08-06-2012, 10:02 AM
Shin'Ar makes a good point in another thread:
namely that Ra has had difficulties with our language/concepts/numbers. There are numerous cases of numbering mistakes that are on the record. A lot of these center around referring to yellow ray instead of green (Ra counts the inner rays from red upwards instead of from 1 up). There is also a case of referring to STO as STS (a dipole mistake/mis-assignment) and an example of an archetype naming mistake.
these are understandable; everyone has experienced the case of speaking to someone, and having a conversation flow, and then they interrupt you, and say, hey did you mean to say this instead of that?? and it astonishes you that you mis-used a word, when the meaning was so clear in your mind. Really funny when it happens in a national sports broadcast
Don was vigilant when listening to Ra's answers, and seemed to catch the most glaring, obvious errors.
and yet, we shouldn't become slavish to the text (guilty here!) but rather try to penetrate the meaning/concepts being conveyed by the language.
that will involve individual interpretation.
(08-06-2012, 09:26 AM)ShinAr Wrote: It would be wise of all LOO students to remember this and to diligently seek for inaccuracies as they study to make sure they are not misled by mistake. Mistakes that could be made in the transmission or the receiving ends of that sharing of fields.
I will say that what I have picked up on is that Ra has, on occasion, used the term Intelligent Infinity when they meant to use Intelligent Energy.
namely that Ra has had difficulties with our language/concepts/numbers. There are numerous cases of numbering mistakes that are on the record. A lot of these center around referring to yellow ray instead of green (Ra counts the inner rays from red upwards instead of from 1 up). There is also a case of referring to STO as STS (a dipole mistake/mis-assignment) and an example of an archetype naming mistake.
these are understandable; everyone has experienced the case of speaking to someone, and having a conversation flow, and then they interrupt you, and say, hey did you mean to say this instead of that?? and it astonishes you that you mis-used a word, when the meaning was so clear in your mind. Really funny when it happens in a national sports broadcast
Don was vigilant when listening to Ra's answers, and seemed to catch the most glaring, obvious errors.
and yet, we shouldn't become slavish to the text (guilty here!) but rather try to penetrate the meaning/concepts being conveyed by the language.
that will involve individual interpretation.