1993.01.19 Aaron on Impatience - Printable Version

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1993.01.19 Aaron on Impatience - Plenum - 11-29-2013

this is from the Aaron/Q'uo dialogues, sesson 13:

Aaron Wrote:- -

One of the illusions in which you dwell, and which you rarely see, is that all of your reactivity against another is truly reactivity against the self.

This is an unqualified statement:

All of your judgment against another is judgment against those faults perceived or manifest in yourself.

- -

You may judge another’s impatience while you do not portray the quality of impatience; but somewhere in your heart you feel the arising of that impatience, and so another’s impatience is judged and found disturbing to you.

and although the general principle being examined is that of reactivity, the specific example given is highly relevant. That of impatience.

it especially applies to those who are maybe a bit older, or more experienced, in relation to those younger and perhaps given less experience.

the impatience often arises as: "grow up, learn faster, here is how you need to change" ... without the acceptance of one's own past and mistakes and missteps. This is the kind of impatience that is oversolicitous is handing out advice, being too eager to assist (when unasked for), and feeling the weight of trying to 'save the world' ... when all that is needed is to 'save' and forgive one's own past.

indeed, all reactivity is against oneself, and what we see in the world is a projection of preconceived mental patterns that are just asking for more attention to be balanced, and finally released.

I found the Aaron/Q'uo dialogues a bit difficult to get through before, but there are the occasional gems that highlight a profound point, and drive a nail deep through the illusion, and offer a pinprick of undistilled intelligence to shine through.

peace and namaste.


RE: 1993.01.19 Aaron on Impatience - Jeremy - 11-29-2013

I agree about the Aaron dialogue. I always found myself starting them then just skipping over the rest. Something just seems off about them.

But to get back to your post, I myself and I'm sure others can attest to such impatience. It's one of the many reasons I have backed off from the boards a bit. I found that I was putting much effort into improving other selves when all that was needed was a simple message of hope and reassurance rather than "no not that way, this way" mentality.

It may come from the heart but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's apropos.

RE: 1993.01.19 Aaron on Impatience - Melissa - 11-29-2013

"All of your judgment against another is judgment against those faults perceived or manifest in yourself."

This. Why is it so hard to remember sometimes. Thanks for this illuminating post!

RE: 1993.01.19 Aaron on Impatience - zenmaster - 12-01-2013

The general mechanism is projection (taught in psych 101). Impatience is a good one because, like many ethical considerations, is quite arbitrarily judged yet must be tested and endured daily.

RE: 1993.01.19 Aaron on Impatience - reeay - 12-01-2013

Jung alluded to something similar:

Whoever looks into the mirror of the water will see first of all his own face. Whoever goes to himself risks a confrontation with himself. The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor. But the mirror lies behind the mask and shows the true face.
"Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" (1935). In CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. P.43

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." Memories, dreams, reflections (1963)