Lightning Flashes ! - Printable Version

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Lightning Flashes ! - Ashim - 02-17-2010

I have been experiencing some fairly unusual phenomena the last week or so, even by my unusually high standards of weirdness. I often communicate with the Higher Self and other friends whilst outside. I live directly next to the forest and enjoy the setting immensely standing on my terrace, taking in nature, enjoying the chirping of the birds. Recently, not during but between communications or "channellings" there have been "bursts" of extreme white Light. They don't appear as lightning bolts - the whole Creation just seems to illuminate for a split second. The Light is almost unbearably bright and is accompanied by a subtle type of static or white noise in the ears. The "body load" is extreme, the sensation of weightlessness and floating. I feel like I am about to take off. The Light Body feels highly energised. The sensation of a „wide“ aura remains for some time after the flash.

I asked my Guides for their help on the matter, they answered in 2 instalments. In the first they explained about visualising a pyramid (this was a guided meditation). During this part of the session I began for the first time too see very sharp vector type graphics of, at first a triangle and then a fully 3D pyramid. Above the apex of the pyramid was the membrane separating the 3D plane from Intelligent Infinity - beyond this threshold lies the untapped potential of all that is, could be, will be, or has been. The next piece of information to be exchanged was in answer to a query of mine regarding the question of how to control travel with the MerKaBa Light Body chariot. The advise given was “ Design and build a multidimensional spacecraft in time/space and request it be manifest.”

Apart from these occurrences it was a pretty normal week. Does anyone share these experiences or have knowledge of Light Chariot construction ?

Love & Light

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Eddie - 02-17-2010

(02-17-2010, 08:36 AM)Ashim Wrote: Does anyone share these experiences or have knowledge of Light Chariot construction ?

You might address this question to William Henry
( ).
as he has done a lot of research into this subject.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Ashim - 02-17-2010

Thanks Eddie, will check out the link. I must say the amount of information shared in dreams the last couple of days has been intense. We seem to be "bathed" in new energy.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - fairyfarmgirl - 02-17-2010

This is a Merkabah. Sacred Geometry--- I use the Gate of Grace. i am glad to hear of another with a high level of weirdness in their life as well.

I have been a bit distracted and shedding yet another layer of negativity... Thankfully today something just went "pop" and it all cleared away. I welcome the Light coming to the Earth!



RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Peregrinus - 02-17-2010

I've had the flashes of white light in the past, many months ago, but nothing recently. What I believe them to be is a glimpse of more intensity of love/light, a sort of spiritual marker. You are awakening to the 4D light and your DNA is changing. Do you notice headaches or a tingling in your back also?

For the last week my back has tingled. The last few days I have had a massive headache since the last new moon, though finally today it appears to be waning. Restructuring of DNA isn't always fun :/

Can anyone say what the astrology is at the present? I know the energies changed, but just not how exactly.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - haqiqu - 02-17-2010

I think of those lightening flashes as cosmic power surges. I see them, too, sometimes.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Ashim - 02-18-2010

(02-17-2010, 12:41 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: For the last week my back has tingled. The last few days I have had a massive headache since the last new moon, though finally today it appears to be waning. Restructuring of DNA isn't always fun :/

Yes, same here, but the pain has been a constant companion for the last few years. Only recently has everything come to a head, with clicking noises above both ears, it really feels like an army of nano robots at work on the DNA "snakes". However in my profession as a sports coach I would guess that almost 50% of my students suffer from some form of back pain, the causes being wide ranging, so it can't all be DNA reprogramming.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Eddie - 02-18-2010

Back about a year ago, I went through a period of a couple of months during which I experienced brilliant flashes of white light in my peripheral vision. These were not accompanied by the other symptoms you mention, though.

At the time, I had no explanation for the phenomenon, but after reading your account, I feel that your notion of the reason is a valid one.

I find it very interesting that so many of us on this site are having similar, or convergent, "strange" and wonderful experiences. I hope to meet as many of you as possible at L/L Research events in the future.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Peregrinus - 02-19-2010

(02-18-2010, 04:11 AM)Ashim Wrote: Yes, same here, but the pain has been a constant companion for the last few years. Only recently has everything come to a head, with clicking noises above both ears, it really feels like an army of nano robots at work on the DNA "snakes". However in my profession as a sports coach I would guess that almost 50% of my students suffer from some form of back pain, the causes being wide ranging, so it can't all be DNA reprogramming.

I do not hear clicking, though do hear a constant companion vibratory tone, as well as positive, negative, and confirming tones.

I relieved my three day headache by listening to the Solfeggio frequencies. Within an hour, the headache was gone.

My back wasn't in pain. It was/is a tingling in the lower chakras. I am supposed to be in pain after crushing a vertebrae, but I for the most part do not deal with it.

I yesterday received energy from intelligent infinity. I am most elated.

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Eddie - 02-19-2010

A thought just occurred to me: What we may be perceiving, in these bright flashes of white light, is the brief presence of beings from the 4th or 5th densities, who have just dropped in to check on us......

RE: Lightning Flashes ! - Biu_Tze - 02-25-2010

interesting, I have seen white flashes and what not for years, I always think in my mind as if I'm going to review it later, or as if someone I love or will love will be able to review it and read my thoughts, or as if whatever it was that I just saw is able to read my thoughts, I try to send a friendly love filled greeting as I bow my head to them/it/whatever it may be.