Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Printable Version

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Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Adonai One - 11-19-2013

It's based on my interpretation of the archetypes. It is very powerful and very polarizing if truly accepted and meditated upon in a dedicated manner. You will likely feel sensations in the upper 4 chakras from this mantra/intention. Just putting it out there for all to use.

Quote:I declare the creation of the following thought-form;

It infinitely enables the following in all ways:

My mind's feeling is fully balanced between intuition and rationality;

It is without censure;

My body's desire is fully balanced between satisfaction and want;

It is without repulsion;

My spirit's love is fully balanced between detachment and attachment;

It is without hate;

My choice to accept all things is fully balanced between humility and will;

I am without rejection.


Have fun. It's released under the public domain.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - reeay - 11-19-2013

How are these intentions manifested? (I'm interested in process-of-change)

Do you set intentions and just let things work itself out?

Do you set intentions and engage in corresponding action to balance these things (e.g., intuition/rational, satisfaction/want, non-attachment/attachment)?

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Unbound - 11-19-2013

Yeah I am a little confused how this "polarizes" someone?

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Adonai One - 11-19-2013

When this intent is meditated upon with a sufficiently open mind, the mind will guide the body/spirit to act these things out accordingly, unconciously and conciously. A mind open/closed within only a limited parameter may experience little of what this intent can offer. This can occur by strictly directing yourself towards what you might think this intent will manifest.

There is no wrong way to pursue this intent but I feel having faith in unconcious results of this intent leading to physical results will bring the most optimal growth while looking for them in your daily life.

(11-19-2013, 02:50 PM)Tanner Wrote: Yeah I am a little confused how this "polarizes" someone?

Once the concept of love is defined, it is very clear. Love, unity is nothing more than unconditional acceptance of "the creator" while wishing to support it.

Accepting all in a balanced state of attachment/non-attachment is the middle path of enlightenmemt.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Unbound - 11-19-2013

I still don't understand how that is polarizing in the manner of service. I understand making such an intention can be useful to get in to a state of open acceptance and openness to love, if such wording as you have used works for you in that way (it doesn't really, for me) but it seems more that this would set the intention towards a polarity, but I just don't see how the use of the mantra in itself would result in increased polarity. I am not saying it does or doesn't work, I am just wondering what you mean by the mantra being polarizing?

Are you working from the idea that holding of the intention of acceptance polarizes one positively?

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Adonai One - 11-19-2013

If physical actions of service polarized positively alone, Santa Claus would be the saint of The Law of One.

To the last question, yes. The intent will inevitably manifest the action/non-action necessary.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - reeay - 11-19-2013

Think mantras can be a useful way to 'call' for catalyst into our lives so that we may be able to work out specific issues that we select... like the mantra strengthening need/desire to balance so you call appropriate opportunities to work thru these issues. Then, we are in a situation where we are able to choose whether to accept or reject this catalyst, and to choose how we respond to catalyst (i.e., interpretation of catalyst).

Not sure whether mantras directly affect the balancing process but signaling one's readiness to engage in the healing process.

It's definitely a good start to addressing imbalances that we are aware of in the moment, and then to work deeper into the mind to find less accessible/less conscious issues.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Horuseus - 11-19-2013

'External' autonomous programs are not going to assist in developing if the necessary inner work is not done. You may as well intend upon a servitor for enlightenment and/or ascension and ignore the years of balancing and inner refinement, or rather I should say the journey through the actual programmed incarnative path. Even if such a thought-form may prove effective, they will usually be shut down/deactivated by the Higher Self to ensure proper catalyst is integrated, rather than short-handed solutions.

Further, a thought-form covers a wide spectrum of functions, though a 'Mantra/intention' is usually not one of them, and are generally considered to be distinct unto their own right. Thought-forms can be considered to be non-sentient 'etheric autonomous robots', programmed with certain parameters and variables to operate upon. 'Poltergeists' for example are generally also considered to be thought-forms with the parameters being the non-disintegrated Egoic structure, or the Orange/Yellow ray shells acting as parameters for mimicking the personality structure of the deceased individual.

Further, there needs to be a built in fail-safe to prevent thought-forms from wreaking havoc upon the numerous simultaneous incarnations/selves. This can potentially be potent stuff, and responsibility/understanding needs to be integrated, including knowing parameters need to be specific, and not vague as they are here. Utilizing the imaginative faculty is generally also pre-requite to a successful thought-form, imagining it's structure and how it will operate, determining it's energy source, shielding and so forth. Many simply tend to throw willy nilly into the air (including prayer) and as a result you have billions of these things floating around on the inner planes of 3D, in the Astral and around the sphere influencing on an unconscious level, or corded into individuals (though the majority tend to be dissolved quickly).

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Unbound - 11-19-2013

Hmm, I suppose I can agree with that, but the polarization from such a thing would be minimal in terms of the raw intention. I thought what results in polarization is energy transfer through the transfer of a charge, so I understand how this creation of a thoughtform can produce a charge but it still seems to me that it only produces the potentialfor polarization, like pulling back an elastic, but it would be when that energy is actually released to aid other-selves that the actual polarization would happen. I don't mean this in necessarily a physical way, even just energetically.

The spell just seems passive, when I try it out myself it appears to just build a charge of potential, but that charge just kind of floats around until it is able to be transferred and utilized. I think it is good for drawing in energy to be used in polarization but it would need some kind of active modifier to make a circulation with other-selves to be polarizing, imo. Of course, all of this is just based on my own understandings of the way energy flows and what I feel when trying this out for myself, it may work totally different for someone else. I think it is important to note that wording can make a big difference to each individual when setting an intention.

The part that seems inconclusive to me is the last part, "My will accepts all." I would, personally, add on, "I accept the Creator's will as my will." As that would seem to me to "complete" the circle and create the circulation of energy between self and other self by transferring the energy 'betwixt the many and the one', as well as make clear the intention of service to others through the acknowledgement of the self as other and the acceptance thereof. Others may see this as redundant, but for me it acts as a clarification.

However, all that being said, I don't think that is at all "necessary" because the fact is that when you create any spell or word mantra you are using the words and their inferences which are relevant for you as an individual, so there may be things implicit to you in certain words or phrases which are suggestive of this or that intention, but other individuals may perceive totally different implications within the same phrases.

My point being, perhaps it would be helpful for others when you share your spells by giving a little bit of info on your thoughts/intentions pertaining to each part of the spell so there is some context as to the intention behind the use of each phrase? I think this would help others more effectively utilize what is being shared because I feel it would help people to individualize the spell by having an understanding of the principles being worked in to it and what is being implied by each part.

Perhaps it is just my own nature, but I, personally, will only use a spell or any way to set intentions once I am properly clear on its concepts, so I spend a lot of time on clarification and clear definition of thoughts, especially when pondering the spells/mantras of others, maybe just a result of my meticulous Virgo nature aha Others may see this as questioning or resistence or antagonistic, but it really is just inquisitive to seek clarity. Until something feels right in my heart, I continue to become familiar with it.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Adonai One - 11-19-2013

Polarization is dependent on the acceptance/control of catalyst. This potential you speak of may be one component but ideally this thought-form should generate the proper catalyst that sparks action and further unity with other-selves and all. This catalyst can be generated not only through service but through other interaction.

Quote:54.17 ▶ Questioner: I would like then to trace the evolution of catalyst upon the mind/body/spirit complexes and how it comes into use and is fully used to create this tuning. I assume that the sub-Logos that formed our tiny part of the creation using the intelligence of the Logos of which it is a part, provides, shall I say, the base catalyst that will act upon mind/body complexes and mind/body/spirit complexes before they reach the state of development where they can begin to program their own catalyst. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The sub-Logos offers the catalyst at the lower levels of energy, the first triad; these have to do with the survival of the physical complex. The higher centers gain catalyst from the biases of the mind/body/spirit complex itself in response to all random and directed experiences.

Thus the less developed entity will perceive the catalyst about it in terms of survival of the physical complex with the distortions which are preferred. The more conscious entity, being conscious of the catalytic process, will begin to transform the catalyst offered by the sub-Logos into catalyst which may act upon the higher energy nexi. Thus the sub-Logos can offer only a basic skeleton, shall we say, of catalyst. The muscles and flesh having to do with the, shall we say, survival of wisdom, love, compassion, and service are brought about by the action of the mind/body/spirit complex on basic catalyst so as to create a more complex catalyst which may in turn be used to form distortions within these higher energy centers.

The more advanced the entity, the more tenuous the connection between the sub-Logos and the perceived catalyst until, finally, all catalyst is chosen, generated, and manufactured by the self, for the self.

54.18 ▶ Questioner: Which entities incarnate at this time on this planet would be of that category, manufacturing all of their catalyst?

Ra: I am Ra. We find your query indeterminate but can respond that the number of those which have mastered outer catalyst completely is quite small.

Most of those harvestable at this space/time nexus have partial control over the outer illusion and are using the outer catalyst to work upon some bias which is not yet in balance.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - Unbound - 11-19-2013

So, the person would therefore be creating a thoughtform meant to stimulate life activity resulting in more catalyst to be processed? Presumably this thoughtform would be built with benevolent intentions, provided the intentions of its creator is clear. The goal is to create, and this is just my interpretation, a compass or entity which will guide or assist you to move along a path, particularly towards unity and service to others?

That is an interesting approach to polarization and could indeed work to enhance or expand the catalytic process, but I would offer a word of caution to anyone creating something which is designed to have power over one's life, even only benevolently. We are all born with many natural, useful guides. Remember, such a thing is tied to you, and they are morphable, by ourselves and others, and investing energy and consciousness in to a thoughtform takes a solid awareness of one's own thoughts and intentions. I know you know all this, Immanuel, I am more saying these things for those who may not know aha

Anyways, I find your magical "style" to be rather interesting, even if it isn't the same way I choose to approach things. I accept you and your ways and I do, out of love, have concern for your being, but I know and accept that I cannot choose your path or your life or where you place your energies, I do not doubt you have good intentions, nor that you are capable. I do however enjoy that we are able to interact, it is always an interesting reflection upon myself, it is a pleasure to be your other self, and also the other self of all here and beyond. Blessings to you, my friend.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - BrownEye - 11-19-2013

Yup, fastest route to polarization would be to face all catalyst at once. For most this places them in a closed loop experience, not ever having the clarity needed to understand or accept the extremity of conditions suddenly imposed upon the self. There are channels that give instructions on how to do this. If on the very small chance that the person overcomes and accepts the catalyst, they become a 'free agent'.

RE: Polarization Spell: ACHENTA - vervex - 11-21-2013

Although the mantra's formulation is different from what I would have written, I can see how it could help someone reach a state of balance. I believe the key here, as it has been pointed out, is the potential. This intent, if it resonates with the user, could be used as a method to balance oneself as it is a first step in the direction of change, non-attachment, intuition and satisfaction. One could wonder if the mantra would balance the mind/body/spirit alone or if it would bring catalyst in one's life which would result in balancing, and the answer to this pondering could vary from an individual to another depending on their situation and the desired result/change.

One topic which should be clarified in this thread is the nature of a thought-form. Some seem to believe it is necessarily an entity or even a being with a will of its own (akin to a tulpa). From my understanding, Adonai doesn't use thought-form in that manner but rather in its simplest form. Perhaps he can extrapolate on that subject and soothe some posters here... Wink