05-21-2011, 04:00 PM
This is a very interesting science based out of Egypt called Bio-Geometry, which is exactly how it sounds.
"We are all dynamic living energy systems, existing in the sea of energy vibrations that is our world. Our vital energy systems are in constant interaction with each other and with our environment, exchanging energy effects on all levels. These energy effects can be grouped or categorized in a qualitative scale according to their resonant and harmonic effects on biological energy systems. Based on a Physics of Quality, the revolutionary science of BioGeometry uses the subtle energy principles of geometric form to introduce natural balance to the different energy-qualities found in any living system. "
My favorite part is the explanation of energy:
"The first motion is however a very special big bang. It has within it a sort of a program that governs all aspects of this motion, just like the program that governs the growth of a seed to become a tree. To govern a motion one must be aware of it, and have a law to apply to the motion. Awareness implies consciousness. But consciousness is an advanced state of life. Laws to balance motion must have meaning of the balance, therefore not just intelligence, but wisdom, because intellect alone does not necessary produce meaning to create balance.
Energy whether as nothing, anything, something, or everything, is the pure essence of consciousness and wisdom. Even in its primordial state of nothingness it is already on the highest and most sophisticated level of life."
Blessings, adonai
"We are all dynamic living energy systems, existing in the sea of energy vibrations that is our world. Our vital energy systems are in constant interaction with each other and with our environment, exchanging energy effects on all levels. These energy effects can be grouped or categorized in a qualitative scale according to their resonant and harmonic effects on biological energy systems. Based on a Physics of Quality, the revolutionary science of BioGeometry uses the subtle energy principles of geometric form to introduce natural balance to the different energy-qualities found in any living system. "
My favorite part is the explanation of energy:
"The first motion is however a very special big bang. It has within it a sort of a program that governs all aspects of this motion, just like the program that governs the growth of a seed to become a tree. To govern a motion one must be aware of it, and have a law to apply to the motion. Awareness implies consciousness. But consciousness is an advanced state of life. Laws to balance motion must have meaning of the balance, therefore not just intelligence, but wisdom, because intellect alone does not necessary produce meaning to create balance.
Energy whether as nothing, anything, something, or everything, is the pure essence of consciousness and wisdom. Even in its primordial state of nothingness it is already on the highest and most sophisticated level of life."
Blessings, adonai