What's up with "The Secret"? - Printable Version

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What's up with "The Secret"? - neutral333 - 01-04-2014

So I first saw the movie "The Secret" back about 8 years or so ago. From recollection, I felt very inspired and enthusiastic and I remember sharing it with others.

Looking back though, It has a weird vibe. It seems akin to the production of an infomercial. I can see it from 2 perspectives. One, a mild yet perhaps misguiding blur all religions into vague mental disillusionment. Or two, an innocent Mysticism 101 introduction.

I agree with so many things, but what is it's aim? It talks about obtaining material objects/objectives. It has the feeling of selling some idea or perspective. The interviewees all look like professional actors.

What do you think?

Towards the end, it goes strongly for ignoring the negative and countering with a positive vision/wish. "Energy flows where attention goes". I agree, BUT you have to face the negative and see it in it's bigness. Ra noted negative facts without diverting to positive whitewashing. Those of you who are familiar with the "Pathwork" channelings/teachings are aware of the psychological emphasis on knowing yourself fully through light and dark and selfish, proud, etc.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - Plenum - 01-04-2014

the basic issue seems to be that it relies on intention without any understanding.

I mean, it is never questioned 'why' one would want the things that they want.

behind every strong desire is an imbalance asking to be addressed.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - zenmaster - 01-04-2014

Spiritual Bypassing - AVOIDANCE IN HOLY DRAG Wrote:The explosion of interest in spirituality, especially Eastern spirituality, since the mid-1960s has been accompanied by a corresponding interest and immersion in spiritual bypassing—which has, however, not very often been named, let alone viewed, as such. It has been easier to frame spiritual bypassing as a religion-transcending, spiritually advanced practice/perspective, especially in the facile fast-food spirituality epitomized by faddish phenomena like The Secret. Some of the more glaringly plastic features of this, such as its drive-through servings of reheated wisdom like “Don’t take it personally” or “Whatever bothers you about someone is really only about you” or “It’s all just an illusion,” are available for consumption and parroting by just about anyone.

Happily, the honeymoon with false or superficial notions of spirituality is starting to wane. Enough bubbles have been burst; enough spiritual teachers, Eastern and Western, have been caught with pants or halo down; enough cults have come and gone; enough time has been spent with spiritual baubles, credentials, energy transmissions, and gurucentrism to sense deeper treasures. But valuable as the desire for a more authentic spirituality is, such change will not occur on any significant scale and really take root until spiritual bypassing is outgrown, and that is not as easy as it might sound, for it asks that we cease turning away from our pain, numbing ourselves, and expecting spirituality to make us feel better.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - reeay - 01-04-2014

We talked a bit about this on this thread

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - neutral333 - 01-05-2014

In Final analysis, I like "The Secret". I just wish people would feel a greater inclination to participate consciously in their mutual creation of this reality.

I don't like secrets in general and this makes it seem like gossip.

If you listen to Coast to Coast AM, or follow Alex Jones, or David Icke, or Jim Marrs, or even Glen Beck (c'mon you can do better), or The Law of One (ah that's better), then it should no longer be secret or even vague or elusive. We should be participating and - yes I'll say it - preaching. But in an enlightened way.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - Namaste - 01-07-2014

The Secret is a mass produced 'introduction' to simple physics; entrainment.

It lacks crucial information and, if I recall correctly, is centered on material want. It can be explained far more effectively using synchronicity and one's own day-to-day state of being.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - 4th-density - 01-12-2014

the book "the secret" is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness. The 4D movement would see these motives as selfish as, you would be working to help others for personal gain. The 4D mentality would be more of working to benefit others as this is more practical, as it is why we incarnate here. I suppose even that can be seen as selfish because technically we are trying to be good at our job & looking to have the most productive incarnations so ultimately we do not have to incarnate........ :-/ umm ok I suppose im open to more debate and discussion here
"Is the 4D Movement selfish? Since we are looking to be as productive as possible with are incarnations & that may be seen as a selfish act...

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - reeay - 01-12-2014

I would think the boundaries we define as self and other self is different when green ray is activated. The Secret appeals to more individualistic, achievement based values where accumulation of wealth and fulfilling personal desires are important. That is part of our developmental process and not bad or good... Just rather distracting. The Secret has it's secret, in that it doesn't explain how this law of attraction works.

Ra talks about the movement upwards on the 'spiraling line of light' in creating reality of love. We have to vibrate at certain levels to experience reality at that level. Until then we perceive somewhere around the reality.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - zenmaster - 01-12-2014

Ever read Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" or Shakti Gawain's "Creative Visualization"? How about Max Freedom Long's work where he talks about Huna and the principle of Makia - energy flows where attention goes.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - Adonai One - 01-13-2014

I think anti-individualism and anti-materialism as a foundational sentiment of one's spirituality is a good way to cause clinging to said things. This movie shouldn't be dismissed on what it advocates but in the manner it advocates fulfilling desires.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - reeay - 01-13-2014

I wonder how many people got rich or became successful reading Napoleon Hill's book. Interestingly, m ākia also means to destroy something by sorcery. Wow.

RE: What's up with "The Secret"? - Wai - 01-14-2014

(01-13-2014, 07:24 PM)rie Wrote: I wonder how many people got rich or became successful reading Napoleon Hill's book.

I did quite well when I followed "The Master Mind" concept in Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grown Rich". This concept helped me become more focused when I got a couple of my friends to form a "Master Mind" group.

The book that really helped my business in the last ten years was "The Diamond Cutter" by Geshe Michael Roach. This book is based on The Diamond Sutra.

Book description from Amazon: http://