ELF magnetic model of mind and matter - Printable Version

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ELF magnetic model of mind and matter - Aloysius - 09-02-2013

Dr Andrija Puharich, who was acquaintances with Don and Carla was an interesting and well respected scientist. He referred to the Ra material as "the most influential and important philosophical work he had read" (along those lines) so it's probably quite likely he was aware of Reciprocal System Theory as well.

Quote:In his everlasting need for new knowledge, Dr. Puharich turned to physics and tracked the footsteps of the Yugoslav scientist, Dr. Nicola Tesla, who experimented with new kind of electromagnetic waves in the beginning of the 20th century. During his own tests, Dr. Puharich found that these waves, known to science as Extremely Low Frequency non-hertzian electromagnetic waves (E.L.F or scalar waves), could have a dramatic effect on both people and the environment, for better or worse.

One more of Puharich's fruitful inventions had to do with the world's energy crisis. This invention, U.S. Patent 4,394,230, Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules, issued to Dr. Andrija Puharich in 1983, made complex electrical waveforms resonate water molecules and shatter them. This freed hydrogen and oxygen, thus creating a new kind of environment-friendly fuel made of water.

This is a posthumously published/released manuscript by Andrija that he compiled shortly before his death: "ELF magnetic model of mind and matter, the origin of life & The art of Healing"
It's a compilation of 4 papers on various yet intertwined topics comprised of:
_Successful treatments of neoplasms in mice with gaseous superoxide anion and ozone with a rationale of the effect.
-A new control and information system discovered in biology and medicine: Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields
-Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer Theory

I've only browsed it so far as it is 344 pages but from what I've seen, I like lol. Being a scientific work, scientific familiarity will come in handy to peruse this. Thought I may as well share it with you guys. I don't think many who dismiss the concept of "scalar waves" are familiar with this work (to be fair any concept promoted by the new age community is rarely taken seriously within scientific circles and usually with good reason haha). In fact I have not seen this work reviewed or referenced by anyone, it's not very well known.

You can find the link to the PDF here: