Personal Love vs Universal Love - Printable Version

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Personal Love vs Universal Love - Plenum - 08-24-2013

love is great. love is awesome. Everyone wants to get me some love.

no-one is arguing against love.

but love (and the expression of it) takes many forms.

I have been interested recently in the phenomena of Personal Love vs the nature of universal love.

the green ray centre (what we normally associate with the emotion/experience of love) seems to speak directly to the nature of universal love:

Quote:Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind/body/spirit complex in terms of survival, then in terms of personal identity, then in terms of social relations, then in terms of universal love, then in terms of how the experience may beget free communication, then in terms of how the experience may be linked to universal energies, and finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience.

this is interesting to me because everyone seems to think that love is just 'love'; and that there are no variants or alternate readings of it.

but from personal experience, I have seen some very kind and 'loving' individuals who are most generous and accepting of those 'inside their circle', or 'inside their family', or 'inside their clan', and yet are some of the most vicious and rejecting people of those outside their circle. And when I checked, sure enough, their kundalini had not reached the green centre.

and there are others who seem somewhat aloof, a bit impersonal, who don't follow the normal social code of what is 'friendly' or 'welcoming', and yet such peoples were very far advanced into the heart centre, and even moving into the wisdom centre.

- -

universal love is exactly that. It speaks to a broad acceptance of the variety of humanity, can see the value and worth of all.

personal love is still playing favourites; me and them; I love you because you love me back, and if you stop loving me, I'll stop loving you.

Harvestibility is all about reaching the point in consciousness where universal love is the given default; that enough blockages have been removed where the base response of one individual to a stranger or someone across the other side of the world is: 'I love you. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done, or what you will do (to me or others); I choose to love you regardless'. This type of love is the love of a mother for a newborn; but being applied to people that aren't newborns. People that aren't cute, or cuddly, or even look nice.

and you can see why harvestibility is so difficult a grade to attain.

Quote:49.6 Where these energies meet is where the serpent will have achieved its height. When this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes nigh.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - Hototo - 08-24-2013

I can say that you bring out in me, Plenum, many of the aspects of universal love. As does this post <3.

On a side note, Man I am hungry.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - Aloysius - 08-24-2013

Lol while I was reading this the song "only love can break your heart" was playing haha.
But great post Plenum, this is an ongoing lesson for me. You have a knack for posting topics that I need help with just as I become aware of my need to address the area of self you post about.
"The moment contains love"-Ra

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - AnthroHeart - 08-24-2013

I didn't realize that harvestability was a difficult grade to obtain. Through just accepting others should be enough. In other words do not worry about the harvest. I love all people equally. Although those who hunt and trap wolves can upset me, but I'm working on loving them too. Or the people who have been mean to me in the past, I have forgiven them. But still the past sometimes comes up, with situations and such, that irk me. Most of all, I love myself, and forgive myself for that which is. And it gets to a point where I no longer hold judgement, so there is nothing to forgive.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - Crysis - 08-24-2013

Gemini, my friend, what you said are the very reasons why we have to come back for a few million years more. Karma, my brother, Ancients have spoken about Karma. Nothing and nobady can change your karmic path. Your life is unique, never to repeat, and that is what Creator is after. And that is not bad, for we own space/time time/space. Why would Ra claim millions of years of evolution for one single entity.

Remember the statements:
-The Moment Contains Love
-There Are No Mistakes

These can very easily be applied to our realm, I was sceptic at beginning.
Harvest to me is questionable thing, as in being massive migration.
At what point in space/time you think we will have 1 billion entities at 51%. Prospects are grim. That leaves us with millions of years of evolution. Well if the planet goes bust, we'll find another place with guidence from 4th or above.
Same thing as they say Second Coming of Christ. There's symbolism and mistery here.

I am at the very bottom in front of stairs of million steps. It all starts with pain. And that is the grand design.

As one of the members said, it's all about rising above.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - zenmaster - 08-24-2013

(08-24-2013, 08:37 AM)plenum Wrote: Harvestibility is all about reaching the point in consciousness where universal love is the given default
That is the initial point of harvestibility from third density where an actual balance of mind and body has provided enough of the spirit to actualize in the "personality shell". However an actual balance in mind and body is not at all a requirement for harvestibility, hence the violet ray overall requirement.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - michael430 - 08-24-2013


RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - AnthroHeart - 08-24-2013

(08-24-2013, 06:27 PM)michael430 Wrote: What is required of the violet ray for harvestability ?

I'm wondering the same thing, since we cannot balance our violet ray consciously.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - michael430 - 08-24-2013


RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - zenmaster - 08-24-2013

(08-24-2013, 06:27 PM)michael430 Wrote: What is required of the violet ray for harvestability ?
It's the same thing as what is provided circumstantially with "the uncoiled serpent", but entails the culmination of your past experience (past lives). We come here to work on a specific aspect of our personality which may or may not lead to the "uncoiled serpent" raising to an immediately usable space/time vibrational level of a particular ray. The balancing work of a single lifetime does not determine one's harvestibility unless violet ray is also reflecting the work of that single lifetime.

(08-24-2013, 06:29 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:
(08-24-2013, 06:27 PM)michael430 Wrote: What is required of the violet ray for harvestability ?

I'm wondering the same thing, since we cannot balance our violet ray consciously.
What are you talking about? Violet ray is the overall balance. *any* work on balancing is indicated in violet ray.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - Raz - 08-24-2013

(08-24-2013, 11:49 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I love all people equally. Although those who hunt and trap wolves can upset me, but I'm working on loving them too.

Universal love takes no time; it is what is, before reason has come to mind. Loving what we are takes no time; we are not what we do. We are the space that contains all of you.

You are not in a biological body, a biological body is in you.

Universal love is not a choice; it is the present’s only silent voice.
"We love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it" is a good translation in to this world of past and future simulation.

Dont get me wrong, stick with the people that you love what they do, lovingly bless what you experiance as the insane aspects of you.

my 2 cent =)

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - bosphorus - 12-13-2013

i believe reaching 4d isn't difficult. All you have to do is completing lessons by being all kind of to-bes. However in a controlled sts World like ours it's however a bit challenging. instead of becoming a 4d sto, on your way, you're more like to be a sts.

i remember a quote from Koran. when the devil (4d reptilians) became a sts, he's believed to say to God: i will play against you and will divert humans off your way.

i believe this summarizes the world's situation Smile

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - AnthroHeart - 12-13-2013

Well I believe the Ra material says that Lucifer was offering a service. I've heard elsewhere that Lucifer is a social memory complex.

RE: Personal Love vs Universal Love - bosphorus - 12-13-2013

(12-13-2013, 05:13 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Well I believe the Ra material says that Lucifer was offering a service. I've heard elsewhere that Lucifer is a social memory complex.

yes. it's a representational name of 4d Orion sts (reptilians)