1985.08.18 Hatonn on the Nature of the Choice - Plenum - 11-07-2013
this session was brought through in the second half of 1985, about 18 months after the last Ra channeling. Here Hatonn talks about the nature of the 'choice' and how we can choose to interpret our experience:
Quote:August 18, 1985
(Carla channeling)
I am Hatonn, and we greet you, my friends, in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. We ask your patience as we found the necessity of once again answering the challenge due to the instrument’s movement which then caused the need for his own reestablishment of his ritual. We are most honored to be able to join each of you this evening. The request has been made that the topic concern the accentuation of the positive path in the seeker’s life as the result of the recognition of the bi-polarities, the positive and the negative.
Each within your illusion is undertaking this very process. The nature and efficiency of the process is a function of the conscious recognition of this process. One can move upon this positive path in an unconscious sense. Yet, the movement is only possible up to a certain point. This point, however, may we reassure you, is quite sufficient for one to be, shall we say, graduated to the fourth density of understanding. Yet, one may enhance this journey and enhance the harvestability, shall we say, therefore, by becoming more consciously aware of the working of this process of accentuating positive perceptions and attitudes and the falling away of the more dark and dimly lit or negative choices.
Within your illusion are provided an infinite number of means by which you may continue this process. Indeed, your entire illusion is, may we use the term, training ground, an opportunity in each instance for you to make positive or negative choices and thereby enhance your evolutionary progress. Whether the choices are conscious or unconscious, there will be progress in direct proportion to the purity of the choices, that is to say, progress is made by choosing a polarization, be it positive or negative, and following that choice in as frequent and pure a manner as possible.
Each entity moves through the daily round of activities. Each entity has basic attitudes or points of viewing these experiences which color each experience in a repeating fashion as each experience symbolizes the perceptions and the emotional colorization that follow each perception, so that each experience is colored in an unique fashion by each seeker.
The point of viewing the experience determines whether it is seen in this or that fashion, whether it is basically positive or basically negative in the entity’s perception. Each experience, in truth, contains the one Creator in full, balanced and perfect. This Creator may be seen in a positive or negative fashion. These positive and negative perceptions may then be further distorted into any number and variety of forms. Whether the form is one that works upon the mental level, the emotional level, the physical level, or the spiritual level or any combination of these levels is a function of how the seeker perceives the experience.
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To give an example. An entity may wish to further the support of the family by enhancing the amount of money, as you call it, that is available for use. This desire to provide sustenance to the loved ones is a basic lesson of love, for the entity who has taken the responsibility of supporting in a material sense those that are close and loved is one who then is sharing a form of love. The desire, then, to be of service to others forms the foundation for action for this entity. This entity, then, as it attempts to improve its market position with, as you call it, the job or the occupation, fuels the desire by a desire that is at its base that of serving others. The entity then may engage in any number of activities upon the job that are designed to increase its income of money. This then may be realized in the entity’s life pattern or experience in any number of ways, for at the base of the action is the desire to serve others by providing material sustenance, further then translated or distorted by the entity’s perception to mean money or income that is then seen possible of obtaining from the job or through the occupation.
Now, what shall actually occur to this entity in this focus of its experience may or may not take the form that the entity images. For if it does not image with a consciously honed and precise mind or mental frame of reference, that which answers the desire may take a variety of forms. It may be that support or sustenance is challenged through the emotional complex in order that it then be, as you would say, of good cheer or greater cheer, and in such a fashion provide a form of nourishment that does indeed nourish those about it at a central portion of the being but does so in a form which is a great variance from that which was consciously sought because the conscious seeking was of an unfocused nature.
This is a general and quite simplistic example of the process whereby one consciously seeks and obtains some distortion of that seeking as a function of the purity and clarity and intensity of the seeking which motivates the action. In each life experience, one takes whatever focus of understanding one has concerning the process of seeking the truth—or accentuating the positive in this case—and sees through that focus any experience that may come before the entity in its daily round of activity. Whatever degree of understanding one has achieved through searching resources, meditating and seeking within for the truth of any resource’s information and then forming this focus of understanding will determine the clarity with which any experience is seen through this focus.
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Thus, as one fuels the desire to know the truth and accentuate the positive, as it has been termed this evening, one has done the fundamental requirement or step; one has laid the basic foundation for realizing whatever finer focus may be necessary in order to achieve the desire. One may then take this desire and further refine or tune the focus in order that that which is desired might be realized in a closer and closer approximation of image so that what is received more closely resembles that which [is] desired and sought.
This is a self-propelling or motivating process. Once one has become consciously aware that such a process is being undergone and is a portion of one’s experience and being, the seeking to understand more clearly how this process functions is that fuel which will allow one to refine the process according to the intensity and the efficiency, shall we say, of one’s seeking. Whatever resources are sought and utilized is then taken in a distilled form by the conscious seeker into the meditation in order that the truer portions of the information may, shall we say, percolate or resonate through the mind down into the roots of mind where the truth of all being resides and attract to it some portion of truth that resonates in a frequency with the information so sought and rises then through the unconscious mind through the intuition and in various symbolic forms becomes available to the conscious mind in order that the conscious mind might be informed of that which it has requested.
As the conscious mind seeks in a more and more efficient manner, fueled by the continuing great desire to know the truth, the information gotten by this search, then, through meditation is passed through deeper levels of the unconscious mind and attracts that which resonates in frequency with it, further accelerating the conscious recognition of the process of evolution that is being experienced in the day-to-day activities of the more and more conscious seeker of truth. Thereby is the focus through which the seeker views each experience expanded and expanded upon each level of understanding through the emotional colorization, the mental analysis, the physical symbolic experience, and the spiritual basis for each other perception.
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The focus, then, is seen to include more of each experience as being seen as a distortion of the Creator by the seeker, whether the distortion be towards love, wisdom or unity, those three portions that are available to all seekers in each experience.
To sum this lengthy discourse, and one which we hope has not been overly complex, we may use an analogy further utilizing the concept of the school with the grades that represent the levels of understanding or densities of experience. In your third-density illusion, each experience is a question—each experience is the same question. There is only one question on this test which you call life. It is reflected in each experience. The question is, “Do you see love in this experience?” In some degree the seeker will see love in each experience; in some degree the seeker will not. As the seeker is able to answer each experience question with an answer that approaches one hundred percent “Yes,” the seeker is polarizing in the positive sense. We may report that the good news of the test is that fifty-one percent is passing. When the seeker is able to answer each answer to a level of fifty-one percent of experiencing and seeing love, the seeker is then of a polarized enough nature to move into the fourth-density grade in the octave of creation that you now experience. The seeker, then, has achieved the minimum polarization that will allow it to withstand the greater intensity of energy available within the fourth-density class.
Without at least the ability to see love in fifty-one percent of one’s perceptions and experiences, the energy available in the fourth-density class would be too much for the circuit of the seeker who had not yet sufficiently regularized or polarized its being in order that its circuits not be blown, shall we say, as the greater intensity of light became the reality for the seeker.
We remind each that our words are but humble attempts to describe and share that which is quite beyond description, yet may be shared in some form where there is desire to know and desire to share. We, therefore, thank each of you for providing the desire to know, and we remind each that our words are but our fallible attempts to be of the service which you desire. We shall leave this instrument at this time in order that our brothers and sisters of Latwii may offer their service of attempting queries which those present may find the value in requesting. We are those of Hatonn and we leave you now in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus.
so in the end, we can see that the ultimate power lies in how we choose to filter (interpret) our experience. There really is no other power than the power to choose; no matter the situation, no matter the parameters, no matter the perceived threats or violence or extenuations ... there is always the choice. And that lies purely within our consciousness.
this single recognition of where the true power lies (in each individual choice, experience by experience, mounted day by day) offers a great balm to many orange ray blockages/misunderstandings.
we have never lost the power of ability to choose; only sometimes we think it is obscured, or that the choice cannot be applied in some situations (ie we hold onto the idea that we cannot choose a positive interpretation of some situations, and thereby feel 'pressured' into making a choice that we would rather not - ie an inability to see the love in the other-self at that particular moment).
once we recognize that we have this infinite capability to choose; and not only choose, but to rechoose past choices in past events (to see the 'error' of our ways, and come to positive understandings of those situations), then truly the wheel of karma can be braked, and we need no longer suffer under the self-inflicted burden of separation (a consequence of negative interpretation of events).
The Choice is moment by moment; and is just asking for conscious application. As Hatonn says: the unconscious (tenuous) feeling for positivity is all good and fine; but can only take one so far. It is in the conscious application of this evolutive process whereby we become active participants in our waking reality.
peace y'all
RE: 1985.08.18 Hatonn on the Nature of the Choice - Fastidious Emanations - 11-07-2013
What does 100% achieve?
Perfect unity?
The path of least resistance?
Thank you.
RE: 1985.08.18 Hatonn on the Nature of the Choice - Plenum - 11-07-2013
I would say that 100% would get you a chicken dinner. Chicken dinner, winner winner!!
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but seriously, I dunno.
I would imagine it would be total ongoing acceptance, and as you hint, there would be no resistance to anything that came to one's awareness (that is inputs from the surroundings, people, one's own thoughts).
I would imagine Higher Self is 100% sto. And that STO is directed towards YOU, individually.
there's a Ra or Q'uo quote that says that HS is the last vestige of polarity in the sense of working with something outside the self. After that, all is seen as the self, and so no outside interaction is needed anymore for learning purposes. HS is the pinnacle point just before that final turn inwards.
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"75.32 It is a being of unity, being of sixth density and equivalent to what you call your higher self and, at the same time, is a personality enormously rich in variety of experience and subtlety of emotion."
and that's the dude (or dudess) that's observing our every thought and impulse and mistep and accurate assessment and blunder and hangover and joyous outburst and enthusiastic orgasm and tiny frustration moment by moment. It's there. It's us. It's watching.
kinda creepy, huh?
RE: 1985.08.18 Hatonn on the Nature of the Choice - Fastidious Emanations - 11-07-2013
edit; unecessaire