Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - Printable Version

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Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - Plenum - 11-07-2013

before a certain time, the past looks Black and White to us (photos, movies). But with some re-creation and guesswork, it can be brought back to life!

it happened in color, godamnit!!

BigSmile (15+ pics)

Japanese Archers circa 1860
[Image: nCoznRX.jpg]

RE: Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - Melissa - 11-07-2013

Very awesome! Funny how most characters would be labeled as 'hipster' nowadays.

And Charlie Chaplin looks like such a cutiepie!

RE: Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - native - 11-07-2013

Those are the best hand-tinted photos I've seen! I wish I knew who did them to find out their method.

Looks like they came from this page

(11-07-2013, 07:48 AM)Melissa Wrote: And Charlie Chaplin looks like such a cutiepie!

The one of Audrey Hepburn is HOT..women look a lot sexier when there is more left for the imagination. And the one of Mark Twain is crystal clear

RE: Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - Sagittarius - 11-07-2013

Walt Whitman, first thing I thought was gandalf haha. Darwin always looks like such a sower-puss, not surprising given his dilemmas I guess hehe.

RE: Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - Jade - 11-13-2013

Vaguely tangential vein and worth sharing:

RE: Colorized historical photos can make the past seem not so far away - Unbound - 11-13-2013

That is awesome, I love that one of the Japanese archers.