2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Printable Version

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2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Jeremy - 05-10-2014

In this passage, q'uo describes the difference between time/space and space/time in regards to experience and service. One particular part that struck me was how they described the beginning of the incarnative experience and it kinda blew my mind.

Now, during that period that you may call your “inter-incarnational” period, as we have said, there is an orientation or a tilt within the beingness of the evolving entity back towards its incarnational experiences in space/time, so there is still the space/time focus and a kind of memory which it would beggar our ability to describe because it is significantly different from the more linear memory which you now enjoy, and yet it does form a kind of linkage with a life trajectory spanning your incarnational experiences in such a way as to give an unique identity for each developing soul. In this condition of the time/space portion of your space/time continuum, there is not the veil and so one is much more directly conscious of the qualities of the beingness one exudes and there is awareness of the beingness of others with whom one has established over the course of many life experiences deep resonance in relationship, and the qualities of these around one too are readily knowable.

It happens, however, that the qualities within the beingness of those in the time/space portion are not always precisely what are desired by these developing beings, either individually or as a group. It is not so easy in time/space to undertake qualitative transformations of a deep and fundamental nature and so it happens that what appears to the time/space invested individual as a kind of sleep is sought and in this sleep there is a passage to what you would call the space/time portion of experience and this is the beginning of another incarnative experience which you might then liken to a dream being dreamed by one in time/space.

So not only is it an illusion as we all have been told, but it's more of a dream to our whole Self within the time/space nexus. This way of thinking about it really opens my mind to a new way of lookin at this illusion.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - AnthroHeart - 05-10-2014

When I dream and go back into time/space, I don't feel pain. This space/time world doesn't feel like a dream. But I've heard at the end of an incarnation that you wake up like it was a dream. I wonder how much you can remember. I hope I remember the hilights. Being a dream though we should be able to do any magical working. But there's lots we cannot do.

I've heard that time/space is our true home. I know when I'm dreaming I feel like I'm home.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Parsons - 05-20-2014

The way I understand it is you will remember the whole incarnation in more vivid detail than you can even when in 3rd density incarnation.

Think of how easily memories fade. The last time I traveled to a different city for a vacation, for weeks afterwards, I could remember several details of my trip and could almost map the basics of everything I did each day. Two months later, I only remember a handful of details and have forgotten half the things I did.

I agree with the title of the thread. The incarnation is "akin" to dreaming, but is not the same thing. Also, being in a higher density is just not the same thing as being in 3rd density. We get approximations of what it is like to be able to experience time/space in higher densities, but the words we use to describe them are just that: approximations. We are only getting the tip of the iceberg on what the actual experience is like.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Guardian - 10-10-2014

Love the synchronicity of this post. Thank you

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Quan - 10-12-2014

(05-20-2014, 12:27 AM)Parsons Wrote: The way I understand it is you will remember the whole incarnation in more vivid detail than you can even when in 3rd density incarnation.

Think of how easily memories fade. The last time I traveled to a different city for a vacation, for weeks afterwards, I could remember several details of my trip and could almost map the basics of everything I did each day. Two months later, I only remember a handful of details and have forgotten half the things I did.

I agree with the title of the thread. The incarnation is "akin" to dreaming, but is not the same thing. Also, being in a higher density is just not the same thing as being in 3rd density. We get approximations of what it is like to be able to experience time/space in higher densities, but the words we use to describe them are just that: approximations. We are only getting the tip of the iceberg on what the actual experience is like.

The the tip of iceberg is explored via this quote the deeper mediation progresses assuming that is relating to lessons each one have for this life and/or free will:
"When the seeker of truth within your third density illusion, or within any density for that matter, is able to quiet the self, usually within the meditative state, to the point of blending the personal vibrations with the Creator and feeling that experience of oneness, then the seeker is experiencing intelligent infinity or the pure time/space experience"

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Stranger - 01-20-2015

Thanks for posting this wonderfully rich session, Jeremy.

This part was particularly meaningful to me:
Quote:And we would advance that concept by saying that one who wishes to be of service simply sets the intention to be of service. The next thing that comes before your eyes may not seem like a great service. It may be that your bathroom needs scrubbing. It may be that the area underneath your eaves needs scraping and painting. It may be that you find yourself going to a job that you have not previously thought of as being service oriented.

If you can remove all concept from your mind except that overriding desire to serve, and if you offer that intention to spirit, my friends, there will be that which unfolds before you that will bring you steadily, increment by increment, change by change, more and more into the heart of that which you can do to be of service to others.

Sometimes, my friends, the path to your rightful service is a winding road—do not be disturbed by this. It does not cost you anything to make mistakes, so-called to go down alleys that you find to be blind. You simply have to turn around and come back out. This is not a tragedy; it is part of the learning experience. Do not be discouraged no matter what your hopes of service are and no matter how far service seems to be from you. Set your intention and wait for that to be attracted to you that will fill your heart with love and your work with purpose.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Fastidious Emanations - 01-20-2015

(05-20-2014, 12:27 AM)Parsons Wrote: "When the seeker of truth within your third density illusion, or within any density for that matter, is able to quiet the self, usually within the meditative state, to the point of blending the personal vibrations with the Creator and feeling that experience of oneness, then the seeker is experiencing intelligent infinity or the pure time/space experience"

Which personal feelings are not 'from the creator'?

(01-20-2015, 01:21 AM)vajeeha Wrote: "An aristocracy of sorts evolved that consisted of two opposing ideologies. The two major components of these were the Atla-Ra Scientist Priesthood of the 'Law of One', based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and the Aryan Race of 'The Sons of Belial' based on the Isle of Aryan." - Metatron

I agree/disagree. At the core of the ideologies is the Creator experiencing itself. These 'factions' are merely orientation of energy flow that is either constructive or destructive, so to speak. Regardless the creator WILLs service to itself. This is recognized by the Confederation. Therefore we rep constructive interference patterns.
[Image: ppmfig2.gif] 

The dream is illusory/real

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Fastidious Emanations - 01-20-2015

that is to say, we call it the Law of One, not to bring about confusion as with the 'Laws' of your so-called old testament, but rather to show the inevitability and sense of relief available to the paradox dwelling 'entity' in the absolute understanding that you are in fact everything. Everything is the One Infinite Creator. Not just me/ just me. This may still be confusing as it is filtered/distorted through many layers.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Nicholas - 01-20-2015

This nursery rhyme simplifies things for those that have recently returned to space/time.

Take a look at the most popular comment!

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Minyatur - 01-21-2015

lMO there is probably nothing that is not dream-like even out of 3D. We live in an hollographic Universe which seems like an image stretched out so much it creates time and space. I'd call reality: the Creator's dream about Love. Dream might not be the best word for everyone but this is how I see magical work, when you dream you are in control of your dream but in reality you are not because it is a shared dream that remains coherent because of it's parts. But then if you fix and work on all of your distortions to resonate in harmony with Intelligent Infinity, then you become concious in this shared dream and are able to change the shape of reality like in a dream.

In the end aren't we all the Source that forgot what it truely was and proceed to gradually wake up further and further. In 3D we wake up to our higher selves, but our higher selves also need to wake up to the Source.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Fastidious Emanations - 01-21-2015

(01-21-2015, 12:05 PM)Minyatur Wrote: then you become concious in this shared dream and are able to change the shape of reality like in a dream.

My dreams are shared dreams.. I'm quite sure of it.  Dodgy 

ZZzz Heart

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - AnthroHeart - 04-29-2015

I believe it. I've even felt pain, and smelled smells in dreams.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Parsons - 04-29-2015

[Image: 59296129.jpg]

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Stranger - 04-30-2015

Our Sun is a wonderful, loving being. Several years ago I was sitting on a bench on a beautiful spring day, facing the Sun, connecting with it, soaking up its golden energy. When I was done and thanked it, the following thought appeared in my mind:

A dream is a brief life where you don't know who you really are.
A life is a brief dream where you don't know who you really are.

Clearly not a thought originating from me, but a gift from the sun. I think this captures the main point very well. A dream is a dream not because it doesn't have substance, but because in a dream we forget our true identity. We completely lose the context within which the dream exists, and take it to be the only reality, which completely changes its meaning.

The forgetfulness we experience when we dream is analogous to the forgetfulness we are experiencing now because of the veil.

When we're able to recognize that we're dreaming and remember our truer, greater identity -- not simply recognize and believe that we have a truer identity, but actually remember it -- it transforms the meaning of the dream and our relationship with it.

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - AnthroHeart - 04-30-2015

Are those who are awake those who have pierced the veil? Or does being awake mean we know this secret knowledge?

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - Minyatur - 04-30-2015

(04-30-2015, 09:20 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Are those who are awake those who have pierced the veil? Or does being awake mean we know this secret knowledge?

How would you considerer yourself awake in a dream?

RE: 2011.04.09 incarnating within space/time is akin to dreaming - AnthroHeart - 04-30-2015

Simply if I'm aware it's a dream.