LOO Game - initial observations - carrie - 12-12-2009
We compiled initial working prototype with 3 virtual houses, 1km x 1km x 300m (virtual land space), 4 non-player characters
game is set in initial medieval environment, complete with virtual wooden houses, player attired in medieval clothing, virtual scenery (shrubs, trees, lots of woods)
- there is concept of virtual time, 1 virtual-day takes 30 real-world minutes.
- there is rainfall, water, fire, sky simulated. you look up, there's ambient sky (sometimes it rains), there is water for land below certain level.
- physics engine takes care of projectiles. gravity (g) is set to 9.8, but we could make g=1.2 (you fly) or g=20 (you swim instead)
- player can interact with currently 4 other characters. (polarity increase using formula described previously)
- player goes exploring places for clues. he can either choose to help or offend with funny effects.
initial observations:
- pet your virtual dog, send them virtual love.
- players inside virtual world think they are separate from each other, they are all one inside virtual world
- treat virtual people well, they will treat you well in return
- small irritations help discover yourself
- don't know what to do? explore place and discover clues
i'll try to release binaries after clearing licensing, etc.
RE: LOO Game - initial observations - Questioner - 12-12-2009
I continue to find your project intriguing. Thanks for sharing your ideas. And I apologize for my original harshness of skepticism before I was aware of your background using the relevant software.
RE: LOO Game - initial observations - carrie - 12-13-2009
More Observations:
- Computer simulation of Law of One is like exploring Law of One as roots of understanding.
- Encoding of Love and Light is enjoined together. To learn to love, then seek wisdom (light) and love (teach)
- In infinity, all is seen as unity. (You all my all in all)
- Universe is created by Free will
- Time affects universe, but not above (co-creators, creators)
- Universe can be thought of as X, Y, Z where X,Y,Z is very large number, thus, universe is both finite and infinite.
- Black Holes anchor Galaxies, and hence, generate stars
- Each star has container planets which hosts 1/2/3/4/5/6/7D entities
- Each entity strives towards love and light
- In 3D, it is density of loving others.
- To Seek Law of One, is to understand your mind, your body and spirit.
- To understand your mind, your polarity, your feelings, your thoughts
- Silence is key to mind
- To seek completeness by understanding opposites. Good and bad, Patience and anger.
- To understand love in awareness and different kinds of love
- To love, honor and cherish
- To see yourself as part of One, others as part of One.
- Understand balance, example, to understand all colors of rainbow, also, opaque, darkness, transparency and understand why
i forgot to mention:
I am still exploring concepts of Karma, Polarity, Chakras, Crystals, Healing, Meditation, Prayer, Fasting ...
RE: LOO Game - initial observations - carrie - 12-14-2009
This is C++ code.
I think LOO as C++ code which can be explored in 3D visualization is exciting idea
code fragment
PHP Code: #ifndef creator_h #define creator_h #include <list> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
namespace C4{ class pCoCreator; class pCreator { // Creator, Love & Light private: // CoCreators - May circle be open yet unbroken list<pCoCreator> pCoCreators; protected: __int64 iID; // Unique Number (for Game System) __int64 iLove; // Intensity of Love __int64 iLight; // Intensity of Light // Learn to love, then seek wisdom(light) (27.13) // No right, no wrong, only love (b1, 67)
// You are my all in all __int64 iInfinity; // In opposite of Unity % __int64 iUnity; // In Infinite Creator there is Unity % wchar_t * sName; // vibratory-name (Infinite Creator) wchar_t * sNameAlt; // vibratory-name Alternate
// Each class trickles down Love/Light/Unity/Infinity // "Love and Light of the One infinite Creator" public: pCreator(); pCreator( __int64 iLoveI, __int64 iLightI, __int64 iInfinityI, __int64 iUnityI, wchar_t * sNameI, wchar_t * sNameAltI); ~pCreator();
// CoCreator or First Distortion of The Creator pCoCreator Create(); int No(); // Number of CoCoreators pCoCreator Idx(int iNo); // CoCreator by Number
// Load/Save State void Pack(){}; void Unpack(){}; };
class pUniverse; class pCoCreator: public pCreator { // Co-Creators or Logo or Love (13.7, 13.8, 13.9) // Intelligent Infinity (27.13) private: // Multiple Universes list<pUniverse> pUniverses; public: pCoCreator(); pCoCreator(wchar_t * sNameI, wchar_t * sNameAltI); ~pCoCreator(); // Create Universe pUniverse Create(wchar_t * sNameI, wchar_t * sNameAltI); int No(); // Number of Universes pCoCreator Idx(int iNo); // Universe by Number
// Load/Save State void Pack(){}; void Unpack(){}; };
class pBlackHole; class pUniverse: public pCoCreator { private: list<pBlackHole> pBlackHoles; // List of Anchors protected: // In this sense, space and time is represented by number and // thinking the proper locus in space/time // Since world space is represented by 3 numbers it is almost infinite // 2^64 * 2^64 * 2^64 (13.5) __int64 iSpaceL; // Length - Space Generator __int64 iSpaceH; // Height - Space Generator __int64 iSpaceW; // Width - Space Generator __int64 iTime; // Time Generator __int64 iAwareness; // Awareness (13.6) public: pUniverse(); pUniverse(wchar_t * sNameI, wchar_t * sNameAltI); ~pUniverse(); // Black Hole Creation pBlackHole Create( wchar_t * sNameI, wchar_t * sNameAltI, __int64 iSpaceL, __int64 iSpaceH, __int64 iSpaceW, __int64 iAwareness);
// Respond to time updates // Time only affects Universe virtual void UpdateTime();
int No(); // Number of Black Holes pBlackHole Idx(int iNo); // Black Hole by Number
// Load/Save State void Pack(){}; void Unpack(){}; };
class pStar; class pBlackHole: public pUniverse { // Representation of Singularity in Physical Universe private: // Galaxy (each galaxy has black hole in middle) list<pStar> pGalaxy; // (13.13) public: pBlackHole(); ~pBlackHole(); // Energy patterns create stars pStar Create();
// Respond to time updates virtual void UpdateTime();
int No(); // Number of Stars pStar Idx(int iNo); // Star by Number
// Load/Save State void Pack(){}; void Unpack(){}; };
class pPlanet; class pComplex; class pStar: public pBlackHole { // Star // Our sun is a sub-Logos of the Logos of the major galaxy (29.2) private: // Stars may contain Planets (13.14) list<pPlanet> pPlanets; public: pStar(); ~pStar();
// Respond to time updates virtual void UpdateTime();
int No(); // Number of Planets pPlanet Idx(int iNo); // Planet by Number (Inner-First, Outer-Last)
// Load/Save State void Pack(){}; void Unpack(){}; };
class pLawOfOne: public pCreator { // Law of One: There is only one, and that one is the Infinite Creator (4.20) // You are everything, every being, every event, every situation. // Unity and Infinity, Light/Love, Love/Light public: private: protected: };
class pFreeWill: public pLawOfOne { // Free Will // What happens if portions of itself are free to do whatever they want? // It wants to know itself. public: private: protected: };
class pEntity: public pCoCreator { // Entities public: private: protected: }; class pAction: public pFreeWill { // Action as part of Free-Will // Each action is a path // Each path is either STO or STS or neither public: private: protected: };
class pPlanet: public pStar { private: bool bHosipitableToD1; // Hospitable to 1D (16.23) bool bHosipitableToD2; // Hospitable to 2D bool bHosipitableToD3; // Hospitable to 3D bool bHosipitableToD4; // Hospitable to 4D bool bHosipitableToD5; // Hospitable to 5D bool bHosipitableToD6; // Hospitable to 6D list <pEntity> pEntities1; // Number of 1D Entities list <pEntity> pEntities2; // Number of 2D Entities list <pEntity> pEntities3; // Number of 3D Entities list <pEntity> pEntities4; // Number of 4D Entities list <pEntity> pEntities5; // Number of 5D Entities list <pEntity> pEntities6; // Number of 6D Entities // Social Complex Name wchar_t * sSocialComplexName; public: pPlanet(); ~pPlanet();
// Respond to time updates virtual void UpdateTime();
// Load/Save State void Pack(){}; void Unpack(){}; }; }
RE: LOO Game - initial observations - Ali Quadir - 12-14-2009
Lol I love the love&light code.
You're moving so fast. It's really amazing I can't wait to check out the binaries.
RE: LOO Game - initial observations - carrie - 12-15-2009
Classes were updated (see above).
What is the Law of One?
There is only one, and that one is the Infinite Creator (4.20)
PHP Code: class pLawOfOne: public pCreator { // You are everything, every being, every event, every situation. // Unity and Infinity, Light/Love, Love/Light public: private: protected: };
What is free will?
What happens if portions of itself are free to do whatever they want?
It wants to know itself.
PHP Code: class pFreeWill: public pLawOfOne { public: private: protected: };
What is an action?
PHP Code: class pAction: public pFreeWill { // Action inherits from Free-Will // Each action is a path back to Creator // Each path is either STO or STS or neither private: protected: bool bIsSTO; bool bIsSTS; // if both false = neither. public: };