10-19-2012, 02:10 PM
Quote:Plant Wisdom
And so we are asked to speak of sacred plant teachers, for indeed within these are a unique lens that is offered to those who wish to experience a wisdom that existed prevalently in the Alchemy Schools of ancient days. It is but one modality of intense introspection. And without endorsement or condemnation, we tell you that It is one of many individually discerned choices that can lead to greater awareness. But indeed a path that is available to the few who truly desire to enter its dimension of truth. It is a crucible of amplification within a juxtaposition of that termed Alpha & Omega.
Dear Ones, the plant kingdom has a unique ability to interact with humanity that is quite specialized, because it has the ability to work directly in the mental field, in a way quite different from the mineral kingdoms.
The mineral and plant kingdom can interact in myriad ways, opening auric energies, holding space for communication and multidimensionality, yet only the sacred plant kingdom has the ability to enter the body physical via the bloodstream. This alters brainwave frequency in a manner that allows primary consciousness to enter the ultraviolet of the subconscious dreamscape in lucid state, devoid of frontal ego-personality narrative.
Medicinal Plant Affect
The plant kingdom offers medicinal qualities that no other kingdom on earth can do in the same way. Plants are able to affect the pressure of your bloodstream, both upward and downward. Certain herbal plants are able to elevate your emotions and moods. Others are capable of regulating the hemispheres of the human brain, and in so doing are capable of modulating how you relate to your greater essence, the unconscious aspects of multi-dimensional mind.
Campestral societies of the indigenous have known of this for millennia, as did the ancient Mystical Societies of the Egyptians, LeMurians and Atlanteans.
They knew through direct communication, that certain plants were capable of altering thought waves, the very resonate patterns of the brain. And as such gateways that were otherwise difficult to enter, were opened through the alliance of that termed the sacred plant medicine.
So they learned that as brain waves were altered so were thoughts, and as thoughts were altered consciousness could either expand or contract its perception of realities. It was as if the hemispheres of the brain could be turned on their side and viewed from a different lens of perception.
And so in this unique lens, the contents of the human brain are shifted and can be viewed in perceptions that are expanded in means that are above the linear alignment of space and time. Acute awareness well beyond the norm becomes both possible and probable within this effect.
Doors of Perception
Doors are thus opened to another dimension of perception, to other realities, unique aspects of the mind, and can allow for great transitional visions and breakthroughs of creativity and understanding, often allowing for deeply embedded 'energy blockages' to be confronted and released.
We will say then that psychoactive plants to varying degrees can be of great assistance, varying according to the energy and light quotient of the individual. To some it is of immeasurable value and to others less so. It is a question of readiness, of system of belief, and of individual choice and discernment.