The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - Printable Version

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The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - vervex - 07-13-2014

Hello everyone,
I've very recently decided to dedicate some of my time to writing about spirituality. You'll find on my blog called The Blooming Mind ramblings, contemplation and ideas about topics of interest relevant to my journey. I suspect a lot of what will be shared on this blog will also have been inspired by the Law of One, material which I always found myself in resonance with. And so I am sharing this today in case it might spark interest in some of you. Additionally, I will be posting the most relevant texts here directly. I invite you to share your own views, comments or questions if you have any. It's always a pleasure Smile

Quote:The Social Memory Complex Incarnating

"…the distortion of free will causes the social memory complex to appear as a possibility at a certain stage of evolution of mind. The purpose, or consideration which causes entities to form such complexes, of these social memory complexes, is a very simple extension of the basic distortion towards the Creator’s knowing of Itself, for when a group of mind/body/spirits become able to form a social memory complex, all experience of each entity is available to the whole of the complex. Thus the Creator knows more of Its creation in each entity partaking of this communion of entities." — Ra, The Law of One, 47.2

A social memory complex can be understood as a communion of entities which share similar distortions and a seeking of a unification with the Creator. In simpler terms, it could be explained as a great web composed of entities interacting consciously with each other in their spirit capacity. When the members of a specie reaches awareness of themselves and others as the Creator, a social memory complex may be born; an act born from great love and desire for unification. Members of a social memory complex experience unity, yet are still aware of their parts, or the manyness within the whole; a distortion which is not shed until the very last steps of the path towards complete consciousness of creation.

Pondering the nature of the social memory complex in its incarnate capacity, it occurred to me during contemplative meditation that we, humans, may not always be as “exclusive” of a soul within a body as we believe ourselves to be. The vision which was presented to me goes as follow: Members of a social memory complex incarnate in order to experience catalyst and further balance themselves. When a social memory complex incarnates, it may take seemingly disparate parts of its whole, parts in provenance from what we would identify as entities, and unite them for the time of the incarnation. As it was presented to me, the parts which would most benefit from the incarnation at hand would be the ones which would join. Since those parts would already be unified as a social memory complex, they would inherently work harmoniously.

Furthermore, each incarnation expresses and experiences all its parts completely. If it seems some attributes are more salient than others within a person, it is because they are expressed externally in ways we have learned to recognize; in truth, all seeds of consciousness within the incarnating entity are very present and active. It can be said that some portions integrate seemingly more seamlessly and perhaps gracefully than others, resulting in this occasional perception of active versus passive attributes.

In conclusion, I propose the following: while some entities may incarnate individually, whenever a social memory complex is born, it may become possible and preferred to incarnate conjointly in order to maximize the benefits which would be, in my understanding, the healing of distortions as well as learning/teaching.

Who am I? I am one, I am many. But in the end, I am all.

Also a notable fact is that this is my second thread ever created on Bring4th, the first being my wanderer story. Woot Smile

RE: The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - Adonai One - 07-13-2014

After experiencing an identity crisis from the same finding, I support this.

RE: The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - Unbound - 07-13-2014

I would add that there are some cases, rarely, where the entire social memory complex chooses to incarnate together and in fact entities may consciously form a social memory complex for the sake of doing exactly that. Social memory complexes are not always large, some consist of only a few or dozen individuals.

RE: The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - AnthroHeart - 07-13-2014

I'd be afraid of others knowing my secrets in a social memory complex. I once thought I was part of one, and that I was being judged by many people. Perhaps in another life when I'm more innocent.

Though this aside, I've been wanting to be part of one.

RE: The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - vervex - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 06:28 AM)Tanner Wrote: I would add that there are some cases, rarely, where the entire social memory complex chooses to incarnate together and in fact entities may consciously form a social memory complex for the sake of doing exactly that. Social memory complexes are not always large, some consist of only a few or dozen individuals.

Very good point, Tanner. I would think it is potentially possible as well, assuming indeed the social memory complex isn't composed of thousands of individuals. When I pondered this subject during meditation/contemplation yesterday morning, I felt that it would be near impossible for a numerous group to incarnate as one; perhaps the influx of energy would be too great for a third density body? or perhaps simpler even; the entity that would result from such merge would be so stable it may be counter-productive to balancing. Perhaps there is more I do not see Smile

RE: The Blooming Mind and other ramblings - Unbound - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 02:51 PM)vervex Wrote:
(07-13-2014, 06:28 AM)Tanner Wrote: I would add that there are some cases, rarely, where the entire social memory complex chooses to incarnate together and in fact entities may consciously form a social memory complex for the sake of doing exactly that. Social memory complexes are not always large, some consist of only a few or dozen individuals.

Very good point, Tanner. I would think it is potentially possible as well, assuming indeed the social memory complex isn't composed of thousands of individuals. When I pondered this subject during meditation/contemplation yesterday morning, I felt that it would be near impossible for a numerous group to incarnate as one; perhaps the influx of energy would be too great for a third density body? or perhaps simpler even; the entity that would result from such merge would be so stable it may be counter-productive to balancing. Perhaps there is more I do not see Smile

The initial bonding of any social memory complex revolves around the vibrating together in and of one thought and whatever that one thought is becomes the basic bridge between all of the beings in the complex. The cornerstone. In order to "create" a social memory complex, as opposed to the natural emergence through planetary evolution of a planetary social memory complex, this first thought basically must be totally integrated by all vying members of the social memory complex. For a great deal, including the natural form, the first thought is love, whether for self or other self.

However, much more complex thoughts may also be used as the foundation for other social memory complexes which are, to me, a macrocosmic form of the individual and is design to accomplish work. Thus, different social memory complexes are designed to accomplish different kinds and degrees of work.

Consider that a social memory complex incarnating is essentially the Ouroboros in action as the future self, subsumed in to the present self, becomes consciously created and evolved and multiplicity becomes one.

I think that both possibilities of stability and instability are possible, depending on the basis of the thought which holds the entities together and how well those beings are actually able to blend their distortions together. Not every experiment is, as you could say, 'successful'. These are all experiments in consciousness.

P.S. You should make more threads.