06-16-2020, 11:29 PM
Okay, okay…..settle down and I’ll tell you a story.
This story was told the L/L Sunday night meditation group on March 3rd, 1985, and thereafter Carla Rueckert described the difficulties she was enduring in the aftermath of the death of her friend, Don Elkins. Following the story is Carla’s comment and the final paragraph of Latwii’s response to her. Together the story (told by the group calling itself Hatonn) and the Q & A speak about maintaining the broad perspective of incarnation.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0303.aspx Wrote:It was a hot, hot summer day in Mexico. The land was arid and insects filled the air with their buzzing as they ate what little foliage and grass there was. Although the small and humble house was only a mile or so from the gathering place where all the people celebrated on the days of feast days and market days, there were no buildings around it. This was a hard land upon which to live, a land in which water was priceless, land that thinned the blood with its heat and killed the brain with the numbness of hard, repetitious activity which must be done to earn the daily bread. The young boy sitting by the roadside gazed at it and turned to his mother. “Where does the road go?” he asked. “How should I know?” she answered.
We shall transfer.
(L channeling)
“The road leads to places I have not traveled, for as a child I had some interest in the road but soon lost my interest as the details of the adult world became more pressing, more insistent. I can only say, my son, that the road leads from here to another place or places, and the choices are yours to make, for one chooses when traveling the road first whether to travel at all, again in which direction to travel, and finally whether to be satisfied where one has stopped or to continue further.”
The child wondered about the road in the ensuing days, for the road existed, yet he could not understand what maintained its existence, for rarely if ever did one see a traveler upon the road proceeding in either direction. It seemed apparent that most of those who inhabited this place on the road chose to remain where they were. And in wondering at this, the child realized that those remaining were much like the lizard which in early morning pauses to sun himself atop a rock, glorying in the pleasure of the light and warmth, yet, in remaining immobile, gradually becomes stupefied by the increasing heat and light, not realizing that he was slowly dying simply from his reluctance to move away further on his own path.
We shall transfer our contact.
(Carla channeling)
The young boy thought about what his mother had said sitting by the side of the road. It was a sparse place but it was pleasant where he sat. The water which was all-important was to be had in a deep well which had been dug at much labor. There were people to play with at the church, there were young women to please the young men. And yet to the little boy who was so quickly growing, he could hear no song within this whole town, no lullaby at night, no anthem in the morning, no psaltery at night. But even above the loud throng of insects as they buzzed about he could hear a song coming from the road. He gazed into the shimmering distance, the heat waves making all things strange, wavy and surrealistic, and could see no one and nothing that would account for the song. When he put his hands over his ears, the song became louder and one day he knew that he must go.
We shall transfer.
(Jim channeling)
As he packed those few things that he wished to take with him upon the journey, his mother looked at him imploringly and asked if this was truly his heart’s desire, for she had not herself been upon this road and knew very little about it and would worry over his welfare. He replied that there was nothing else that held any interest for him, and though he did not know what he would find or precisely why he must go, yet he must go. So he set out upon the journey with his small bundle of possessions, and as he journeyed, his uneasiness at the traveling into unknown areas was somewhat abated by the song that he continued to hear within his own inner ears and this did give him comfort.
His first day’s travel was uneventful. The heat of the day beginning to grow, he decided that he would nap for awhile and under a lonely tree he found a small patch of shade and rested there.
We shall transfer.
(L channeling)
His rest was brief. It seemed that he had slept but a moment when he gradually realized that the song seemed louder, somehow more insistent. He moved uncomfortably this way and that, trying to drown out the song, but each time that sleep approached it seemed to tug at his sleep, urging him back to awareness.
In despair, he arose, again shouldered his bundle and moved again onto the road, plodding on, tired yet feeling a sense of correctness in again undertaking his journey, for as he progressed, the road seemed to rise to his feet, his bundle seemed lightened and though still tired he felt that the rhythm of his paces in some manner supported him, soothed his aching, and the song seemed to pull him onward.
By nightfall he had traveled a great distance and again sought the comfort of rest. He lay upon the ground seeking sleep. Yet as he dreamed, the road was before him, and as his body rested, he still traveled in his mind further and further, following the endless road.
When morning came, he arose, shouldered his pack and again strode forward. The way seemed easier now, as though somehow he had traveled this road before, and, indeed, many things seemed different. The sun seemed to shine as a friend now rather than beating down fiercely. The air seemed in some manner richer and full of life, so different from the brittle, arid air of his childhood home, and along with the constant companionship of the song within his ears, he was able to hear a gentle murmuring from somewhere before him.
By mid-afternoon the murmuring had become a rhythmic pulse, the voice of eons of tides breaking against a shoreline, and for the first time the boy beheld an enormous quantity of water, so great that he had never dreamed that it could exist. He approached it cautiously and with reverence. From the land of his childhood water was the wealth through which survival was purchased, and before him lay a sea so vast that its shores curved away gently into the distant horizon.
We shall now transfer.
(Carla channeling)
The boy moved towards the vast body of water which lay before him, tentatively touched it with his bare and dusty feet, and with a shout, waded into the breakers upon the shore. His joy, however, was short-lived as he found he could not swallow this water. He looked again for the road but the road ended at the ocean, and he was no longer in the land which he understood. He did not know how to find water. It came to him that he had not seen a single soul in all his journeying. Yet still he heard the song.
And so he knelt upon the sand and held out his arms with their palms upward. He spoke to no one in particular, yet he had to speak and he did so beseechingly, saying, “I know not why I began this journey, and I know not whether it might lead from here as the road disappears. Oh, singer of the song, speak to me and tell me what I must do.” All day he prayed thusly and there was no answer, only the continuation of the song. In the deep blue gloaming that lives briefly before the dusk deepens to night, the young man decided to go backwards, to retrace his steps, to live in the home of his mother. But the road had disappeared, and so he knelt once again lost, lonely, confused. “Oh, singer of the song,” he said, “ I have changed my life because of the beauty of the music. Are you only a siren to lead me astray that I may never again see home or kindred? To what terrible purpose is this song sung that leads to the thirst of death?”
With dawn came the first sight of another being which the young boy had experienced upon the journey. A small ship lay at anchor and a boat had been dispatched to the shore. The man who rowed shipped his oars, beached the small boat and came to where the young man lay, deep in prayer. The young man looked up, astonished. “Are you the singer of the song,” he said? The other man only smiled and shook his head, “No. I am a fellow traveler,” and that was all he said as he offered the young man a seat in the small boat which he began to row out towards the ship. The young boy said, “If you are a fellow traveler upon my journey, how do you know the path?” The other man shook his head. “I do not know the path. I seek the path.” This did not make sense to the young man. He said, “I too seek the path and the singer of the song but when I wished to go back to the home of my mother, I could not even find the path which I had traveled.”
The other man smiled as he helped the young boy aboard the ship. “You will learn many things, you will experience great joys and sorrows. And there will be those who are companions along the way when you need them. Water, fresh water …”
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Carla channeling)
“… fresh water when you need it, all things as you need them. Yet,” he said, “you will find that your journey has changed you. I cannot give you comfort in offering a road that goes backwards. You will never again be who you were when you first heard the song. You will never visit the home of your mother, for even were you to go there now, you would be a stranger to her. Your ways would be strange and your thinking outlandish, for you hear the song; she hears the insects as they sing their summer’s anthem.”
’Carla’ Wrote:I’ve been trying to work my way through the feeling that I should be dead. It seems very irrational, but my feeling for my friend, Don, is such that I feel that I failed him in an attempt to save him. I have sought professional help with the doctors that work with the mind and the body and although my grief or guilt or both are somewhat softened by the medicine that I’m given, I never know when I’ll get an attack of such a depth of sadness that it does seem in all honesty quite logical that I should have been dead, and I feel quite guilty at remaining. Now this does not fit with the true facts, so I know that I’m a little bit crazy right now. And I wonder what suggestions you might have that I might link up the crazy self with the one that knows that she did absolutely everything only after a lot of prayer, a lot of thought, and a hundred and ten percent trying. The two simply don’t seem want to become one.
’Latwii’ Wrote:In short, my sister, we say to you, look not just at a portion of your journey; look to its overall length and breadth and attempt to move as the Creator would move through you, that your will might be given over. Even in your despair give it over to the one Creator. Let it be worked upon, and let it return to you as renewed faith and a renewed will to learn and to serve within this illusion that at times seems tedious and endless but when viewed from without is but a short, brilliant burst of opportunity and light.
You want another story? Okay.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0808.aspx Wrote:Once upon a time there was a wooded copse, a beautiful leafy glade, and within that small forest lived many creatures that you would call spirits of nature; others have called them fairies and elves. To them, the smallest peony was as a towering tree and the red clover was enough to make a roof for their house.
We shall transfer.
(C channeling)
This world was to this fairy an idyllic place of beauty of peace and harmony between yourself and nature. They took not but they couldn’t give back and lived in quiet serenity for some time.
We will transfer.
(Jim channeling)
These entities felt the great peace of oneness, yet in that peaceful unity, there was something that was missing, for though their daily routine provided all that was needed for their simple sustenance, there still was felt in each the yearning for something more, and on certain occasions these entities would gather in what you might call a council circle. There were at these times, shall we say, certain ritualized celebrations. Yet the heart of the council was the attempt to resolve the matter of what was lacking in the lives which seemed so rich and full of pleasure, of harmony, and of peace.
We shall now transfer.
(C channeling)
Into this setting at times creatures other than the small fairy folk would enter. Most were passive forest dwellers seeking sustenance from nature with whom which [the] small fairy folk existed harmoniously. But it came that into this setting entered one different from any the small fairy folk had ever encountered. It seemed strange to them, for instead of harmony it seemed to emote a discord.
We will transfer.
(Carla channeling)
This entity, so unlike the forest denizens, stood upright and was even taller than the peony bush. It was a five-year-old boy, and he was deeply troubled because he saw things he did not understand. But he was unafraid, and knelt down and put his face very close to the ground to speak with it. “Who are you?” he asked. All the nature spirits laughed and said, “Oh, we are the spirits of nature. Call us the folk of Fairy. We cause your flowers to bloom, your trees to grow tall, your grass to smile in the sunshine. We tell the butterflies when to pop from their cocoons and we speak to the busy insects. We have converse with all that is within our ken.” “Oh,” said the little boy. “You are so beautiful. Can you fly with your wings?” “Of course,” said the fairies, “Would you like to see us?” And they took a gigantic flight all the way up to the top of the peony bush and back down again. “Ohh!” said the little boy, clapping his hands and making thunder roll for the fairies. “That was splendid. And can you show me where I lost my marbles last year, for I was shooting near here.” “Of course,” said the fairies, if you speak of those huge boulders that we cannot move.” “Yes, yes,” said the little boy.
We will transfer.
(Unknown channeling)
The little boy was delighted that he had found beings such as the fairy folk, and his troubled mind at their unusual nature was soon put to rest by their gleeful acceptance of his questions and presence. He had many questions for them concerning how he saw his world, questions that the five-year-old mind ponders frequently and with much determination. He asked if they grew old, and when they replied that they grew very old and did not die, he compared their situation to the one he knew was true for his family and friends, where death had been known once or twice. And he asked what was the meaning of the life and the meaning of the death. And they began to explain that in their lives meaning was found in the services which they provided to the various plants and animals which appreciated assistance in carrying out their normal functions of growing and blooming, living and dying.
We shall now transfer.
(S channeling)
As the little boy pondered the growth and blooming and death of the flowers and the other things that were found in this fairyland, he seemed to become somewhat less fearful, for had not the flowers brought beauty to his world and to the world of the fairies, and had they not returned that which had been given to them by the little ones who had aided in its growth and development? The little boy pondered similar, and wondered if he too might be as this flower who would grow and become strong and with the help of many from his own world be able to return that which was done for him. He thought of the many times he had been caressed when he had fallen and skinned a knee. He thought of the many kisses planted on his cheek so that he might sleep feeling safe, secure and loved, and he thought of the happy faces which greeted him in the morning and prepared his breakfast and sent him off to school.
And he wondered if he had been returning all the smiles and warmth and love that was brought to him by those around him. And he thought to himself, “Perhaps I am not showing my appreciation for these gifts that I am indeed so grateful for. Perhaps I should make my gratitude known so that those who are dear to me will realize that I appreciate the caresses, the kisses, the smiling faces, and the touch of one who loves me.” He pondered similar and made up his mind to return home and plant a kiss on his mother’s cheek, though she was not going to bed, and give her a big hug, though she had not skinned her knee, and to tell her he loved her for no apparent reason other than he wanted to be sure that she knew.
We will transfer.
(Carla channeling)
Before he left the glade that day, he thanked the folk of Fairy and told them of his plans. They laughed merrily as they so often did, and one of them said to him a bit shyly, “Perhaps you do not need to speak of where you found this wisdom.” “Oh perhaps,” said the boy rather absentmindedly. He jingled his clanking marbles together in his pocket, and practiced whistling all the way home. His mother was in the kitchen. “Hi, mom.” “Hello, dear,” was the reply. “Bend down, mom, because I’m going to plant a kiss on your cheek, just like you plant the roses in the garden.” Laughing, the mother bent down. “And I am going to give you a big hug,” he said. “This is my lucky day,” laughed his mother. “I love you, mom,” said the little boy.
His mother, glad enough to have the embrace, looked at him and smiled. “Now, what put that in your head?” said his mother. “Oh, the little people.” “What?” said the mother. Then the little boy remembered what the fairy had said: “Do not tell them of us.” But the mother had heard. “What little people?” Said the boy, “Oh, just little people in the forest that make things grow and found my marbles that I lost last year.” His mother sat him down carefully. “Now, listen son,” she said, “I’m very happy that you found them, but you know there are no such thing as little people in the forest.”
We shall transfer.
(C channeling)
The boy’s mother was unable to understand what the little boy’s openness and innocence had allowed him to see in the forest. She was afraid that because the small boy was seeing and hearing entities in the forest, that he was not living in the real world but in one of imagination.
We will transfer.
(Jim channeling)
The little boy had discovered that those things and thoughts of most importance to himself were often not exactly shared by those around him, and he began to realize the wisdom of the fairy creature’s warning not to speak of the presence of little folks in the woods. He began to consider that what he had learned of love and of expressing it to those whom he dearly loved could be done better than it could be described. And thus, he began to show what he knew in his actions and to be somewhat shy with his words. Yet, his being radiated the love which the little folks had aided in its growth just as they aided the growth of the flowers, the trees, and the birthing of the butterflies.
We shall now transfer.
(Carla channeling)
One …
(Side one of tape ends.)
(Carla channeling)
One day he put down his school books, for he had become older and begun school, and went as he so often had before to the lovely copse where he had so often spent a happy hour. He could no longer find the little people. “Where are you,” he cried, “Where are you?” Carefully he got down upon his knees and began to peer under the clover. “I am so afraid I will step on you”, he said. The fairy folk watched him, knowing that the world had finally become more real to him than the kingdom of the Creator. Safe in their own dimension from any stepping feet, and filled with the greatest of love, they watched their young friend, the giant among them. His blond hair picked leaves from the bushes, and his eyes were blue and wide with distress. “Where are you, where are you?” he cried. His tears began to fall. “My friends,” said the king of the folk of Fairy, “It is for this divine gift that we sit in circle and do our rituals, for as wise as we are, we do not have the gift of tears. We do not have the love that cries for loss, for all has become one to us. And yet we remember. Mark well, my people, as you grow old but do not die, this precious gift.”
We shall transfer.
(C channeling)
The fairy folk watched the boy, saw that he was experiencing something they were unable to know, for to them was given all they needed to exist in a finely arranged harmony, but [he] existed within a harmony they were denied, an aspect of love that enabled love to search within, to draw forth the deeper understanding of the Creator. They had not the opportunity to grow by experience.
You want more stories. Well, alright, here are a few more. But you’re going to have to go to bed soon.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._1025.aspx Wrote:Tonight, my brothers and sisters, we would share with you a small story pertaining, perhaps, to ones such as yourselves. The story concerns a small child abandoned on a sea coast through an accident of his parents. The child left behind was forced to rely upon his own devices and his meager knowledge for survival in that his parents, lost as they were themselves, were unable to retrace their steps or recover the offspring of their actions.
The child wandered the seacoast, his ears and mind filled with the monotonous crashing of the sea, its hypnotic waves at times comforting him, at other times irritating in that they seemed almost able to communicate with him, yet not quite able. As the child grew he became less and less like his parents in that his seeking for food, for drink, for understanding, led him into many new and varied experiences that were not shared by those who had lost and later forgot [him]. Yet, the child never in his travels left the sea coast, for [this] message, although seemingly just beyond his ears, was ever a stimulus that drove him onward.
Finally the time came when the child stumbled across another of his race, although not of the family nor the tribe that had abandoned him. An old man sat quietly on the beach, the crashing waves stopping just short of his feet as he gazed sightlessly toward the horizon. The child was hesitant, for although he remembered the human form, he was disturbed by the serenity of the old man, for this was not familiar to him. As he slowly approached, he waited for the old man to turn his gaze unto his own, yet the old man continued staring out to sea until the boy stood at his feet. Finally the old man spoke.
“Do you know the answer?” was his question.
The boy hesitated, unsure of himself, unsure of this question. The old man again asked. “Do you know, child, what the voices say to you?” The boy, again unsure, shook his head. The old man gestured. The boy sat down alongside and began to listen. As the sun warmed them both, rising higher and higher in the sky, the boy became drowsy, his shoulder and then his head leaning gently against that of the old man. And as the waves continued to crash he began to dream and began to understand. He began to realize that the old man was himself; that the ocean was himself; that all who had gone before, that all who he attempted to rediscover, to meet again, were all himself. Gradually the young boy awakened. The old man was gone and yet the old man, a teacher, a sharer, was still there—for he was himself.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0207.aspx Wrote:We of Hatonn would like at this time to share with you a story, one in which a child is born, lives and dies in the manner of your density, yet accomplishes a great deal more than is obvious to those who shared his presence. The child of whom we speak was in no way outstanding, either physically or mentally. The child was of inauspicious parentage, having been raised of poor parents in a small village. When the child reached maturity he joined himself with a woman for he sought the comfort that this type of companionship could provide. As things progress in your density, the child grew older, fathered children, grew older again, and eventually died.
Not a very impressive tale of a life, you might assume, yet the child accomplished, in this brief lifespan, that which he set out to do. The learning which the individual had prescribed for himself prior to this incarnation did occur, and although this individual did not attain great wisdom, did not even obtain the realization of choice between service to self or service to others, still the individual attained that which he set out to do.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0606.aspx Wrote:My friends, there was once a great kingdom beneath the sea. Beneath the green waters and the sand lay golden doors. And some beings there were who under enchantment could enter that majestic world. In this world, my friends, there was no aging. There was no work. There was no ugliness or lack of any kind. All were beautiful. Each meal was a banquet, the only drawback being that the entities of this enchanted land could eat nothing.
We shall now transfer this contact. I am Hatonn.
(C channeling)
All was laid for the people. That which others could taste, select from, was denied. People found that though all was theirs, save this one thing, could not find contentment or peace for they could not have this one pleasure. Those who had lived within the kingdom for some time tried to ignore this thing. They went about their lives with one part missing. But for some, that which they did not know became ever heavier on their minds.
We now transfer.
(L channeling)
The people reacted to their difficulty in many ways. Some chose to respond in anger, choosing at first to blame one another for their deprivation. Others chose to feel within themselves antagonism toward the deprivation itself, and sought to destroy all that was associated with the untouchable, the unattainable. Others elected to attempt to forget that which they seemed unable to control. It became an accepted practice as time passed among these people, to ignore that which lay before their eyes, to pretend that it never had existed, and to belittle any reference on the subject as mythical, as childish fairy tale, as something absurdly illogical. “For if it were true,” they said, “would we not all see it?”
We shall now transfer our contact.
(Jim channeling)
Years passed. Generations grew to maturity, died, and left to their children many stories of the forbidden and mythical prohibition. Entities soon came to feel a great confusion concerning this almost forgotten tale of the great banquet set before their ancestors which could not be had. And then there arose from time to time among these people a few entities who spoke of having some knowledge of this food. Their speakings were largely ignored. Some, however, felt a type of kinship for what was spoken, perhaps because they had retained childish ways, said many. Yet, did some knowledge continue to grow, and word spread on occasion that there was indeed such a banquet, and indeed were means known to some for partaking in its plenty.
We will now transfer.
(Don channeling)
After much persuasion, one of these who knew of the means of partaking of the banquet was able to bring others to the appointed place where such a banquet was said to have been many, many years past. To the great surprise of all present, magically a banquet appeared. One reached eagerly for the delicious food, but as he touched it, it vanished. One who said he knew the means for taking of this reached out and picked a piece of fruit from the table, held it in his hand, and gave it to the one that so eagerly reached for the vanished fruit. Amazed, he ate it.
I will now transfer this contact.
(Carla channeling)
This entity, tasting the delicious fruit, took the example of the first and offered food to another, and that third offered it to a fourth, and so on until each at the table, in feeding each other instead of themselves, was satisfied. For no food had ever been so delicious, so luscious, and so delectable.
My friends, those who seek dive in deep waters, and very quickly a golden door is opened unto them. All about the seeker who is in meditation there is glamour, there is nothing but beauty. In meditation, the seeker can look, can explore, can walk the universe, and every activity is wonderful. But, my friends, as the seeker does this, he has not yet found the fruits of his seeking.
I will now transfer this contact.
(C channeling)
Each who finds himself beginning to reach the table soon finds that as an entity, they are not alone. As each gets closer, we find that to truly reach forward, they need to share that which has been found. Each does so in their own manner. Each who has received will find the giving is indeed more fulfilling.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0113.aspx Wrote:There was a time in your past, my friends, that for many, many of your years the people upon your planet were seeking, looking, striving. But my friends, they knew not of what they were looking. There seemed to be an ever-moving mirage in front of them. They would go one step, and that for which they were seeking, my friends, would seem to move three or four more in front of them. So, at one point, many of these people decided consciously to forget the mirage that never seemed to be within the grasp of actually holding in the hand. They saw more and more only what was a step in front of them, that they could pick up and hold to themselves and possess. This seemed like reality. This seemed to have some consequence within themselves, something with meaning, something they could physically see and have.
So, as time progressed, and as more and more of the peoples saw that there was an immediate pleasure in possessing things of their illusion, the mirage seemed to be forgotten.
We would like at this time to transfer this contact. I am Hatonn.
(A channeling)
I am Hatonn. And over the years as generations passed, the mirage was forgotten by many. A few spoke of it to their children, but there was uncertainty in their words, for the mirage was not something easily described with the words that could describe the food that was eaten, or the ground that was walked on. The children as they were told of the mirage would wonder of what it was, and once again footsteps started towards the mirage, and once again the mirage would take its three steps back. As the children grew older, many of them also started taking what was in reach, what could be seen and touched, and called this what was real, while a handful continued to seek for what they were not sure of, for the mirage which was in front of them, which they did not understand but wished to know.
There was no sure path ahead of them, no line which to follow, and the path was always laden with the temptations of something that could be held, touched and seen, smelled. But their desire was so strong to learn, to seek out more, that they were able to overcome the temptations, and not feel satisfied by them. Along the pathway these few individuals found that there were other similar people seeking the same mirage. A few of their elders also continued on, and they saw that a few children were also starting out on the path. There was some comfort in seeing others along the pathway, and this too almost caused them to stop seeking, to stop in the pathway with others, and to find the comfort from that as those before found comfort in the tangible objects that they owned.
And we would like to now transfer this contact. I am Hatonn.
(Jim channeling)
The journey which these people had long undertaken was one which had gained somewhat of a mysterious air among the few who still continued its path. Through there was some consolation to those pilgrims seeking the ever-changing mirage, this consolation was felt only by those few who undertook the arduous and seemingly profitless journey. By now most of the peoples had long forgotten that the possibility of such a journey existed. The illusion which had from time to time entranced the peoples had by now become quite heavy upon the shoulders of their consciousness, and their attention was weighted down with the necessity of day-to-day survival, and the accomplishing of those tasks which though as mundane and repetitive as could be imagined, yet were the focus for most in this culture.
There was from time to time the speaking that was heard from solitary voices within these peoples, which reminded the people that there was something beyond the illusion which was not mundane, nor was it boring, nor did it weigh heavily upon the existence and the attention and determination to live. The speaking often mentioned the illusive quality of the search, and did nothing to encourage the perception that the journey towards this mirage was easy. Therefore, few among the peoples listened, for already it was felt and generally accepted that life as it was was difficult enough. Why undertake yet more difficulty for that which could not be touched, could not be exhibited for others to see once it had been gained?
We shall now transfer this contact.
(Carla channeling)
I am Hatonn. And though all that is clay rebelled against considering that which was invisible, there came a time when clay mixed with the mirage, as that which is followed so long must most certainly take. And there was that being which was both clay and unearthly. The entity began to teach, and those things that he said seemed to move in and out of the world of clay. And as he said those things, he would extend a hand and a healing would occur, for part of the mirage was hope. And as he taught again, the heavens would open, and those about him would see the glory of the creation. This glory was part of the mirage. And yet again he would speak, and all that seemed broken in the beliefs of the past seemed to be made whole once again. For reconciliation is a part of the mirage. And again as he would speak, someone would spitefully scorn him and he would show love. For love above all is part and parcel of the mirage. And ultimately, when all the signs and wonders had been seen and news ran from mouth to mouth, this entity of clay and mirage was killed by those who feared him. And darkness, the darkness of clay, came to this people. And yet as they felt forsaken, so did a great light shine upon them and they saw the manifestation of the mirage personified and gone. Once again the people were left with a choice between that which could be seen to value and that which cannot be seen, but can be felt to value. However, the manifestation of the dream, having once been seen, was enough to instill within the hearts of those who sought the mirage, generation upon generation, hope, reconciliation, love and light.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0715.aspx Wrote:There was once a young boy who searched for freedom. He felt the restrictions of his parents as they asked him to do many chores and to live up to many expectations, many of which he was unable to fulfill, some of which he was. Yet he did not wish to differentiate between what he could and could not do. He simply wished to be free from all the expectations and from all the responsibility. And so this young man left his home and went out into the world to seek freedom. He quickly discovered that it was wise to furnish oneself with enough of your people’s money that he could buy those things which made him happy, and so he began to accumulate the accoutrements of freedom. He had libations that would make him feel very happy. He tried various chemicals that altered his consciousness and made him feel ecstasy. He chose among the pretty young girls and found sexual fulfillment to add to him happiness also. He bought the clothes that he liked, he lived the way that he liked, and for a while he was very happy because he had found his freedom.
There came a time when no libation made him truly happy, when no repetition of mind-altering drugs was enough to fulfill his needs for understanding, and even when no pretty girl could charm him completely, as he gazed only upon the outward portions, knowing nothing of the individual inside. And yet, he had formed his life around the premise that these things constituted freedom, and so he realized that he must reevaluate what freedom is, for one thing he was sure of, and that was that freedom carried with it a side effect, and that was happiness.
Upon reflection he realized that he had bonded himself in slavery to his own desires. Because those desires were not interesting for the maturing soul within, he had begun to get restless, yet still he must work even to eat and to have a place to sleep. He was in bondage, therefore, to a job he did not particularly like, and had even walked into that bondage gladly, finding it preferable to meeting the demands of other human beings. He had given himself all that he wanted and he had lost his freedom.
This man was truly puzzled, and so he began to search within himself for the desires that he might have that would be more interesting, that would make his bondage easier, for, indeed, he was in bondage to his appetite for food and for daily rest, these things he could not do without unless he was willing to risk the life of a person upon the street. This he was not willing to do; this freedom was too chaotic for him, and yet he wanted freedom. He knew that it existed and he was positive of its virtue.
Restless, often angry, this man grew in years, and took long to find his own answers. He began trying to see beneath the surface of things. He began putting down his personal roots out of instinct more than any knowledge. He found and eventually married a woman whose thoughts he preferred, and in time a family grew, the son now becoming the father, the child the husband, and once again he was asked to be responsible for much, far much more than he had been asked to be responsible for as a child. And again there were expectations he could fulfill and there were expectations he could not fulfill.
As the years passed, it became very evident to this man that he had found his freedom, for he had found things to love. He found that it was possible with communication to express the difference between those things he could do and those things he could not, and that he had chosen a woman who was able to release him from those things he could not do and to praise him in gratitude for those things he could do. He found himself asking a great many things of his wife and his children, and in wonderment began to find himself a culprit in expecting too much from others, in failing to differentiate between what they could do and what they could not do.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._1202.aspx Wrote:We of Hatonn desire to share with you this night a simple tale concerning a young child who chose to travel among others of his nation. The child of whom we speak was young, yet not afraid, for the child in truth had yet to learn to fear his other selves, as we know this is an acquired trait. The child then was able to wander fearlessly through forest, through city, to experience many new sensations, for in being young and without fear, the child perceived no distinction between himself and the other occupants of his world, both of second and third dimension. To the child, with untrained mind, the blessings of this world were shared equally by both second and third density creatures, although to the child, those of the second density seemed much less resistant to accepting that bounty which was their own. The child then was peacefully able to extend and receive that love which is available to and from all things and was able to travel peacefully and unendangered through the expanses referred to as wilderness.
Eventually, the child sought in loneliness the company of his own kind, for it is of the nature of entities to interact with those of common inheritance so as to develop the social memory complex. The child in seeking such interaction found instead bafflement, for those to whom the child extended love eyed the child with suspicion and returned only that which you call distrust or hatred. The child persisted, for being familiar with the fact that patience was enough to overwhelm and gain the trust of other creatures, felt confident that in time the rapport would be established and the sharing would occur. The child unfortunately had a patience of the soul that exceeded the patience of the physical vehicle, and eventually the child’s physical body died.
At this point, my brothers and sisters, one might look upon the experiences of this child as a wasted incarnation, for the child was unable to establish any apparent communication or receive any apparent acceptance from others of his social memory complex, and in the passing of the physical vehicle one might be tempted to observe that the potential value passed also. But, my brothers and my sisters, consider if you will the blessings imparted upon a confused whole by the small part of the whole which had, however briefly, obtained a sense of inner balance. Consider, if you will, the effect of one such individual, however young, upon those about him. Is it not true, my brothers and my sisters, that the plant, however unaware of the source of its light will nonetheless thrive and grow in its presence? My brothers and sisters, if your awareness extends truthfully beyond that of your green accomplices on your planet, how then can your lives be unaffected by the presence of one of such beauty within your world or your lives however fleetingly?
We would suggest, my friends, that those who have ears may perceive those among you who serve in the role of guides or pathfinders for the rest, but we would remind you also that those who fail to hear or have not the eyes to see are nonetheless served quite magnificently by those who break the trail, marking the signposts for those who would eventually choose to follow. My friends, remember with pleasure and with love those who may have gone before seemingly unheard, for in truth the echoes of their efforts still resound throughout your spheres of existence.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0113.aspx Wrote:Once upon a time there was a tavern by the side of an old muddied road. Those who frequented this tavern came to it by horseback or walked, never rode in a carriage, for it was not a wealthy tavern but the tavern of those who work hard and long for the little pittance that enables all for whom they are responsible to live. Through the years, the farmers, the herdsmen, and those who ran the toll upon the toll road came to be in such a habit of coming to this tavern that it became something other than a tavern, it became a haven.
We now transfer.
(Jim channeling)
Many would come to this tavern, not just for the drink and food which were available, but for the certain kind of comradeship which those who labor long and hard for their living enjoy after a day’s laboring has been finished. The means of joining in this companionship were such that those who came enjoyed the journey there, whether on foot or on horseback, with a certain kind of childlike anticipation, for this time and place of gathering was as a reward for the labors of the day. To meet with friends at such a time and place became a cherished portion of many in this area. There was a certain vibration which grew about this tavern as a result of those who came often and found a relief within the walls of this humble structure.
We shall transfer.
(C channeling)
The vibration was such that soon the tavern became known to others who, though not a part of the local peoples, needed a time, a place to relieve the hardships in which they lived. These people sought to be one with those who were gathered. They made the tavern such a place of good feeling that the peoples of the tavern always welcomed those who felt the need to be a part of the tavern.
We would transfer.
(Carla channeling)
One steady customer had a wife who was legendary for her scolding and her nagging, but at the tavern the man was never scolded nor nagged. He became someone other than the person that worked so hard in the fields only to be scolded upon his return. One person who came to the tavern had no knack for keeping his money, as he gambled and lost over and over again, spending what would be food for his wife and his children at the gaming tables. But at the tavern his friends bought him rounds, and he was no longer without money. Another one who came was ugly in countenance and yet to his friends he looked hearty, healthy and fine. Every trouble that one can imagine was spread among the common people, and as they worked all the day long they did not have the leisure to work out any grand plan for reform, any grand way to fix what was broken, to heal that which needed healing. Their only answer was to go to the tavern.
We shall transfer.
(Jim channeling)
As the progression of entities continued to pour in and out of the tavern hall, there was much of good cheer which was shared within the walls so that those who joined there could drink not only of the drinks at the bar, but of the accumulated good cheer which was found within those walls. Each person there was aware that there was amongst them a power or force which each was a part of. It was not directly spoken of, yet within the heart of each there was the recognition that this place and these people were of special nature. Each there cherished this experience and looked forward to its transformative effect, whether consciously or without thought, for the magnetic effect that was born of this gathering in this place was such that it did indeed take on a form, an energy of its own.
We shall transfer.
(C channeling)
My friends, those who gathered in the tavern were able to leave the masks that they wore outside of it within the flowing of energies as each saw the other without the appearance that each had manufactured to cope with the hardships that were outside. Within the tavern, each saw the other’s essence, the love that was each and flowed between each.
My friends, as they gathered in the tavern, so do you gather together for … We are experiencing some difficulty in our contact with this instrument as he has not done this for some time. We ask the instrument to relax and let the channeling flow, and not to reach out for it. My friends, as you gather together and focus your energies together …
We would transfer as this instrument is feeling anxious and asks that we would relinquish the contact.
We transfer.
(Carla channeling)
We are Hatonn, and greet you again in love and light. We ask your patience as we continue to adjust our contact with the one known as C. This instrument may experience more comfort as we slowly relinquish the vocal portion of the contact, offering of course, as always, the basic carrier wave of our vibration that it may aid in the deepening of the meditative state and in the alertness and focus of the meditation. We shall continue.
My friends, as those who glean and reap and labor long came to the tavern, just so do you come to such a group as this. You know that it has been written in your holy works that when two or three are gathered that which is asked will be given. The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and each of you being a portion of the group are healers of yourselves and of each other, for the light which can be offered from a group gathered in search of the one original Thought is that of very great intensity compared to the strength of one who seeks in solitude. The polarization is very much greater, which causes the light to develop a color, a bloom, even a song, a melody that enhances the wisdom for which each seeks.
Each of you, my friends, is that which is purely magical. Each of you has to some extent because of your work, your labors, your occupations, and your preoccupations hidden from yourself the magic of your own being. However, in a group such as this that magic is seen, each by the other, so that each may be healer for each, each may care for each, each may love each. And so a spiral of energy begins, glowing golden and white, and by the ending of such a group, whether it be a tavern, a meditation meeting, or any other place where those of good cheer gather with those for whom they care, it matters not the nature of the group, it is the fruit of such a group that is so healing. It is from such experiences that you may begin to consider your own magical nature. How could you without your masks be the people that you are at this moment, loving and loved, deeply one with each other? How could this be except that it is a deeper portion of your nature than your masks.
My friends, as we watch your people use the daylight hours in endless work and then use the evening hours in distraction, we become aware that most of your peoples do not know and do not care that they are magical and that they are capable of seeking truth. Yet it is so deep a part of the nature of each entity that consciously or unconsciously each entity will seek for groups which are magical to which each may lend his own energy, his own brilliance and fire and power and peace. Never be self-conscious or analyze too much the magic of such groups. It is only important that you know that you are at this very moment each a healing force to each other, each supporting each other, and at the same time as you sit in the darkness, there is a radiation which is a source of light for those whom you will never know, never see, of whom you will never be aware, but who are being healed in some way by the change in vibration that resonates in some way with these strangers. You are larger than you think. You are better than you think. Seek and know the truth. Look at yourself through the eyes of your friends and discover your purity, your beauty, your delightfulness. Never trust yourself until you are secure and comfortable with the sense of your own magical, pure, lovable and beautiful nature. Whatever else you are, you are these things too and these things most profoundly. In your meditations rejoin this group. The energy will still be there, the feeling, support, and the love will still be there. The truth will be yours alone, for each shall find his own truth with help from friends.
https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issue..._0223.aspx Wrote:We wish to tell you a parable, a little story. Once upon a time there was an old man who with his trusty walking stick was making his way through the cobblestones of the village in which he had lived and his father before him and his father before him. This man had married and yet his wife had died, and in dying had lost their only unborn child. More than years bent the old man’s back as he picked his way along the cobblestones.
We shall transfer.
(S channeling)
The instrument is feeling our vibration but is extremely nervous this evening due to a thought process that she has been going through, one in which she does not feel that she is able to actually serve as an instrument, is afraid to be wrong. Let us assure her that these doubts are a normal process that each new instrument goes through, not to analyze or try to sense ahead in the story or be afraid that it is her imagination and not our words.
The old man felt very lonely and desolate. He wandered through the town and saw many familiar faces, for as he grew up in that town, it was a small town, a small village in which he knew each and every person, their children by name. In the past he had always attained great comfort in this village but today he felt alone. He felt he had lost his only life in the loss of his great love, his wife and the baby he had yet to meet but yet loved with all his heart.
We transfer to allow this instrument the opportunity to relax.
(Jim channeling)
On this day as the old man wandered through the village, his burden of grief and concern brought into his mind a new idea. And upon this idea, this inspiration, he decided to act. With but a few possessions and his trusted walking stick, he set out of the village and began to make a journey over a nearby pass of mountains and wandered for as far as his legs would carry him for the first day. As he journeyed, he felt a certain peace within, and though he knew not his final destination, there was a small measure of comfort that he took as he journeyed.
We shall now transfer.
(Carla channeling)
Soon the sun grew low in the west and he made camp and rested. And is (inaudible) a procession of days and nights the old man journeyed far until he was so many miles from his village that no one ever had heard of him. No one knew the man with the walking stick, and at first the old man was lonelier than ever and wished that he had not forsaken his home. Here he felt no one would love him. Here he felt no one would pick him up should he fall, tend him if he grew ill, wipe away his tears, and though love whispered in the trees, murmured along the grasses, his ear did not hear nor did his eyes see until the day when he indeed did become very ill as his heart failed him, and he went to his knees upon the dusty trail just outside another small and unknown village.
(S channeling)
He lay on the ground feeling very much alone, though surrounded by trees and the sky and the flowers nearby. He felt that he was alone in the universe. As the old man lay there with his walking stick nearby, some children passing came upon him. One knelt down to wipe the hair from his brow while another ran home for help. The man lay there wondering, “How can these children help me?” and yet received tremendous love and comfort in the light, cool touch of this little child’s caring hand. Before long, he awoke to find himself in a bed in a room full of people who, though [they] had strange faces, had very familiar eyes. The eyes of these people in this small town were the same eyes that he had loved in the town behind. Women served him broth, a man built a fire, children laughed in the other room. Although he knew not their names, nor where he was, he recognized the same sounds, the sameness of people and the caring in these people in this new village.
We transfer.
(Jim channeling)
As he lay upon the bed, many thoughts passed through the old man’s mind. He began to think on the times that he had spent in his home village with his wife and how they had hoped for such a long time to have a family of their own. He treasured these memories and thought much about the feelings that he and his wife had shared. Now as he looked about him, he saw many new faces, yet the eyes and the caring were old and familiar as friends, and he thought to himself that there must be some meaning here, for he had just undertaken a long journey through unfamiliar terrain and had nearly seen his life pass before his eyes. And now there was about him a great expression of love and compassion. The old man knew that there was here a caring which was like unto that that he had known with his wife and friends, that could not be changed by location or time and somehow this gave him hope. He looked then into other portions of his life and those things that he desired and had felt would never be his to see if there was perhaps a wider opportunity for these to also be a portion of his new discoveries.
We shall transfer.
(Carla channeling)
As he pondered and as he recovered, he found himself quite often in the company of one particular young man. This young man was drawn to the traveler, and together they spoke of many things and shared many thoughts. The old man discovered that his young friend was only six months younger than his own child would have been had his wife borne him and the young man became more and more enamored of the traveler. They spoke of his falling and the miracle the old man felt had happened when small children were able to mobilize a village in aid of a stranger.
We shall transfer.
(S channeling)
The young man had been dissatisfied with his life in a small town, had been dreaming of traveling to a new and exciting larger village in which to find the happiness that he was seeking. By sharing and talking with this traveler he began to realize the experiences of this old traveler were ones where he could learn from, that the larger town that he had been dreaming of did not have the answer, was no different, would hold the same eyes as the town in which he was presently living. And through the eyes of his friend, the old traveler, he began to see his own village, though tiny, with a new sense, a new awareness. He felt the kindness and the love that had banded together to help the old man. He heard the laughter of the children through new ears. He saw the young girls through a new heart and realized the happiness that he was seeking could be found in the small village in which he lived. He need not venture on a long journey as the traveler had done, for he took that long journey through his sharing in the awarenesses gained through his friend.
Well, that’s enough stories for tonight. You go to sleep now and dream your own stories. Perhaps the themes of these tales will inspire you to explore some interesting new pathways through your own consciousness?