2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - Printable Version

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2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - AnthroHeart - 05-28-2014

Quote:Now, what virtue is there in considering how to
ascend while in the body? My friends, in terms of
activity within the body, we do not find that this is a
helpful concept for all people. The reason that we
say this is that each of you won his or her way into
the earth plane [at the time of] the harvest.
there are who wished to
have incarnations upon
Planet Earth at this time,
either to help raise the
consciousness of Planet Earth with their love, or to
do the work of third density in achieving a
satisfactory balance between love and wisdom, love
and power, or wisdom and power.
Consequently, having won your way into the
physical, we find there is wisdom in choosing to stay
with the incarnation until you have learned all you
can and served all you are able and are truly ready to
let go of third density and all of its gifts and

Really gives a good reason for staying here.

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - Jeremy - 05-28-2014

Good find brother. Really shows ya that regardless of the difficulty and confusion, you are here for a reason. The tricky part is finding it

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - AnthroHeart - 05-29-2014

Knowing this doesn't make life any easier.
But it lets me know there's a purpose to life.
If need be, I am fine with not knowing.

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - BlatzAdict - 05-29-2014

after reading journey of souls and destiny of souls, all these things are planned for your highest learning in actuality to work on stuff from the past and to effect the changes happening right now. even me saying this is a spiritual contract that i am fufilling that was agreed upon by whoever so decides to happen upon this very message.

it has always been about now, and we certainly ask for courage before the incarnation because we know we will forget. at the same time most of the wanderers themselves and learning to specialize in the spirit world. taking on different tasks. acting in lieu of the creator. Whether it is affecting things on the genetic level, incarnating into any density, 1 2 3 4 5 6, establishing the continuity of the chain of command love command, from spiritual hiearchy to physical. the next octave of creation is a now process. it is happening in other places of creation.

i totally believe Ra was acting in accordance with free will in that.. nassiem haramein didn't come out yet. and black holes... are star generators. if Ra says that black holes are 7th density in route to merge back with the creator and thus become the next octave, i believe the creation of stars is necessary for their graduation. but anyway i discovered so much of LOO correlates with destiny of souls.

there are many things we can do, and they all evolve from playing simple games. and from simple games become intense tasks. hide and seek becomes exploring and crossing the dimensional barriers as a soul and changing your vibration to match the barrier in order to pass... are all wanderers explorer souls from other planets? i would assume so. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i learned honoring the higher self of YOUR GARDEN each day... keeps you well on the path to... whatever it is. whatever we become. in reaching for infinite intelligence i believe we will find a happy middle ground between magic and science. while Ra does not find it helpful to ascend, ra is also far removed from this reality and it's uhmm density. wouldn't ascension bring the chance to take more with your and increase harvest.... by making unexplainable things happen unexplainable things for the better of all... which so seem to happen all the time.

i think it will all manifest in a manner in accordance with the changing expectation of the combined population with regard to the square opposition, us , as everything else in the LOO has come true. Wurd.

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - Steppingfeet - 06-05-2014

(05-28-2014, 05:02 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Really gives a good reason for staying here.

I have to consciously remind myself of that at times: I wanted to be here, I am here because I can help, I am capable of doing this, and... this one sometimes helps the most: this is not forever.


RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - AnthroHeart - 06-05-2014

(06-05-2014, 10:48 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote:
(05-28-2014, 05:02 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Really gives a good reason for staying here.

I have to consciously remind myself of that at times: I wanted to be here, I am here because I can help, I am capable of doing this, and... this one sometimes helps the most: this is not forever.


And though sometimes life seems like a torment, it's overall not that bad. Mostly restless and bored. I could take up a hobby if I could find one that I like.

I certainly am capable of living a normal life. I have dogs that love me. One of them is licking my feet at the moment LOL. I'm also enjoying a cup of coffee. Life has more to offer than regrets. The positive seems to outnumber the negative, even if I sometimes don't see that. Mostly though it's rather neutral.

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - seek - 06-08-2014

Golf works for me. I don't have to compete against another enforcing elitism, I get to get out into some beautiful nature and commune and the greatest benefits to golf IMO is that it aids in teaching an entity to remove ones mind from ones beingness and to simply be. If ones faith, confidence peace or balance are off, golf will make this extremely apparent during any given round. Plus it helps me practice manifestation in the physical (I'm going to make this putt type of thinking/knowing). :-)

Downside, it can be expensive. :-(

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - Plenum - 06-09-2014

(05-28-2014, 05:02 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Really gives a good reason for staying here.

it is also an honor to serve:

Quote:12.26 Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores.

As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity.

When a social memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively, to any entities who call for aid.

RE: 2011.02.19 Won Your Way Into the Physical - AnthroHeart - 06-09-2014

I agree plenum. Though there are many times where I feel like giving up on life, and just desire to wilt away.
Serving others is hard for me to do outwardly.

It's easier to serve others when all is seen as one, as in the higher densities. They have a much easier time of it.
I'll be eager more to serve when I finally experience Unity, and can live in unity all my days.