Jesus and the Empress - Printable Version

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Jesus and the Empress - michael430 - 05-20-2014


RE: Jesus and the Empress - xise - 05-21-2014

Sounds like Emperor Justinian, the Emperor who excised reincarnation from Christian doctrine, was a weaker ruler controlled by his wife consort Theodora. :
Quote:"While Justinian is portrayed as soft and indecisive, his wife the empress Theodora, was an indomitable freight train of decisiveness and strength. It should be clearly understood that she was not merely his consort but was empress regnant which means she had the legal right to interfere and run the empire. Officials took an oath to her as well as to Justinian. In the great Nika insurrection of 532, her courage alone saved her husband from being overthrown....

According to Procopius as written in the Encyclopedia Britannica, "She surrounded herself with ceremonious pomp, and required all who approached to abase themselves in a manner new even to that half-Oriental court. She constituted herself the protectress of faithless wives against outraged husbands, yet professed great zeal for the moral reformation of the city, enforcing severely the laws against vice, and confining five hundred courtesans, whom she had swept out of the streets of the capital, in a "house of repentance" on the Asiatic side of the Bosphous strait. Procopius portrays her as acting with the greatest cruelties. The Encyclopedia Britannica goes on to state that we are able to gather from other writers that Theodora was indeed extremely harsh and tyrannical. "

Sounds like Ra was hinting that Theodora was the real player behind the removal of reincarnation from church doctrine.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - AnthroHeart - 05-21-2014

I wonder what laws against vice meant. You could no longer have a vice, or something like a habit?

RE: Jesus and the Empress - I_Am_The_One - 05-21-2014

yea, I think it would be a list of things considered a vice to the governing state. gambling, smoking, drinking etc...

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Spaced - 05-21-2014

(05-21-2014, 12:09 PM)xise Wrote: Sounds like Emperor Justinian, the Emperor who excised reincarnation from Christian doctrine, was a weaker ruler controlled by his wife consort Theodora. :
Quote:"While Justinian is portrayed as soft and indecisive, his wife the empress Theodora, was an indomitable freight train of decisiveness and strength. It should be clearly understood that she was not merely his consort but was empress regnant which means she had the legal right to interfere and run the empire. Officials took an oath to her as well as to Justinian. In the great Nika insurrection of 532, her courage alone saved her husband from being overthrown....

According to Procopius as written in the Encyclopedia Britannica, "She surrounded herself with ceremonious pomp, and required all who approached to abase themselves in a manner new even to that half-Oriental court. She constituted herself the protectress of faithless wives against outraged husbands, yet professed great zeal for the moral reformation of the city, enforcing severely the laws against vice, and confining five hundred courtesans, whom she had swept out of the streets of the capital, in a "house of repentance" on the Asiatic side of the Bosphous strait. Procopius portrays her as acting with the greatest cruelties. The Encyclopedia Britannica goes on to state that we are able to gather from other writers that Theodora was indeed extremely harsh and tyrannical. "

Sounds like Ra was hinting that Theodora was the real player behind the removal of reincarnation from church doctrine.

That's an interesting theory. I've been interested in Theodora for years actually I find her to have been a fascinating historical figure, rising from the lowest position of Roman society (she was an actress and a prostitute, neither looked upon too kindly in the Eastern Roman Empire) to the position of Empress.

However, I think there are some problems with your theory. While it's true that Theodora had a strong influence over her husband, one place where they differed was religion. Junstinian was a key figure in the Chalcedonean Restoration, which sought to enforce doctrine decided upon during the Council of Chalcedon AD 451 as a way to solidify his hold on a crumbling empire, however Theodora was herself a Monophysite whose beliefs went against the Council of Chalcedon.

I think a better candidate for the Empress mentioned would be Pulcheria, who had a strong interest in church policy and under whom the Council of Chalcedon was convened.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Matt1 - 05-21-2014

It's fairly well known in the conspiracy circles that the Roman Government at the time took out the teachings of reincarnation, changed the idea of karma into hell and so on. Basically as a means to control the people.

If you follow the Government/Religion you get to go to heaven else your going to hell. Oh and btw your only getting one chance so don't mess it up!

The chakras are also taught as the 7 churchs. Its not really that different from Eastern Religions really. Its crawling with ET/Confederation contact as well.

The word God in Hebrew is Elohim or (The Mighty ones) and the hebrew word for heaven is Shamayim (Cosmos) So in The beginning the Mighty ones who came from the cosmos...Makes a little more sense now Wink

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Melissa - 05-22-2014

That's not what Ra was hinting at. And it's funny how nearly all empowering women, who brought about tremendous change around that day and age, are almost always falsely portrayed, though that's often still the case, as far as I can tell.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Spaced - 05-22-2014

Would you care to share what Ra was hinting at?

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Melissa - 05-22-2014

You'll have to figure that out for yourself, as I wouldn't want to spoil all the fun.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - michael430 - 05-23-2014


RE: Jesus and the Empress - Ankh - 05-23-2014

(05-23-2014, 10:45 AM)michael430 Wrote: Is the consensus that the sentence was somehow added to the book by Ra? The way the question and answer read to me is that the LL team had no idea where the sentence came from and Ra's answer is "hehe Who indeed added it!"

That this sentence was somehow added by Ra is not my understanding. My interpretation of this sentence is that it was subjectively interesting for the editor of that text, who added this sentence to Carla's introduction.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - I_Am_The_One - 05-23-2014

That this sentence was somehow added by Ra is not my understanding. My interpretation of this sentence is that it was subjectively interesting for the editor of that text, who added this sentence to Carla's introduction.

That is my belief as well, and it sure is interesting.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Phoenix - 06-12-2014

If Theodora is mentioned here in the Law of One material like this. Then she has some basis for someone's past life who was then going to visit the material. That seems an awfully big synchronicity to add in a bit of common knowledge.

RE: Jesus and the Empress - Nicholas - 06-12-2014

I really cant see anyone gravitating to the Law of One books of there own accord not having an existing bias towards reincarnation as a better fit model than the YOLO mantra trotted out today. (You Only Live Once)