Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Printable Version

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Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Adonai One - 04-18-2013

I remember various Ra statements regarding Harvesting and how it becomes irrelevant once you have achieved "intelligent infinity". My understanding seems to be very shallow in regards to this.

What does it actually mean to achieve "intelligent infinity"? Does it mean being able to face and accept the unity that is the universe? Does it mean being able to see yourself as the creator himself?

What exact mechanic gives you the ability to inhabit whatever density you wish after each incarnation?

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Hototo - 04-18-2013

I am very hesitant to talk about this in great length anywhere but if I were to talk about it anywhere, this would be the place.

Essentially when you first contact II, you have to establish if you wish to approach it as a mechanical system of thought which you are in essence "alone in" (left hand path) or if its actually the half of your total soul that is on the other side of the veil, with a single personality, but which to you shows many personalities as you require them, and will accede to your impression of it as a mechanical entity but it neither is nor isnt such.

If you establish it as being non mechanical but rather, that you are in essence surrounded by a single entity that at all times simply changes the face it shows to you, then what meaning is there in concept like death or limitations of any sort?

So, in a way, is it "you, the universe (other entities) and god" or just "you and god".

After incarnation means that there is a period where you may or may not believe that you are in incarnation now but not at "that point" where you imaginarialy see or dont see God and then get pushed into a new illusion etc.

IF you are able to reach out to and touch the possibility that maybe all tha tyou perceive is your own angel self talking to you. You'll notice that it is just "one person + you" and then "one person + all the you'ves that you've been through all the times where you've been to" and eventually "one person + you that is all" and then "just all".

But the last steps are, far as I can tell, almost the same with or without 8th density form.

All you get is "okay, so instead of there being millions of individual peoples that are actually "here", I have just one person, this "other self/angel self" and I can ask it to show me anything or take me anywhere and it always works. Simply beacause knowing this is how it is is the greatest tragedy for the soul, in a way, since it removes all "real" other selves that you dont hold onto strongly. So knowing and seeing this knowledge is "going into the elevator of the soul to pass all those stairs".

It works but you damn well better be sure you know what you're getting into when you know that there is just "one person" besides yourself that is at all times watching you as the same person, trying nothing more than to provide everything you may ever ask. And most people ask not to see that there is just that one other self because of the lonelyness and thus, sorrow.

So, anyway. At that point you see people as the sum total of all the programs that they contain on all the densities that they have as if you were looking top down at a graphical representation of something akin to a city but rising like a pyramid. You can just take out a random program and there replace it with another since there will be no karma, after all, you are working with your angel self to shape the interior of your reality, you're the one that has to live with the choices you make after all. So make them good ones.

Contacting II directly is one of the most insanely dangerous moves fathomable but also one of the safest.

Far as I can tell, touching it directly int he way I described renders you effectively immortal and almost omnisentient/potent but not quite.

What need is there for a concept like death if you can turn into a single colored orb at a whim because it suits you.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - native - 04-19-2013

Intelligent infinity can have different significance depending on the level of seeking. For most adepts (it seems) that are ready to move on to the next level of consciousness, they will have discovered the deeper levels of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding..the ability to see the other as having "worth" no matter the circumstance. Recognition of that value within other individuals demonstrates the ability to dismantle the veil, as a person has learned to see past illusory boundaries that make us appear to be separate, or that love/understanding should somehow be conditional. A simple analogy would be to say that love has become limitless, infinite, as there are no boundaries and love is given unconditionally. It's a lesser recognition of oneness, an intelligence, and the infinite in operation.

Those dismantling the veil to a greater extent are working with deeper concepts of oneness. A person can be highly developed and still not "get it" though. It's when someone identifies with lower energies of power that help with the seeking process. Meaning, you've used your intuition and intellect to pull yourself out of the collective insanity, developing your individuality, while at the same time cementing feelings of superiority, viewing the world and others with disdain (what Ra refers to as groping in the moonlight). Too much intellect and not enough heart in other words.

"The penetration of the veil may be seen to begin to have its roots in the gestation of green-ray activity, that all-compassionate love which demands no return. If this path is followed the higher energy centers shall be activated and crystallized until the adept is born. Within the adept is the potential for dismantling the veil to a greater or lesser extent that all may be seen again as one. The other-self is primary catalyst in this particular path to the piercing of the veil, if you would call it that."

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Hototo - 04-19-2013

Piercing of the veil means to be alive, it is the mechanism of life itself isnt it.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 04-19-2013

There were a few times where I thought I penetrated intelligent infinity. It drove me slightly insane, and was under the influence of a negative being. I think I've pierced the veil a few times. Not really sure, but I've had some really bizarre things happen in my life. Some things I wouldn't exchange for anything. I've been tricked into thinking I was already 4th density, and I did some stupid stuff because I no longer cared about 3D rules.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - darklight - 04-20-2013

(04-18-2013, 06:20 PM)Adonai One Wrote: I remember various Ra statements regarding Harvesting and how it becomes irrelevant once you have achieved "intelligent infinity". My understanding seems to be very shallow in regards to this.

What does it actually mean to achieve "intelligent infinity"? Does it mean being able to face and accepted the unity that is the universe? Does it mean being able to see yourself as the creator himself?

What exact mechanic gives you the ability to inhabit whatever density you wish after each incarnation?

A very few people are able to achiev the gateway experience. This is their own Harvesting and is separated from the "normal Harvest".

I remember this, Matthew 7:13-14:

"The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

It is nearly what Ra said in the Law of One.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - JustLikeYou - 04-20-2013

Intelligent Infinity is the source of Genius. It is the self that knows all, but when it presents this knowledge to you, somehow the experience is too big to accurately translate into words, pictures, or any other medium. To make contact with Intelligent Infinity once or twice is one thing. Some of us here can probably make this claim. But to maintain ongoing contact and pull at will what is needed from that Infinite Ocean is a skill most uncommon.

This bypasses the incarnative cycles because one who has consciously made a reliable contact with Intelligent Infinity is fully her own Master and therefore has the right/duty to determine her next experience. This right/duty is not a concept exclusive to the Ra Material. There are Gurus and Masters in the past who, when approaching death, have informed their company that they will not only choose the moment of death, but also that which is to come.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 04-20-2013

(04-20-2013, 05:11 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: There are Gurus and Masters in the past who, when approaching death, have informed their company that they will not only choose the moment of death, but also that which is to come.

More than that I've heard stories of gurus who have disappeared into flashes of light and left nothing but teeth and fingernails behind. Also, some have put their hands on a rock and left an imprint in the rock of their hand. Must be nice to open to Intelligent Infinity, but I don't think I have what it takes. Having to face one's own darkness all the way. That is difficult.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - JustLikeYou - 04-20-2013

It's a simple matter of what you want to experience. Since we'll be harvested after this life anyway, scoring the Universal Passport isn't a particularly compelling reason to open the Gateway.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 03-28-2014

(04-20-2013, 05:33 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: It's a simple matter of what you want to experience. Since we'll be harvested after this life anyway, scoring the Universal Passport isn't a particularly compelling reason to open the Gateway.


RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Stranger - 05-01-2014

(04-18-2013, 06:34 PM)Hototo Wrote: All you get is "okay, so instead of there being millions of individual peoples that are actually "here", I have just one person, this "other self/angel self" and I can ask it to show me anything or take me anywhere and it always works. Simply beacause knowing this is how it is is the greatest tragedy for the soul, in a way, since it removes all "real" other selves that you dont hold onto strongly. So knowing and seeing this knowledge is "going into the elevator of the soul to pass all those stairs".

It works but you damn well better be sure you know what you're getting into when you know that there is just "one person" besides yourself that is at all times watching you as the same person, trying nothing more than to provide everything you may ever ask. And most people ask not to see that there is just that one other self because of the lonelyness and thus, sorrow.

I don't see how viewing creation as "one other person besides yourself" can be a viable interpretation of the Law of One. There is no "other person". There is no "yourself." You are the other person. The other person is yourself. Everyone is really the Creator, and any identity we may hold is illusory (read Ramana Maharshi). The entire Creation is filled to the brim with Being, and that Being is You wearing many masks - so how could there be any loneliness when this fundamental truth is not only recognized, but directly experienced?

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 05-02-2014

(04-20-2013, 05:11 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: Intelligent Infinity is the source of Genius. It is the self that knows all, but when it presents this knowledge to you, somehow the experience is too big to accurately translate into words, pictures, or any other medium. To make contact with Intelligent Infinity once or twice is one thing. Some of us here can probably make this claim. But to maintain ongoing contact and pull at will what is needed from that Infinite Ocean is a skill most uncommon.

This bypasses the incarnative cycles because one who has consciously made a reliable contact with Intelligent Infinity is fully her own Master and therefore has the right/duty to determine her next experience. This right/duty is not a concept exclusive to the Ra Material. There are Gurus and Masters in the past who, when approaching death, have informed their company that they will not only choose the moment of death, but also that which is to come.

I've heard that opening the gateway can be dangerous if you're not grounded. It can cause one to go insane. It's like a big initiation.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - zenmaster - 05-02-2014

Who told you that?

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Ashim - 05-02-2014

(05-02-2014, 01:34 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Who told you that?

GW may be refering to this:

Quote:This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true-color blue circuitry the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - zenmaster - 05-03-2014

(05-02-2014, 01:38 PM)Ashim Wrote:
(05-02-2014, 01:34 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Who told you that?

GW may be refering to this:

Quote:This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true-color blue circuitry the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great

Why do you think he may be referring to that? Where would he get "big initiation" out of that quote, Ashim?

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Ashim - 05-03-2014

(05-03-2014, 01:47 AM)zenmaster Wrote:
(05-02-2014, 01:38 PM)Ashim Wrote:
(05-02-2014, 01:34 PM)zenmaster Wrote: Who told you that?

GW may be refering to this:

Quote:This must be done with utmost care while in the physical body for as we noted when speaking of the dangers of linking red/orange/yellow circuitry with true-color blue circuitry the potential for disarrangement of the mind/body/spirit complex is great

Why do you think he may be referring to that? Where would he get "big initiation" out of that quote, Ashim?

I was refering more to the "opening the gateway" part.
Maybe GW could tell us.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 05-03-2014

I thought anytime you seriously had to face your darker side it was an initiation. And someone once mentioned that opening intelligent infinity was dangerous. I don't remember who.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - zenmaster - 05-03-2014

"Initiation" is exposure to the contents of the personal unconscious which, as green-ray is worked with, is presented to consciousness due to proximity of time/space (interior-subjective view) and one's awareness. "grounding" is an appreciation of the foundation for one's awareness, which is developed and refined choice-directed experience. There is no significant polarization without effort in grounding.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - darklight - 05-05-2014

"We would never say that one cannot graduate into fourth density unless one has entered the gateway to intelligent infinity. It is entirely possible simply by living a life in service to others to achieve graduation in the positive sense from third density to fourth. Yet the delight of the journey is reserved for those who chose to aim for that gateway."

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 05-05-2014

(05-05-2014, 04:41 AM)darklight Wrote: "We would never say that one cannot graduate into fourth density unless one has entered the gateway to intelligent infinity. It is entirely possible simply by living a life in service to others to achieve graduation in the positive sense from third density to fourth. Yet the delight of the journey is reserved for those who chose to aim for that gateway."

Amen to that. I've aimed for that gateway, but it all seems rather difficult to obtain. My journey therein has been up and down. I'm a sensitive by nature, so catalyst can wear on me more than it should. I'd like to see delight in my journey.

But it's also been said that wanderers don't have to graduate again. Just have to walk the steps of light to find their home vibration as they've already made it in the past. If only I knew my social memory complex, I could call out to them for help. Though help is within me. I probably shouldn't be seeking elsewhere for it.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - darklight - 05-05-2014

(05-05-2014, 05:51 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:
(05-05-2014, 04:41 AM)darklight Wrote: "We would never say that one cannot graduate into fourth density unless one has entered the gateway to intelligent infinity. It is entirely possible simply by living a life in service to others to achieve graduation in the positive sense from third density to fourth. Yet the delight of the journey is reserved for those who chose to aim for that gateway."

Amen to that. I've aimed for that gateway, but it all seems rather difficult to obtain. My journey therein has been up and down. I'm a sensitive by nature, so catalyst can wear on me more than it should. I'd like to see delight in my journey.

But it's also been said that wanderers don't have to graduate again. Just have to walk the steps of light to find their home vibration as they've already made it in the past. If only I knew my social memory complex, I could call out to them for help. Though help is within me. I probably shouldn't be seeking elsewhere for it.

The gateway is an incredible experience, but foccusing is also incredible hard at the beginning due the raise of vibration, and it is a real problem for the eyelids. At the end, so much violet radiation within the center white light. I thought it was already daylight while it was in the middle of the night Wink. This was the most incredible and beautiful experience in my life, the night on 28 dec to 29 dec 2011.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 05-05-2014

The most beautiful experience of my life was last night in a dream slightly merging with God. I told my friend about it in the dream, and he was excited for me. I thought I was sixth density and wanted to stay with my friends.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - zenmaster - 05-05-2014

(05-05-2014, 05:51 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I'm a sensitive by nature, so catalyst can wear on me more than it should.
What do you mean by that? That catalyst is somehow exaggerated for you personally, or that you are overly confused by it? What makes it unacceptable?

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 05-05-2014

There are certain things I don't like, like additional responsibility at work.
I am sensitive to certain energies.
My thoughts go into overdrive and I think about departing 3D,
and then I just let the thought pass.
This repeats for me quite often.
I don't feel confused, but I also don't understand many of my biases.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - zenmaster - 05-06-2014

What is preventing you from processing catalyst?

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - AnthroHeart - 05-06-2014

I do my best to process catalyst. I just don't know if I'm doing at 100% job at it.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - zenmaster - 05-06-2014

(05-06-2014, 09:07 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I do my best to process catalyst. I just don't know if I'm doing at 100% job at it.
If you were doing a 100% job at it, you would not need to be here. Most catalyst is ignored, so it doesn't even reach consciousness. Can't process ignored catalyst.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Unbound - 05-08-2014

Pretty sure this is just a fancy way of saying "negative self-harvest."

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Sagittarius - 05-08-2014

(05-08-2014, 08:56 PM)Tanner Wrote: Pretty sure this is just a fancy way of saying "negative self-harvest."

That's a point of view yes. The term bypass doesn't really fit into the intended context in any case. Intuitions of bypassing in a complete sense are counter-productive when tested and lead back to the gap that spurred them. A vague intuition that oversteps itself and uncovers a lack of attention. One usually has to do the circle dance until it's known to be counter-intuitive and dismissed automatically without requiring much energy, clearing the way for more productive/efficient information. Or to put it another way "new" information.

RE: Bypassing Harvest through intelligent infinity... - Unbound - 05-08-2014

Well I assume "bypassing" means to not be restricted to harvest at the times of harvest transition but when one chooses.