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Correct - Intermediary - 02-08-2010

Higher Self and subconscious, is the same ? Is this how we call the part of our unconscious which is connected to everything, which is the us from the futur in 6th density? Or am I understanding this not rightly?

Thank you for helping me understand more clearly

RE: Correct - AnthroHeart - 02-08-2010

According to Ra, our higher self is us in 6th density future.
Subconscious as I understand is our 3rd density time/space counterpart.

RE: Correct - Questioner - 02-08-2010

"Higher self" is a term that Ra used. You might like to use the search feature in to find the passages.

As I understand it, the idea is that after entities evolve up to sixth density, one of the last things they do, before they go on up to 7th, is to send a helpful guide back in time to their previous, lower-density incarnations. This guide is the Higher Self, and because it lived through the exact struggles of the lower densities, it can provide loving support and wisdom.

The Higher Self is outside of the personal consciousness we carry around in 3D, unless we use meditation or prayer to invite the Higher Self to contact us directly. Without that invitation, the Higher Self will not barge in.

Now I will blend in some ideas from outside the Ra books. In my attempt to integrate these concepts, I may have some mistakes. If so, I hope that you'll remember to use only what makes sense and feels right and helpful to you, and set aside the rest.

There are other aspects of life that are also separate from consciousness. One area of unconsciousness is the personal unconscious, our body's memories and interpretations of our past experiences, and the body's work of maintenance such as distributing chemicals to the organs that need them. There is so much information here that if we had to think about all consciousness, remembering to tell the liver to process glycogen, for instance, we would not have a free moment to think about anything else.

Also in the personal unconscious are experiences so painful that they are blocked from consciousness until we are strong enough to handle those memories. This is what Jung referred to when he said that until we bring the unconscious into consciousness, it will direct our lives and we will call it fate. Now we get into the area of deep psychology. Napoleon Hill, Benjamin Kidd, and Arthur Janov are just some of many authors who have discussed the way that these concepts, especially from childhood pain, can direct all our interpretations and mislead our thoughts until we can resolve them.

Another area outside of consciousness is the collective unconscious. This includes the thought-forms of the people around us, and of other people throughout history. It also the Archetypes provided to us by our Logos, the Sun. Ra had a lot to say about meditation on the Archetypes.

Yet another aspect of life usually outside our conscious awareness is the concepts offered to us by spiritual entities. Channeling brings those concepts into our conscious mind, but some of those entities and ideas are not helpful for us. For this reason, the LLResearch recommendation is always to only channel within the loving, wise support of an experienced team. The team can help you make sure you only open the door to entities that could help you with love and wisdom.

I hope this provides some food for thought. I also hope that it's mostly accurate! Wink

RE: Correct - Cyclops - 02-08-2010

Also if you search through the LOO material you will find Ra speaking of the dreaming or dream mechanism and how it is the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious, the higher self is heavily involved in your dreams and the work with them.

RE: Correct - Peregrinus - 02-08-2010

Higher self (oversoul, future self) = 6th density self in time/space
Conscious = 3rd density self in space/time, linked to the ape mind, veiled from time/space
Unconscious = 3rd density self in time/space

Then add our 4th density future self, and our 5th density future self...

Isn't it amazing... we have multiple selves, and yet we are all on and the same and not schizophrenic!

RE: Correct - AnthroHeart - 02-09-2010

Yep, it's amazing that we are now in all densities at once. I've actually in meditation worked on experiencing through 4th density. Haven't gotten there yet, but I have noticed intense shifts while attempting to do so.

RE: Correct - Questioner - 02-09-2010

Cyclops, thanks for the reminder about the importance of dreams.

I've had few memorable dreams my entire life (that I can recall).

Recently I've had dreams that seem much more significant. Reading this forum's discussions about dreams has helped be more open to learning from my dreams, and to remembering them in order to look at what they teach me.

RE: Correct - AnthroHeart - 02-09-2010

I've had some quite emotional dreams lately. Much more connected than I feel in the physical to people.

RE: Correct - Intermediary - 02-10-2010

I must go and can't read all these replies. I thank you so much. Will re-reply the day of tomorrow.

RE: Correct - Intermediary - 02-12-2010

It wasn't clear to me, and now thanks to your answers I understand as due. Thank you a very lot. The help I get on this forum is of the most precious kind.

May you all be filled with light and love

RE: Correct - Light seeker - 02-12-2010

Quote:After entities evolve up to sixth density, one of the last things they do, before they go on up to 7th, is to send a helpful guide back in time to their previous, lower-density incarnations. This guide is the Higher Self, and because it lived through the exact struggles of the lower densities, it can provide loving support and wisdom.

The Higher Self is outside of the personal consciousness we carry around in 3D, unless we use meditation or prayer to invite the Higher Self to contact us directly. Without that invitation, the Higher Self will not barge in.

I began to do my own "meditation system" in my adolescence. I had not read any books on meditation or spirituality, although I had already had very inspiring experiences.

My technique was simply to relax totally at night in great silence and feel my "other" floating body and a pleasant vibration in the area of the third eye. Then I began receiving information by a loving source. When I asked its origin, I received the information that it was my "Higher Self" (well, in my own language, but I had never heard that expression before), and that it was that portion of myself that was nearer to the Creator. It has been a long-lasting relationship since then.

So yes, I have no other alternative but to confirm the quoted words. Smile


RE: Correct - zenmaster - 02-13-2010

I'm fairly certain that the term "Higher Self" originated from Dr. Roberto Assagioli. The subconscious is just below the fringe of personal awareness (something not forgotten completely or not immediately acknowledged or available on a conscious level).

The unconscious can be thought of that which is in potential awareness. It includes information from personal, transpersonal (i.e. higher self), collective (akashic records, Noosphere, Gaia, etc), and logoi (archetypes) sources.

Ra's "magical personality" is pretty much the other 99.999% of ourselves that is unconscious in 3rd density. From this perspective, it is the "whole self". It's not really our future self any more than it is our past self.

RE: Correct - AnthroHeart - 02-13-2010

Interesting, I've done my own meditations as well. I've never read a meditation book either. Though I do have some on lucid dreaming, and have read a myriad of other topics, especially around wanderers, and the LOO.

My meditations started with just observing what was around me. Then they became more internal. I still am not at a point of being able to go to immediate silence with no thought at all into infinity. But I can feel myself floating sort of in my body. I hadn't thought of whether that was my higher self or not, as higher self is 6th density, and from what I've read, communication from 3rd to 6th density is very difficult. but then, we're supposed to be able to talk with our higher selves quite easily. So I'm not sure there.

(02-12-2010, 05:46 PM)Light seeker Wrote: I began to do my own "meditation system" in my adolescence. I had not read any books on meditation or spirituality, although I had already had very inspiring experiences.

My technique was simply to relax totally at night in great silence and feel my "other" floating body and a pleasant vibration in the area of the third eye. Then I began receiving information by a loving source. When I asked its origin, I received the information that it was my "Higher Self" (well, in my own language, but I had never heard that expression before), and that it was that portion of myself that was nearer to the Creator. It has been a long-lasting relationship since then.

So yes, I have no other alternative but to confirm the quoted words. Smile