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islam - bosphorus - 12-03-2013

dear all,
i'd like to share something i've just written with ya. it's about islam.


islam is a panentheistic religion. which means we're One with God and we're all extensions of God covering All.

it's difficult to imagine this since there are many fear based doctrines and verses in Koran. However as we search deeply we can see this. For example you may know, Sufis are famous panentheists.

Another thing is that when we conclude as we have the Essence of God within we can cancel the validity of fear based doctrines of islam. Fear and Love can never be at same place.

This means islam at the 'roots' is a Love based and Truth reminder teaching.

There will be those asking "what are terrorizing verses of koran?". I have an answer to that. Koran isn't as it was supposed to be. Not changed by humans but changed by unearthly forces.

For ones interested in this part:



like Al-Hallaj said

"If you do not recognize God, at least recognize His sign, I am the creative truth —Ana al-Haqq—,
because through the truth, I am eternal truth."


RE: islam - AnthroHeart - 12-03-2013

Unfortunately I can't have a relationship with God because I can't trust God. Whoever comes through to me is not God.