1996.04.28 Working with the First Triad - Printable Version

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1996.04.28 Working with the First Triad - Plenum - 01-24-2014

the first three energy centres are the more space/time oriented ones, and the ones that anchor us to this 'reality'. In truth, one can never clear them 'for all time'; but much like the body needs bathing and self-maintenance, the first three energies are returned to again and again, as issues arise in consciousness, having been triggered by life experience and memories yet unintegrated and unprocessed.

if I had to do a quick shorthand for myself, I find that the first 3 energies for me are triggered by:

red ray = survival (perceived threats to one's body, financial situation, feeling 'unsafe' in one's environment, for whatever reason).

orange ray = personal identity (triggered by 'insecurities', self-doubt, feeling that one does not deserve love, that one's mistakes are 'sinful' rather than learning opportunities).

yellow ray = social ease and willingness to interact (not wanting to 'share' whatever it is that is being withheld, for whatever reason (independent of appropriateness for the situation), it's the mental attitude of withholding before assessing the actual situation, not being able to externalise feelings or emotions in a real way).

anyway, enough of my jibber-jabber Smile, here's the session in question:
Quo Wrote:Red Ray

Now, what can each do to open and strengthen this all-important first ray? We ask each to spend the time when the self is grooming and bathing and clothing that physical vehicle to care for it, nurture it and do those things that you feel will help it. In all ways find the way to give the most respect and love to this fragile, hard put, physical vehicle. Rock it in your mental arms. Hold it and tell it, “I love you. I love you. Rest easy, for I love you.” You are that body’s only human connection. You are that entry way where consciousness of self meets self, and you have been given this precious physical, chemically driven body. It has offered itself freely, given its instinctual life over to that consciousness that has never been born and will never die. This is a complete sacrifice of the body which, until recently, lived the instinctual life of the great ape. Know that you can nurture this body and that it needs your love.

The other way that you can open this energy center is by coming to grips with the sexuality with which this physical vehicle was supplied. Gaze at experience and come into ever closer awareness of the sacramental nature of this energy. That which is called sexuality is only the surface expression of that driving force which has created the densities. It is as though each of you had within the self a port upon the ocean of eternity, for through the physical vehicle of woman flows the ocean of life and to its shores come each male energy to enter and know infinite love, infinite energy and the miracle of birth from the forever into the now. And to the male has been given that driving enthusiasm that is manifested in that seed which is fertile and which takes hold and offers life within the ocean.

And male and female, energy and energy, come together and flow into each other and create all the polarities, all the densities, all that you can think of. All polarity has its first expression in red ray, so whether you express this energy or are celibate, it does not matter, for if you know and respect the goodness of that basic energy it will well up within as the never-failing spring, always life giving, always life enhancing.

Orange Ray

That second energy which is often associated with the belly is the orange-ray or second chakra, and within this energy come the difficulties and the dynamics of the self’s journey with the self and the self’s interactions with other selves, one at a time. For the wanderer whose experiences of other selves are often difficult, the orange ray presents the challenge of remaining open in a hostile environment of, as this instrument would say, taking the slings and arrows of challenging fortune and still remaining eager for further contact with people.

It is often true that the wanderer will not be completely aware of its difficulties of accepting itself. Therefore, the wanderer will project that difficulty outward and it will then feel that it cannot deal with other people. Yet other people are the mirrors which reflect the self to the self. It would be possible to work through the lessons of love without other entities but it would not be probable. It is the mirrors that touch your life that give you the information you need to turn within, and, little by little, find ways to deepen the love that you have for yourself.

Now, each would say, “Of course I love myself.” And yet there is the self that criticizes self, that asks the self for more, that is never satisfied with what has been done. This instrument would call it being hard on yourself. Yet this is not an adequately deep expression of the kind of damage most wanderers do within themselves because they do not have mercy upon themselves. Somewhere, dimly remembered, each wanderer feels there is the possibility of giving, serving, doing, being more.

We do not deny that there is always more, but we ask each to see that this is not at all the point. To aid the orange-ray center we ask each to work at becoming more able to accept, forgive and support that self that is living by faith alone in a difficult environment, that is hungry for food that they cannot find and that becomes weary with every passing revolution of the sun. As each becomes older the weariness increases and yet this is not necessary for the one who has learned to accept the self as it is, with its dark side intact, not regenerate, not born again, but the self in all its dirt, with every mole and wart and running nose showing proudly.

Beloved ones, know that your physical vehicles will always be challenged. Your reactions to other selves will always contain the inevitable biases which handicap you in physical and emotional ways but enlarge your area of action in other ways. So, perhaps the one word that expresses our advice on dealings between self and self would be mercy. Compassion and forgiveness heal. They heal the self and they offer others a place wherein they too can chose to heal themselves. Let your witness with this strong energy be that of the loving and the merciful. This instrument would say shepherd, but that is not the concept. We simply cannot give this instrument a more accurate word.

Yellow Ray

Moving up into the solar plexus we find the yellow ray that is the primary ray of this density, that is the ray within which the greatest work of learning and service can be offered. This is that ray within which wanderers must learn to work within various groups and institutions of your peoples. The yellow-ray difficulties mirror and extend those difficulties of orange ray. However, dealing with group dynamics is in one sense simpler, but in the normal sense far more complex than the dealing of one person with another.

Within this energy nations are built and destroyed. Religions are started and abandoned. Peoples move across continents and cultures evolve, mature and fall away. And within each group there is the more balanced and loving and compassionate path. Within this large assortment of groups that each entity will encounter within a lifetime lie the matings, the marriages, the belongings, the revolutions that shape the present and the future. In this energy each comes into deeper contact with the group mind, the national mind, the racial mind and the archetypical mind. This is the seat of power within the entity. This is where the instincts of control and influence dwell. This is the place where the spider builds its web or decides to become another entity. This is the crucible of your lessons in love.

Perhaps the most common and challenging of these groups is the family. Within this small group entities have the most steady, deep and lasting opportunities both for weal and for woe. Each is capable of becoming a portion of the so-called good of another’s experience or becoming the nemesis and the avenger that can destroy another. This family is so deeply a part of the experience of third density and so fully fertile with opportunities for service to self and to other self that we cannot overstate the opportunities for polarization that lie within the challenges and circumstances of the self dealing with groups.

Community is something wanderers understand instinctively. That much almost always comes through the veil of forgetting that marks the beginning of an incarnation upon your planet in your density. The remembrance of a loving, supportive and steady family. The remembrance of men and women and children that are not only connected by names and by association but also by commonly held beliefs in service make the wanderer’s plight very, very lonely within what this instrument would call the nuclear families of your Earth, for within these families there does not seem to be a constant and steady atmosphere of love, for when faced with challenges of yellow-ray energies many entities, wanderers and natives alike, move back into orange-ray energies and remove themselves from groups insofar as possible, or, alternatively, entities can choose to immolate themselves within a certain group or “ism” that there is no longer the necessity for making personal choices.

We encourage each to catch those feelings of retreat and even panic and to express to the self the word “remembrance,” for if the wanderer can but remember that there is a good reason for having come, there is a good reason for dealing with these entities, these groups, then there is still the weariness, still the pain, but also courage and strength that comes from the knowledge of who you are, why you are here and where you are headed.

Now, this triad of energies is difficult, is hard work for any, native or from elsewhere. In fact, we may go as far as to say that it is well for the wanderer to realize that in choosing to come to offer this service at this time the wanderer has put itself into the situation identical with that of the native of your Earth. That is, to graduate from this plane of existence it is necessary for wanderer and native alike to walk the steps of light that offer with each step more fullness, more density of light, and if the wanderer becomes caught in the pain of living and creates a lasting imbalance in energy, the wanderer will then as surely as any Earth-born native need to remain within third density until that wanderer has again become balanced and polarized sufficiently to bear to endure that fuller light that is the experience of fourth density.

and Carla has her own thoughts on the energy centres here, in the Living the Law of One pdf.

RE: 1996.04.28 Working with the First Triad - Namaste - 01-25-2014

That's a great session, thanks for sharing.

RE: 1996.04.28 Working with the First Triad - cosmiclady - 01-27-2014

Thanks for bringing up this topic. I have read Carla's book, Living the Law of One The Choice, twice. I am eager for the next book. This information from a Q'uo session reminds us to balance the first three chakras. The orange chakra is a challenge for me at this time, with growing my business, and accepting myself to do the job--that I will never be perfect, but that I can serve others, and trust that the Creator will bring the right customers to me.

"...perhaps the one word that expresses our advice on dealings between self and self would be mercy. Compassion and forgiveness heal. They heal the self and they offer others a place wherein they too can chose to heal themselves. Let your witness with this strong energy be that of the loving and the merciful." Love yourself, know that your higher self is guiding, and forgive your flaws.

Joining organizations has been easy for me in the past. Presently, I belong to one that is fun, business, and a joy that I have needed for a long time. The yellow ray gets a speck of brightness from my interactions with this group. Family dynamics are a contrast to it. The typical dysfunctional family describes some of the challenges I have faced in the last few years. The choice of retreating or facing a problem has been made; the surface of it is not the whole situation. One answer is not the same for everybody.

Today's Q'uo (February 6, 2010) looks at a question about the correct attitude in serving: “I am ready as I am. As flawed and distorted as I may be, I ask that you use me as your instrument. We would also like to know what qualities of attitude and orientation should accompany this statement.” The reading was what I needed to hear.

Why I have referred to my business situation above. I know that I will never be perfect, but the service work shall go on. I must trust my Creator.

RE: 1996.04.28 Working with the First Triad - Matt1 - 01-31-2014

Good read