Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Printable Version

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Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Jim Kent + - 01-05-2009

Greetings all

I am relatively new to The Confedreation's message and would like some clarification on the following terms - which to be honest - still baffle me...

Firstly, the term "Intelligent Infinity"...

My best guesses at the moment are that this term either refers to the consciousness of our eternal-souls - or to the universal-consciousness,

Secondly, the term "Logos"...

I can think in terms of souls, planets and stars and atoms - but what exactly does the term "Logos" refer to...

But if someone has a clear understanding of these terms - I would be most grateful if somone could clarify them for me!

Thank you!

Jim Kent +

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Chela - 01-06-2009

Hi Jim,
I believe that the answer to your questions can be found in Ra (B1, 129):

RA: The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.

RA: Infinity became aware.

RA: Awareness led to the focus of infinity into infinite energy. You have called this by various vibrational sound complexes, the most common to your ears being "Logos" or "Love." The Creator is the focusing of infinity as an aware or conscious principle called by us as closely as we can create understanding/learning in your language, intelligent infinity.

Hope this helps.

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Monica - 01-06-2009

(01-05-2009, 07:59 PM)Jim Kent + Wrote: But if someone has a clear understanding of these terms - I would be most grateful if somone could clarify them for me!

Hi Jim! I understand that the terms can be a bit confusing! I found that, as I continued to read and study the material, I began to grasp the meanings of the terms, but it's a bit more difficult to concisely define them.

There are a couple of online study guides, including glossaries of the terms, available that may help. However, please keep in mind that any time another person attempts to define/categorize/interpret the material, while helpful, that is possibly adding another layer of potential distortion.

(This could be said of our own discussions here, too, of course!)

I would suggest utilizing the efforts of others, while at the same time continuing our own study of the material directly.

(These might be the same study guide just posted on different sites...I already found it on a couple of other sites as well...not sure. )

Hope this helps!

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Travis - 01-07-2009

Jim Kent Wrote:Firstly, the term "Intelligent Infinity"...
I would direct you to this link where it was asked to be defined. Here is a snippet from the page..
Quote:Questioner: It is not necessary to divide it. The definition of intelligent infinity is sufficient. Could you define that please?

Ra: I am Ra. This is exponentially simpler and less confusing. There is unity. This unity is all that there is. This unity has a potential and kinetic. The potential is intelligent infinity. Tapping this potential will yield work. This work has been called by us, intelligent energy.

The nature of this work is dependent upon the particular distortion of free will which in turn is the nature of a particular intelligent energy of kinetic focus of the potential of unity or that which is all.

Jim Kent Wrote:Secondly, the term "Logos"...
From this Q'uo channeling (Link) I submit this quote.
Quote:K: I would like to clarify. Was there a single Logos
that created the multiple Logoi of which you speak
to make the Big Bang theory of the universe? Is the
Big Bang theory correct, and what the Creator used
to make the creation?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother.
We would suggest that this one Logos was indeed
the one Creator who then created the infinite
number of Logoi that you may see in your night sky
as a representation of infinity. Each Logos, then, has
a various strength or capacity for creation, some
having created a solar system, others having created
an entire galaxy, each being one of an infinite
number of Logoi.

Hope this helps some!

repeat readings - ggw_bach - 01-08-2009

(01-05-2009, 07:59 PM)Jim Kent + Wrote: I am relatively new to The Confedreation's message and would like some clarification on the following terms - which to be honest - still baffle me...

the Law of One is one of those works that almost demands repeat readings. The information is so profound, so far reaching, so explicitly articulated, that it doens't stick on a first or even second reading. The sessions are not always connected thematically in the order they were channelled; so topics of interest can jump around.

one needs to get a sense for the whole work; and then drill down into the details. It is hard graft, and sometimes frustrating, but the beautiful jewels of ascended wisdom make it well worth it.

I can remember struggling with the terms as well ... it can be frustrating. But let it seep in, and the information will do its work. One day it does click Smile

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - 3D Sunset - 01-09-2009

I think of Intelligent Infinity as an infinite lake of available (potential) energy. It is without polarity; it is at unity. This vast potential energy, can then be tapped in finite measures to do specific work (kinetic) called Intelligent energy. Think of this as a stream flowing off the lake, that then turns a water wheel. The wheel, having been turned, provides work to whomever has harnessed it. The stream (referred to by Ra as "Love", or in this sense, I think, Intent) focuses the lake (potential energy or Intelligent infinity) to turn the wheel (forming "kinetic" or "Intelligent" energy) to perform specific work.

The act of tapping into Intelligent infinity is accomplished through the Law of Free Will (the desire for the Creator to know itself), which is focused by Love (intent) to create Intelligent energy that accomplishes that intent.

I hope that helps,

3D Sunset

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Jim Kent + - 01-09-2009

Greetings all!

Mant thanks to you all for attempting to answer my question...

Especial thanks to 3D Sunset for providing the most comprehensible reply...

I think that i finally get it!!!

Thank you!

Jim kent +

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - βαθμιαίος - 01-09-2009

(01-09-2009, 02:37 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: I think of Intelligent Infinity as an infinite lake of available (potential) energy. It is without polarity; it is at unity. This vast potential energy, can then be tapped in finite measures to do specific work (kinetic) called Intelligent energy. Think of this as a stream flowing off the lake, that then turns a water wheel. The wheel, having been turned, provides work to whomever has harnessed it. The stream (referred to by Ra as "Love", or in this sense, I think, Intent) focuses the lake (potential energy or Intelligent infinity) to turn the wheel (forming "kinetic" or "Intelligent" energy) to perform specific work.

This is a great analogy. Can we say that the wheel is the third distortion, light?

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - Steppingfeet - 01-11-2009

Though I don't believe Ra ever used such terminology, the concepts of transcendence and immanence have been very helpful to my understanding of the Law of One books.

In all the plenitude of my human ignorance, I tend to perceive Intelligent Infinity, the macrocosmic mystery, (aka: the mother of them all!), as nothingness. Now, I know Ra said that there is no "nothingness".

Let me explain.

The best "definition" I've encountered for that which cannot be defined - i.e., the Creator - is "that which is beyond". The Creator is something so *beyond* the human experience. Beyond all knowledge. Beyond all constructs of space and time. Beyond polarity. Beyond duality. Beyond the imagination. Beyond the *possibility* of conception itself. Beyond all categories of thought and being. The Creator transcends, or moves beyond the boundaries of everything that can be conceived by the human mind.

Therefore, the Creator, in its transcendent aspect, would appear to the human faculties of perception as a nothingness. It is a no-thing. It is categorically, emphatically *not* anything even remotely within our realm of knowledge or experience. All we have to work with are symbols and metaphors which represent and funnel (in limited fashion) a reality much too powerful for our matrix-wired minds to fully take in without Britney Spears-level break downs.

Yet, at the same time, Ra said that: " the simplest iota of this complex exists in its entirety the One Infinite Creator." Meaning that in the tiniest speck of sand, in the most infinitesimal sub-sub atomic particle exists, in holographic nature, the One in its entirety.

This is the Creator's immanent aspect. The Creator is immanent, completely and entirely, in everything. There is nothing that is not entirely the Creator.

Thus, from the 3d perspective, the great paradox. The Creator is simultaneously nothing and everything. The best definition for this: intelligent infinity.

Those two words, as far as I'm aware, are the most technically accurate for pointing to the ultimate, the supreme, the nameless, that which is not born and will not die, that which is untouched by time and space, etc. Intelligent Infinity is the Creator. Entirely beyond conception but entirely available completely and eternally and infinitely.

I love 3d sunsets analogy! Though such thing as intelligent infinity is beyond the mind entirely, I find myself nevertheless attempting to grasp it.. or at least to taste it... to touch into it... to feel intelligent infinity. Such analogies can be helpful, i feel, as long as the symbol remains transparent to that which it, in its super limited way, seeks to represent.

Intelligent energy is, like anything else, a study unto itself. Ra mentioned that it manifests as our galaxy's "natural laws" (that which physics studies). I see it as the manifest universe. (Manifest covering both physical and non-physical reality.) My memory is fuzzy as to its other meanings and implications.

I'm totally down with 3D Sunsets comparing intelligent energy with a stream. I see intelligent energy as the deepest underlying current moving evolution inexorably "upwards". I equate it with the upward spiralling line of light mentioned by Ra. I see it as the evolutionary way or current to which was given the name, "The Tao", by Eastern seekers.

Eastern seekers like you and me... : )

Love to you all, fellow wanderers and seekers,

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - BrotherAsa - 01-11-2009

Isn't attempts to describe that which can't be described a wonderful exercise? When you stop and contemplate Creator it is Everything, it is infinity, it is no-thingness at the same time. Creator is THE ALL. That's why it's called the Law of One.

In the beginning was Creator, if that was not a truth then Creator could not be Everything because something would have existed before Creator. Creator became aware which to me is similar to developing consciousness. From awareness grew Love and from Love flowed ALL THAT IS.

Now what has all this got to do with it. Well, from here I go backwards to the sound vibrations that Ra had to use to try to impart some realization to Don based upon the questions he was asking. If Creator has always been and is everything then Creator is Infinity.

Intelligent Infinity to me is the same as Creator becoming aware or developing consciousness. Intelligent Infinity or Creator's awareness has a potential and that potential is the development of Desire/Love/Intent. Desire/Love/Intent can produce work or the manifestation of CREATION.

CREATION then would be manifested from Creator's consciousness/awareness therefore each and every single part of CREATION is Creator. You, I, every bird, blade of grass, atom, molecule, energy, everything are all part of Creator.

Don't know whether the way I look at it will help anyone or not but it doesn't provide one more way of "visualizing".

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - 3D Sunset - 01-13-2009

(01-09-2009, 08:57 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: This is a great analogy. Can we say that the wheel is the third distortion, light?

To me, Light in this analogy is the water. It is there in the beginning in the form of a unified, shimmering surface. It is there in the stream in the form of a babbling brook, and it is there to move the wheel and create the kinetic energy. One could easily say that everything in the analogy is water, just as everything in our creation is Light.

3D Sunset

RE: Request for clarification of TLOO terms - paddy - 09-19-2009

Many times I wonder if the exercise of pondering something that is not well understood is the greater purpose at play then say finding an explanation that puts the exercise of pondering to rest.

This may relate to the idea of seeking, where a seeker is put in some state of tension that may catalyze activity which may help to resolve that tension. Maybe such states of tension offer better fertility for creative acts; as if such a hidden purpose resides beyond whatever immediate quandary is being puzzled upon.

And so it seems likely that part of the creation of the logos or intelligent infinity was due to such a state of tension. Curiously then, it seems any definition that lacks such tensional component may then act as cause for pondering. (Its a sort of looping self referencing effect that may seem difficult to describe.)
