1996.04.14 Unlearning - Printable Version

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1996.04.14 Unlearning - AnthroHeart - 09-14-2013

Quote:The way to climb the steps of light to a fullness that is fourth-density is actually not to take on learning but to release learning, to release those strictures of contraction which you have placed upon consciousness in order to defend the self. When entities pull themselves away from the fully open heart it is usually not from a motive of anger, bitterness, or offense but, rather, it is a move to defend the vulnerable self within. Little by little, the path towards graduation into fourth density involves discovering, balancing, and releasing those things from which one pulls back and contracts the self in order to survive.

So what is the purpose of learning here, if we are to release that learning to make fourth density graduation? I've heard of the importance of unlearning wisdom to accept new wisdom.

RE: 1996.04.14 Unlearning - Hototo - 09-14-2013

It is to learn why to unlearn is the only real way.

Or, as I said elsewhere, To the certainty that nothing is ever lost the fear of loss is lost.

RE: 1996.04.14 Unlearning - zenmaster - 09-14-2013

That's Carla's way of saying that holding onto a distortion stifles progress. Of course you still learn.

RE: 1996.04.14 Unlearning - AnthroHeart - 09-14-2013

That makes sense Zen. Ra did say something along the lines of "you must realize you do not understand in order to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density."

RE: 1996.04.14 Unlearning - Charles - 09-15-2013

Here in 3D we learn that we each have to take care of ourselves. If we don't do it, no one else is likely to be around to help. Parents take care of their children by teaching them to be independent, and to take care of themselves.

Unlearning our separation from each other is necessary, so we may learn of our unity. We are all in this together. We Are ONE.

Some of us understand this intellectually, but that is not the understanding Ra is calling for. I think we must realize that we do not understand, until we "Know" with certainty that we are ONE, which is a heart wisdom and not a brain thinking.

RE: 1996.04.14 Unlearning - AnthroHeart - 09-15-2013

Agreed. Knowing with the heart is substantially more than knowing with the brain. I will have no problem confessing that I know nothing when I walk the steps of light. And it's not just something I say. I mean it. I want to let go of any distortions that are holding me back.

RE: 1996.04.14 Unlearning - Jeremy - 09-15-2013

(09-14-2013, 09:20 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: That makes sense Zen. Ra did say something along the lines of "you must realize you do not understand in order to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density."

I wish more would take heed of this statement. The what's, why's and how's are so immaterial that it often stifles the path that some attempt to proceed upon. If one were to accept this, ones life could be made immeasurably easier