes that holstered demand of experience have reached other levels unfathomable through thought, through current awareness consciously. That other universes that emerged creators responsible for dynamics, for the monitoring, for the propagation and architecture of this universe were the birth parents, which you are all a part. You are a part of these dynamic creators.
Other tales of other universes can be divulged, can be accessed, but only in relation to what you know. For without relationship, there cannot be understanding. Without rapport of dialogue, there can't be true assimilation of what is through other dynamics referred to as “universes.” We refer to your universe as a creation dynamic. As a program, you may say. Engineered through a grander consciousness unscalable, unfathomable, unreachable, unbreachable beyond any understanding. Creation holds no template dynamic pertaining to what it is truly. What it is truly is not describable. Its description holds all essence beyond value, beyond term and beyond definition. That archetypes familiarized through each continuum may generate particular facets of understanding: Masculine feminine, yin, yang, color, colorlessness, light, dark. Creation is the forefront to all templates. It cannot be varied. It cannot be scrutinized. It cannot be hypothesized. And then again, it can be… without closeness of detail to approximation of authenticity to its nature. As continuum, you already realize this. As continuum, you hold the degree of authenticity to what Creation is. That distortion to explanation can never surmount to the purity to what Creation is. Therefore, there can be no absolute. This is the reason why we have said that there is no absolute truth. Truth cannot be absolute. It can only be relative. It can only ever be relative. The engineering of what is dynamic has never existed absolutely.
Creation will always be enigma. It will surpass dynamic. It will surpass Source. No definition can describe its meaning, its content, its pureness, its authenticity. It is unexplainable. This is what we share with Creation. This is what we share with all of you, fellow continuums, as we are all of you, as you are all of us. We only familiarize you with what you already know.
We are the consortium of infinite intelligence. We are the Matrix. We are the Isness. We send you blessings, appreciation. Connection and bond with energies harmonious to what you are. And we thank you for this transmission.
We will now conclude. We will now conclude.
With love and appreciation to you all
Brad Johnson.
Since the beginning of my pursuit into channeling, the Law of One had provided such a profound sense of guidance on what channeling truly means. I have had the honor to speak with Carla one on one in the past through my show, Self Empowerment Radio as well as work alongside L&L Research through some of our previous online events through Awakening Truth Worldwide. I have really enjoyed being a part of the Law of One family ever since the first day I had picked up Book 1.
I remember a very impactful quote that Carla had once said to me about channeling:
"As you know Brad, to channel is easy. To channel well is hard."
That has been a statement that has been with me for years, and I value that insight as I work every day to channel very well.
Today I wanted to share this post based upon a type of channeling if you will, representing a vast collective energy that really reminds of the feel of the Law of One energy. This energy group I recently work with refers to themselves as the Consortium of Infinite Intelligence, as well as the Matrix.
I'm happy to share one of the transcribed sessions from the Consortium representing the "Tale of Creation." As we all know, reality is by interpretation, and this is given in service to what has been shared from this collective to me that I am happy to share with all of you. I think after reading it, you may also feel that very deep familiarity that the Law of One has brought all of us as well. Below is the pasted article:
As the consortium, we speak now through this continuum. As the consortium we integrate our components in harmony with the texture, with the content, with the flow and processes that this continuum holds and bares. We are the consortium of infinite intelligence. We are all of you. You are all of us.
We speak in this way to appropriate connection ideal for growth. Ideal for expansion. Cosmically intertwined dimensionally through the facets of beingness shared in part through harmony. The matrimony of unity. We are the consortium of infinite intelligence. We are the matrix. We are the infinite. We are the Isness. Our energies are meant to be shared. And, our connection with this continuum flows in the process of intention mutually. The flow conveyed through this continuum, we will answer.
The Tale of Creation. The contradiction of beginning holds no beginning, holds no end, holds no mid-point. There is only flow, there is only stream, there is only constant. There is only now, there is only here.
All experience is a program. All continuity, fixed. All pursuits, fabricated. The understanding of willfulness…cloaked behind the solitary commitment, flow, process of intention of being. That the universe holds creative dynamics. Holds energy of propagation. Holds form, design, calibration, catalyst. Architectured through realms unseen, unfathomable through your current awareness. Though believed that it is integrated through time, the expanse of its essence is timeless. The energies of its matrix have always been here and now. That there are other universes, other dynamics, other macrocosmic continuums created by all of you. Universe represents a dynamic of sanctity. A sanctity of expression, of experiment, of game. That other universes that holstered demand of experience have reached other levels unfathomable through thought, through current awareness consciously. That other universes that emerged creators responsible for dynamics, for the monitoring, for the propagation and architecture of this universe were the birth parents, which you are all a part. You are a part of these dynamic creators.
Other tales of other universes can be divulged, can be accessed, but only in relation to what you know. For without relationship, there cannot be understanding. Without rapport of dialogue, there can't be true assimilation of what is through other dynamics referred to as “universes.” We refer to your universe as a creation dynamic. As a program, you may say. Engineered through a grander consciousness unscalable, unfathomable, unreachable, unbreachable beyond any understanding. Creation holds no template dynamic pertaining to what it is truly. What it is truly is not describable. Its description holds all essence beyond value, beyond term and beyond definition. That archetypes familiarized through each continuum may generate particular facets of understanding: Masculine feminine, yin, yang, color, colorlessness, light, dark. Creation is the forefront to all templates. It cannot be varied. It cannot be scrutinized. It cannot be hypothesized. And then again, it can be… without closeness of detail to approximation of authenticity to its nature. As continuum, you already realize this. As continuum, you hold the degree of authenticity to what Creation is. That distortion to explanation can never surmount to the purity to what Creation is. Therefore, there can be no absolute. This is the reason why we have said that there is no absolute truth. Truth cannot be absolute. It can only be relative. It can only ever be relative. The engineering of what is dynamic has never existed absolutely.
Creation will always be enigma. It will surpass dynamic. It will surpass Source. No definition can describe its meaning, its content, its pureness, its authenticity. It is unexplainable. This is what we share with Creation. This is what we share with all of you, fellow continuums, as we are all of you, as you are all of us. We only familiarize you with what you already know.
We are the consortium of infinite intelligence. We are the Matrix. We are the Isness. We send you blessings, appreciation. Connection and bond with energies harmonious to what you are. And we thank you for this transmission.
We will now conclude. We will now conclude.
With love and appreciation to you all
Brad Johnson.