Hello all.
Some may know me, and some may not.
I am Stone Prechodko, also known as Observer.
I make music under the name of gh0ul.
Ukrainian blood and a long time conspiracy theorist.
I started my journey through an incredibly surprising Earth with a curious mind and aptness to detect negative energy. As a child I could always tell when something was wrong, and I was also very prone to meeting spirits.
Something in me has always been obsessed with the idea of meditation, and I have tried many times to achieve results from it before being introduced to the Law of One material but with no avail.
My love for conspiracy always kept me interested in things that others frowned upon. My father had always been a christian and my mother a wiccan. I did not agree with either of my parent's religious beliefs and nothing I looked into seemed to resonate with me. I tried so hard to find my spirituality and faith in something. But it was seemingly impossible. I had decided to become an atheist. I figured, if nothing shows itself then why should I praise it?
A few months after I had decided that, I was browsing a conspiracy board and found something that caught my eye, and I am sure many of you here are familiar with the H_H post. It had literally defined my idea of the spiritual world. Every single thing that was said resonated with me. And another post under it mentioned the Law of One and the L/L Research material.
I could not stop reading. I kept seeking and seeking. I started to incorporate my spirituality into my music, each chord seemingly striking the fabric of my existence.
I had finally received results from my meditations and my chakras started to reveal themselves to me, I was incredibly in tune with myself and I decided it was time to buy the hard copy of the text I held so dearly.
The material kept me so in tune that at one point it was almost overwhelming.
My existence was no longer part of the created reality I was placed in. It was part of my reality, I had finally realized what I needed to realize the whole time. I WAS CREATING MY OWN REALITY.
With this epiphany I started to apply Ra's guidance to my life, I began to see myself as the creator. I would spend hours staring at myself in the mirror telling myself that Stone was merely a label, my existence was truly infinite and I was the creator. I saw others as myself, and myself as others. There was no ego anymore, there was no Stone.
I observed as others were so un aware, so wrapped up in trivialities. I just sat and watched. My mind could not comprehend how all of these people could go on every single day without any idea that their existence was created by themselves.
So I gave them what they needed. I gave them love and light.
Some may know me, and some may not.
I am Stone Prechodko, also known as Observer.
I make music under the name of gh0ul.
Ukrainian blood and a long time conspiracy theorist.
I started my journey through an incredibly surprising Earth with a curious mind and aptness to detect negative energy. As a child I could always tell when something was wrong, and I was also very prone to meeting spirits.
Something in me has always been obsessed with the idea of meditation, and I have tried many times to achieve results from it before being introduced to the Law of One material but with no avail.
My love for conspiracy always kept me interested in things that others frowned upon. My father had always been a christian and my mother a wiccan. I did not agree with either of my parent's religious beliefs and nothing I looked into seemed to resonate with me. I tried so hard to find my spirituality and faith in something. But it was seemingly impossible. I had decided to become an atheist. I figured, if nothing shows itself then why should I praise it?
A few months after I had decided that, I was browsing a conspiracy board and found something that caught my eye, and I am sure many of you here are familiar with the H_H post. It had literally defined my idea of the spiritual world. Every single thing that was said resonated with me. And another post under it mentioned the Law of One and the L/L Research material.
I could not stop reading. I kept seeking and seeking. I started to incorporate my spirituality into my music, each chord seemingly striking the fabric of my existence.
I had finally received results from my meditations and my chakras started to reveal themselves to me, I was incredibly in tune with myself and I decided it was time to buy the hard copy of the text I held so dearly.
The material kept me so in tune that at one point it was almost overwhelming.
My existence was no longer part of the created reality I was placed in. It was part of my reality, I had finally realized what I needed to realize the whole time. I WAS CREATING MY OWN REALITY.
With this epiphany I started to apply Ra's guidance to my life, I began to see myself as the creator. I would spend hours staring at myself in the mirror telling myself that Stone was merely a label, my existence was truly infinite and I was the creator. I saw others as myself, and myself as others. There was no ego anymore, there was no Stone.
I observed as others were so un aware, so wrapped up in trivialities. I just sat and watched. My mind could not comprehend how all of these people could go on every single day without any idea that their existence was created by themselves.
So I gave them what they needed. I gave them love and light.