An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - Printable Version

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An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - Adonai One - 07-13-2014

I offer this knowledge because of its power to increase the long-term potential of the veil. If you're a wanderer, this is especially for you:

One can make an intent to remain veiled in all of their memory (e.g. memory of only this life is known and available disincarnately) once they die. In theory, one can then take this veiled state in a discincarnate capacity and use its inherent motivation and ability to respond to catalyst towards healing their body and returning back to life "miraculously" (haha, life is a bloody miracle), overcoming the threat of death. Whether the disincarnate moment of self-healing will return to the incarnate memory is all that is in question.

One need only make an intent in great belief to be veiled in the afterlife and the state will be available.

In contrast, when one is a wanderer or a being of a high amount of peace upon death, death is often accepted with no desire to return, the eyes of wisdom seeing a great compassion towards life as folly. I laugh at this wisdom, I laugh at death, I laugh at the afterlife. Heaven is here.

The amount of entities that do this are rare especially when fully aware and unveiled. Few see their lives as worth saving after an accident. I think all lives are worth preserving.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - vervex - 07-13-2014

And this would be a beautiful golden opportunity to look within yourself and find from where this fear of death, clearly expressed in this post, originates and how it can be accepted and healed.

Smile Smile Wink

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - Unbound - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 02:58 AM)vervex Wrote: And this would be a beautiful golden opportunity to look within yourself and find from where this fear of death, clearly expressed in this post, originates and how it can be accepted and healed.

Smile Smile Wink

Read my mind aha

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - AnthroHeart - 07-13-2014

Wow, I couldn't imagine wanting to be veiled after death. But I'm not sure if I'd want to know "everything". Maybe veil certain understandings to give me a chance to discover them on my own.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - Horuseus - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 02:52 AM)Adonai One Wrote: One need only make an intent in great belief to be veiled in the afterlife and the state will be available.

You want to be careful with statements such as those. I've had to bring more than a few disincarnate entities into the light due to confusion after death.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - AnthroHeart - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 12:53 PM)Horuseus Wrote:
(07-13-2014, 02:52 AM)Adonai One Wrote: One need only make an intent in great belief to be veiled in the afterlife and the state will be available.

You want to be careful with statements such as those. I've had to bring more than a few disincarnate entities into the light due to confusion after death.

How can one not know to go into the light? Are they blind to it? Or do they not feel the love emanating from it?

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - Horuseus - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 12:55 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:
(07-13-2014, 12:53 PM)Horuseus Wrote:
(07-13-2014, 02:52 AM)Adonai One Wrote: One need only make an intent in great belief to be veiled in the afterlife and the state will be available.

You want to be careful with statements such as those. I've had to bring more than a few disincarnate entities into the light due to confusion after death.

How can one not know to go into the light? Are they blind to it? Or do they not feel the love emanating from it?

There are many factors, though confusion of state, and attachment to the 3D plane for the most part (Could be to a loved individual, or anger/resentment). Many still think they're 'alive', and this is expounded by the lack of intellectual cognitive function provided by a brain as we understand it to know what has happened. Others are simply scared of death and being judged. The issue is with statements such as the above you may end up inadvertently triggering a thoughtform or a request which may block the passing on. There are obviously safeguards in place however, but ones own power should not be underestimated.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - AnthroHeart - 07-13-2014

That reminds me of a dream where I thought I was going to merge with God, but I wasn't ready. I wanted to stay with my 6D friends. So I didn't go into the light. But later one I felt being partially merged with God, and that was blissful.

I look forward very much to going into the light. I just hope I'm not confused. Then, I don't know how easy it will be to leave Loki, my wolfdog behind. I love my baby.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - Spaced - 07-13-2014

This seems like the opposite of healing to me hehe.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - AnthroHeart - 07-13-2014

Yeah, I totally would be scared to be veiled in the afterlife.
That's like going thorough 4D veiled.
I can't see a reason why.

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - third-density-being - 07-13-2014

(07-13-2014, 02:52 AM)Adonai One Wrote: One need only make an intent in great belief to be veiled in the afterlife and the state will be available.

Bolded word is quite humorous in this context Smile

To be able to change natural, evolutionary process with an Act of Will requires extremely hard and systematic Work. As I understand it (and as Ra stated many times) - "everything/anything is possible". I believe even this what You're proposing Dear Adonai One. But to accomplish such abnormality One-Pointedness is ecessary in my opinion. To devote Self to it, to subdue all activities of Ones'consciousness to achieve/fulfill this goal/desire. I would like to add, that this is not a path of Light. Light comes from acceptance and resolving paradoxes (inner [of Self] especially) that brings One balance and equability of/with All/Eveything.

(07-13-2014, 02:52 AM)Adonai One Wrote: The amount of entities that do this are rare especially when fully aware and unveiled. Few see their lives as worth saving after an accident. I think all lives are worth preserving.

I think that when We let natural process to unroll its threads of this/Ours incarnations, We may with absolute peace leave this plane of existence. Physical death is not a "separation" - it is a way of rejoining with Everything. "Separation" is this density experience. Death of physical vehicle is an End of Separation.

If We were to look at Our-Selves with literal understanding of Ra's Teachings/Learnings, We would say That We are an intelligent patternts of vibrations of Intelligent Energy which is a Focus of Intelligent Infinity (Creator). This is of course GREAT simplification of infinite in number focuses/intelligent patterns emergings. After infinite amounts of divisions We emerged as sub-sub-Focuses of an intelligent energy in part of Creation with its local laws/distortions.
In this part of Creation/level of divisions/sub-sub-Focuses, consciouness resides in an "Illusion" - [(space/time)]/[(time/space)]. In this "enviroment" "Self-Awareness" or more percise "Self-Understanding" and/or "Self-Integration" is available to Us indirectly, via three aspects of Self/countenance of Self - mind/body/spirit complex.
Now "body" from mentioned mind/body/spirit complex is not what We here, in this density understands as our physical bodies. This "Body" is a way of physical/non-physical manifestations. Among many modes/available manifestations, there is "yellow-center body" which We are experiencing right now - as physical manifestation of "Self" in this crude material vehicles. Is have to write that I do not see any convincing reason for trying to maintain this form of experience beyond natural order of events.
We will spend in this Illusion billions of (our) years evolving and Uniting with everything there is. This last expression is interesting by the way. What it really means "all there is"? What is beyond seventh density? I believe We All become sub-Logoi of this (local) part of Creation and We will be experiencing Self as unspeakable far advanced Being than We are now. Therefore I think there's absolutely no point in holding too tight to one density of experience in one of infinite in number "Octaves" (which I understand as step from sub-sub-Logoi to sub-Logoi level of experience - an infinite process as there were/is/will be infinite in number divisions).

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - zvonimir - 07-17-2014

"The metaphysical header today is so engrossed by that which is not the body that he is far less useful to the sick, diseased and damaged human being than is the practical physician.

The average metaphysician, no matter by what label he calls himself, has a closed mind; he overemphasises the divine possibilities to the exclusion of the material or physical probabilities.

Complete spiritual healing will be divinely possible ultimately; but this is not materially possible at certain given moments in time and space and with people at widely differing points on the ladder of evolution.

Right timing and a sound knowledge of the working of the Law of Karma, plus a large measure of intuitive perception, are essential to the high art of spiritual healing. To this must be added the knowledge that the form nature and the physical body are not essentially the major considerations or of the vast importance that some may think."

from :"Esoteric-Healing-a-Treatise-on-the-Seven-Rays-Vol-4"

i felt when reading this it belonged somewhere in this forum where healing was discussed

RE: An offering of knowledge of a type of healing - manniz - 07-17-2014

(07-13-2014, 02:52 AM)Adonai One Wrote: I offer this knowledge because of its power to increase the long-term potential of the veil.

So, basically this knowledge is a collection of your "guesses" as usual. Thanks regardless.