The dangers of forced balancing - Printable Version

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The dangers of forced balancing - Adonai One - 07-08-2014

Let us say an individual commits oneself to the art of acceptance and does it in the most willful of manners; They seek to become "the creator" within a lifetime.

The costs:

- Every fear, resistance, dislike, everything one desires to be unconscious of even in the smallest respect, will cause greater and greater pain as the will begins to be more easily focused towards what one is not. (aka the shadow)

- The risk of weariness runs higher and higher as this focus continues as one can easily become convicted towards and rejects what they are not in this transitory phase. With little formal teaching in balancing, one can easily become dedicated to a absolute cause and find themselves negatively polarizing. (Thankful for The Law of One and other teachers for this.)

The symptoms of absolute acceptance:

- Greater, increasing laughter at any catalyst or resistance one faces in order to rapidly accept what one is not.

- A spiritual weariness that comes from the simplest of tasks when they are done out of great focus. (Things MUST be done out of leisure and relaxation into the greatest ends of the path; Otherwise, you WILL collapse.)

- Rapid sadness and anger that resolves within a period of 10 seconds or less to a great satisfaction.

I am taking this path and I find that one could easily put themselves into an insanity if they attempted to absolutely accept everything within a short period. I can only describe it as persistent laughter that goes into a mania when one accepts something very monumental. This "insanity" can be accepted within the parameters that one is not always acting against themselves in a weariness nor is so unstable they cause havoc in the lives of others.

My eccentric behavior is often a manifestation of the mental work I am attempting.

I am going against the long-term layout of compassion over a long series of lives, then wisdom over a long series of lives... etc. I find it boring. I am trying to do it all in one. All I conclude is that it's dangerous, very dangerous except if one knows one lesson: Never believe anything absolutely has to be done, and you have to be willing to watch your entire life fall apart and get back up again, and enjoy it. You have to be willing to let go and be happy with it all being gone in an instant.

Anyways, I constantly advocate absolute acceptance on this forum. I am starting to realize I am not advocating the strict "positive polarization" that is gradual and patiently balanced. I am advocating attempting to embody the perspective of absolutely no polarity through absolute acceptance.

I enjoy this path a lot... It's is greatly tasking on the intellect but seeing how people are reacting to what I am attempting, I think it's needed to say what I advocate is not for everyone. I think most people with my mindset would collapse on themselves.

The key in any mode of acceptance is a solid foundation of compassion: Always let the self rest when it's in pain or tired as you would treat another. When this is done, it all gets done. Compassion is the literal heart of any work. If something is without compassion, it will inevitably collapse.

RE: The dangers of forced balancing - Unbound - 07-08-2014

You, my friend, pursue the path of Vamachara, which is indeed a dangerous path, and is the same path I myself am on.

For most I suggest Dakshinachara.

RE: The dangers of forced balancing - Plenum - 07-09-2014

(07-08-2014, 12:44 PM)Adonai One Wrote: - Rapid sadness and anger that resolves within a period of 10 seconds or less to a great satisfaction.

does it sometimes take longer than ten seconds?

RE: The dangers of forced balancing - Adonai One - 07-09-2014

(07-09-2014, 05:12 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:
(07-08-2014, 12:44 PM)Adonai One Wrote: - Rapid sadness and anger that resolves within a period of 10 seconds or less to a great satisfaction.

does it sometimes take longer than ten seconds?

Sometimes some things are very hard to accept. After more than an hour or two, I think a bitterness could easily form; however, it would still be very much resolvable. I think at that point it's more fun resolving it than letting it stew.