1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - Printable Version

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1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - Plenum - 08-10-2014

in recent times, I have been wondering about the nature of astrology and how deep it's influence is.

Ra spoke a little of it:

The root of astrology, as you speak it, is one way of perceiving the primal distortions which may be predicted along probability/possibility lines given the, shall we say, cosmic orientations and configurations at the time of the entrance into the physical/mental complex of the spirit and at the time of the physical/mental/spiritual complex into the illusion.

This then has the possibility of suggesting basic areas of distortion. There is no more than this. The part astrology plays is likened unto that of one root among many.

this is what Hatonn had to offer:

Hatonn Wrote:D: What could you all … do you see any value in using astrology as a tool to understanding cycles—the sort of cycles you spoke about earlier?

I am with the instrument. I am Hatonn. We are aware of your question. It is a difficult one to answer.

There are many occult sciences, shall we say, such as astrology, which have some use. They have been largely misused among your peoples as a way of prophesying, and this has overtones of infringing upon free will by suggestion. This is not in line with the law of the Creator, which is one of free will and love. Your world is not deterministic, and your stars, shall we say, are merely pointers pointing the way, as you know, to the basic structure of your Earthly personalities. You are also provided with a will which, following the laws of the Creator, can totally transform the basic Earthly personality, if it so desires; most often it does not. Therefore, the system or language, such as astrology, has its purpose in simply helping the aspiring student of himself to begin to understand what it is he is dealing with, what his basic problems are, what his assets might be, etc.

In the determination of cycles, we might compare the value of astrology to the value of an almanac in determining the planting and the reaping of a crop. There is some technical value to knowing what the new moon is, what the full moon is, but you must know what you plan to plant, and this astrology does not tell you any more than the almanac can tell you by a simple explanation of the phases of the moon. The almanac, like astrology, can be mistaken about the precise placement of storms, be they weather storms or storms of emotion that sweep over those in your illusion. Consequently, astrology, just like the almanac, can lead you astray if you are too literal-minded, if you do not rely most completely on your own hunches, on your own intuition, on your own feelings.

Perhaps the best use of astrology and many of the other disciplines, such as tarot, numerology, and the others, is as a focusing point, shall we say, for the psychic power of the individual. It may be quite small to begin with, but by working through this particular system, your own power of intuition begins to develop, and you see more than what is in the stars or in the cards or in the numbers, and you see better. You, unlike the stars, are creatures of compassion and love. The stars in their courses are, indeed, determined. You, my friends, have free will. Thus, we ask you to approach astrology as everything else, in a cautionary manner, trusting most reliably on your own senses, both outer and inner—your common sense and your intuitive sense.

do you use astrology much in your life?

RE: 1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - Billy - 08-11-2014

I love reading what hatonn has to say about anything really. I feel so much love coming from their words.

RE: 1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - sarakhan - 09-20-2014

nice post...............

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RE: 1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - Diana - 09-20-2014

I know a little about astrology. It's only a hobby. Smile

I use astrology in a way similar to what is described above. I do know the basics. But when I look at a chart, I only read it intuitively and let connections rise up in my mind. So if a friend comes over and I look at a chart, I tell the friend that it must be open-ended as I meander through and could take a couple of hours.

However, I will say that it's useful to know what influences the planets may be having in your particular configuration. For instance, Mars is energy, but can manifest as anger. So if Mars is transiting your first house (self), it is a heads up to know you might be feeling anger at yourself. This doesn't tell you anything per say, but gives you an objective standpoint from which to look at that anger and explore why it might be bubbling up—rather than just reacting to the angry feelings and looking outside of yourself for its source.

There is also something I always look at for a person: The nodes of the moon, called the dragon's head and tail. The south node (dragon's tail) indicates where you have come from and already learned (past lives possibly), and the north node (dragon's head) points to what you need to learn in this lifetime.

The natal chart is the most accurate, which includes the rising sign. A solar chart, based on the birth date alone will give you a lot of information. But the natal chart, which also requires the time of day and place you were born, will give you more information about specific areas of your life (self, relationships, family, hidden things, etc., that derive from the house placements).

RE: 1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - zvonimir - 09-20-2014

can you provide an example for me\us ,i can share all info you need and give you a feedback on it?

are you willing to try? i am curious to know ....

RE: 1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - Diana - 09-20-2014

(09-20-2014, 01:36 PM)zvonimir Wrote: can you provide an example for me\us ,i can share all info you need and give you a feedback on it?

are you willing to try? i am curious to know ....

Give me your birth date, time of day you were born (including the minutes), and the town/city, state, country. I would also want to know whether you are male or female.

Then, you must allow me a couple of weeks to get to it. Smile

RE: 1979.08.02 Hatonn on Astrology - Jamie35 - 09-20-2014

Astrology is rather a subjective form of trying to learn information that is impossible for most of humanity to obtain in the moment due to distortions perpetuated and forced upon a people by their hyper dimensional controllers. It's literally easy to lead a human astray, changing historical events to create a figurehead for the people to pray to that never existed and was based upon another man that, to place information and not see the corresponding events that maybe a virus occurred after a meteorite impact or explosion in the air are related.

Gurdjieff Says:

Quote:"Do you know the Armenian fairy tale of the wolf and the sheep?

Once there lived a wolf who slaughtered a great many sheep and reduced many people to tears.

At length I do not know why, he suddenly felt qualms of conscience and began to repent his life; so he decided to reform and to slaughter no more sheep.

In order to this seriously he went to a priest and asked him to hold a thanksgiving service.

The priest began the service and the wolf stood weeping and praying to the church. The service was long. The wolf had slaughtered many of the priest's sheep, therefore the priest prayed earnestly that the wolf would indeed reform. Suddenly the wolf looked through a window and saw that sheep were being driven home. He began to fidget but the priest went on and on without end.

At last the wolf could contain himself no longer and he shouted -- "Finish it priest! Or all the sheep will be driven home and I shall be left without supper!"

This is a very good fairy tale because it describes man very well. He is ready to sacrifice everything, but after all today's dinner is a different matter.

A man always wishes to begin with something big. But this is impossible; there can be no choice, we must begin with the things of today."

What exactly is Gurdjieff talking about? It has something to do with thee essence of the state of humanity. As above so below, as with human to animal is negative alien beings to humans, and in what way are we food to them. Gurdjieff speaks of "We are food for the moon." So how does this correlate with astrology, let us continue on the same page as G speaks about astrology:

Quote:One of us asked him what his views on astrology were, whether there was anything of value in the more or less known theories of astrology.

"Yes," said G, "it depends upon how they are understood. They can be a value and they can be without value. Astrology deals with one part of man, with his type, his essence--it does not deal with personality, with acquired qualities. If you understand this you understand what is of value in astrology."

G does something to prove his point:

Quote:As we left the park G stopped talking and was going a few steps ahead of us. We five walked behind him talking together. In going round a tree G dropped the stick--ebony with a Caucasian silver handle--he was carrying and one of us bent down, picked it up, and gave it to him. G walked on for a few steps, then turned to us and said: "That was astrology. Do you understand? You all saw me drop the stick. Why did you pick it up? Let each of you speak for himself?"

So the five man spoke to each other to figure out the riddle that G gave them and then G spoke briefly again on the subject of astrology:

Quote:"This is astrology," he said. "In the same situation one man sees and does one thing, another -- another thing, a third -- a third thing, and so on. And each one acted according to his type. Observe people and yourselves in this way and then perhaps we will afterwards talk of a different form of astrology."

Source: In Search of the Miraculous, By: PD Ouspensky, pgs 366-367

Another form of looking at astrology is to consider the Law of Seven as it relates to the Exoteric Cycle of where most of humanity resides which is in the state of non existence and of not being being in a state of true consciousness, there's a lot more information that goes beyond astrology but I believe this sums up little more on the subject related to this topic:

First of all draw a circle and:

Quote:The Atom of the Absolute is indivisible and has no small I's, the entity is fully aware, and has full control, therefore is man 7. The musical shock of Do.

The Atom of all Worlds is divisible by three I's, it is objective but cannot retain information therefore is man 6 and has the musical shock of Re.

The Atom of the Milky Way is divisible by 6 small I's and is a student of learning to be objective, is man number 5 corresponding to the musical shock of Mi

Now we can relate to astrology:

Quote:The Atom of the Sun is divisible by 12 small I's of the personality, it is the beginning of learning to become a free entity consciously, man number 4 is still subjective and is the musical note fa.

The Atom of the Planetary World divisible by 24 small I's of the personality, it is Mercury, and Jupiter. Interestingly note that man number 3 is subjective yet learns objective information is a man of knowledge a yogi, yet the yogi struggles to truly understand the information that has been obtained. Musical shock is sol.

The Atom of Earth has 48 small I's, if correct from memory it is associated with the Ascendent. It is man number 2 on the path of the monk. It is devout, religious, but is subjective and often stuck in their belief's. Musical shock is la.

The atom of the Moon has 96 small I's, it is considered to be the most important placement in vedic astrology, whereas the sun is in the west. The moon is how you think, it is how we think that is how we think, it is how we perceive, and how we are controlled. It is the path of the fakir, man number 1 serves to turn on our 12 strains of DNA when it is understood, it helps us to suffer. Yet though a way of control it is also a way to gain freedom when it is understood, it is the si note of shock that we must experience as a race to wake up in this illusion, for we are in a farm. Our emotions wave from one thought to the next, it creates emotion and chaos, for emotion is an illusion and it fools us into believing that love is primal when love is something that we do not understand because we do not have it. Though we subjectively pursue love that we do not understand. Man number one is the most subjective man, yet the lowest of the three serves serves us as a means of escape.

Source: Gnosis Book 1: The Exoteric Cycle, By: Boris Mouravieff