Ask and you will recieve. - Printable Version

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Ask and you will recieve. - ayadew - 12-08-2009

My intention with this thread is to encourage you to ask our service to others-oriented friends in space for their support.
If you do, or have got 'messages' from other places, then please share your experience!

The 'problem' with free will is that those of loving and respectful intention will not interfere with you unless you chose it, if you ask it.
The free will of this existence is meant to be experienced and understood solemnly by you, not messed or interfered with by anyone.
You always have the last saying and choice in the end, and it's you who known best how to use it.

I would like to share a very beautiful experience I had a while ago. I sat thinking about the above and realized that, well, if they just sit around and wait for me to call for them, maybe I should! (I have done this before, but perhaps not as earnest).
I calmed and centered my mind, then called upon the name/vibration/feeling of the entities I feel/know to be of genuine helpful intention, and wished aid in whatever form they chose to.

I then decided to take a shower, and after a while of doing this I had the most wonderful vision. It is difficult to rationalize it, forming it into words, but I will attempt.
It was a very early childhood memory of mine, empowered many times, for a small moment. From a time and place I do not consciously remember, but I know it is mine and that I have experienced it. It is likely true that children are more in contact with the 'universe' than adults, especially indigo children. I am quite sure this memory is from such a time/consciousness.

In this memory I saw an existence where all was joy (perhaps 4th density). Nothing was excess, nothing was lacking, and all was perfect in a way that all beings had exactly what they wished all the time. It's a very obvious paradox. This cannot be rationally understood by my mind, only felt.
All was free to be explored and experienced, and this planet was in her (4th density) light a very unique place. Some planets are only water, if one felt like swimming around or wanting to be with fishes.
Some are forests, waterfalls, thunderstorms, whatever one feels like, and other things which cannot be put into words. It is only metaphor.
All was like music, if you picture the most beautiful tone and composition you've ever heard, it is very limited in comparability to what this existence could offer. Imagine a full planet, in endless complexity and in full musical harmony vibrating together with you. Because the planet was a musical score, and all is vibrating in love and compassion and infinite beauty.

(My memory fades quickly sadly. I am afraid of lying to you or exaggerating if I go on further.)

Then I realized, had I not asked for help? This vision is truly amazing... I want to share such an existence with all of you!!
To feel motivated is an understatement. BigSmile

RE: Ask and you will recieve. - Ali Quadir - 12-08-2009

Wow, congratulations.

I had some visions like this, but I've been reluctant to share. The reason is like any of it I can't just believe it's real just because *I* saw it. And it's very specific, I accepted much of my understanding because the outside world later on confirmed it, at least by people saying specifically the same thing but sometimes on a much larger scale. But some very specific things have not and are not likely to be confirmed.

When I was born I totally did not buy into this reality. I was born premature. I wanted it to go away. I did not eat or drink I only slept. It was all a bit close. I survived but I still didn't buy it. I wanted to know where I came from. What this was, why it was so disharmonious, I rejected this world and was pushing myself out of it. I must have asked a thousand questions.. I think they were forced to make a choice, help him live or prepare to bring him back home. They spoke. (I guess they were enjoying the quiet Sundays without me)

It's difficult for me to speak specifically about what they told me. You have to understand I was a kid, I'm technically still not sure what of my childhood fantasies was real and what was imagined. I would disbelieve all of it if it weren't for people like you and Carla telling me that much of the story is true and not only that that it's actually rather common for people to experience this. But the specific stuff is much closer to the borderline between what is clearly imagined by a child and what's clearly bigger than that.

Ok, just a little then, we're humanoid, but child like. We're essentially approaching the 3d/4d boundary like Terrans. We're under the care of an elder race that achieved a social memory complex and have been part of their world long before they did. I understand initially we started to live with them in what would be our 2d phase when they were 3d. Because most communication between ourselves and the elder race is telepathic and their attitude towards us is really very loving. The result is a lack of catalyst. We short-circuited the mechanism of individuality. Totally severing the connection now would be traumatizing most are not ready for this and the elder race would suffer a severe loss itself. There's a strong feeling and acceptance that destinies are forever intertwined. But the younger race is not capable of deciding this for themselves. They lack context, and a sufficient concept of self. A few were seeded across the galaxy on planets about to make the shift to 4d. And experience it as one of their inhabitants. Through our connection the rest of the race would then acquire the experience and bridge the gap. They would be able to consider themselves as individuals and decide for that individual. Incidentally at some point I had to do that on a personal level and it was a bump in the road.

I was one of them, and after a fairly shaky start have rooted on earth. I thank my brothers and elders for their intervention and continued assistance. Especially their patience. I am here and with my human and other kind brethren will step into the new light.

This information flow went on for a good number of years of my early childhood. I essentially asked all that a kid would ask. As an adult the information flow is much more sporadic. I think after they chose to intervene they adopted the policy to answer all questions without breaking the rule of free will more than was already done. So I only got a simple briefing about earth, the positive expectation of 2012 in very broad terms: Earthlings have to make a choice, some try to influence this choice, others positioned themselves to restore the balance. But some unknown happened, as if humanities dormant social memory complex made a choice whilst technically still unborn but it has the effect of people maturing much faster than expected.

I hope that wasn't too weird :-/

At any rate if my story is anything near an average gone funny I expect anyone who considers himself a wanderer to have the confidence that your people are perfectly aware of you. Their interventions and communications are not allowed to break the law of free will. Therefore typically communications come like these visions and flashes of understanding. Visions that make you wonder: Did I imagine it? Accept them as vistas of an alternate world without trying to judge the world and let that world develop. Allow the total message to come through before judging it. The world will then either convince you or fail to convince you. If it convinces you and at the same time you are rooting yourself into the earth. We become true bridges. Isn't that the essence of a wanderer, to connect two worlds?

RE: Ask and you will recieve. - ayadew - 12-09-2009

Hey Ali, thank you for your answer.
I can relate completely to your feelings although of course not specifically to your actual experience.

Even the day after my experience, and seen myself write all this, I find it very hard to remember what transpired. It fades quickly, and the only prevailing feeling is a small amount of inspiration. I understand your difficulty.
I have a feeling of that perhaps it'd be better if I hadn't seen this, for it has taken my attention from this existence to others ones possible elsewhere. I am here to be human now, nothing else. But done is done

I cannot remember any real information flow in my youth, on the other hand this has increased lately. Perhaps once a month I get a small flash, just a little feeling (not of the magnitude described above though). I guess someone really wanted to give it all and then be done with it! BigSmile

You saying this makes me very certain that these flashes are of 'real' origin and not some creation of 'fantasy'. It is reassuring to see someone else with the same experience.
We are indeed the connection, the inspiration. It's a pity we become so immersed in the drama though, our light is diminished.

RE: Ask and you will recieve. - xlsander - 12-09-2009

beautiful guys! i am yet to receive more specific info tho i strnglx feel i have been presented plentx of it as a kid. my mom often tells me about my absolute conviction of non existent entities right among us and me explaining everything to the outer world that didnt perceive them. lucky for me my mom always gave me freedom to develop -- and my dad showed me that this density is real - so i believe my mom to be a lightworker and my dad a catalyst for both of us - anyway- beautiful sharing guys - thank you!

RE: Ask and you will recieve. - Richard - 12-09-2009

Just curious….did any of you have invisible friends as a child? I had totally forgotten anything to do with things like that. Then in a conversation with my mother last year, I had related an incident of some sort that puzzled me. To which she replied…”Well, maybe Weegee did it”. That sentence made no sense to me and I asked what she was talking about. Apparently, when I was a child, I had an invisible friend that hung around longer than is the norm for children. My Mom says I had been talking to him/her/it since I started talking and continued until I was nearly 7. Enough so that they were considering taking me to see some sort of Doctor.

I have absolutely no memory of this. But now I wonder… we connect more easily as children? Before the world and life in general begins to mold us to life on this orb. I also wonder if it ever happened at all…except that my Mom said it did.


RE: Ask and you will recieve. - Ali Quadir - 12-09-2009

I never heard from my environment that they noticed me having imaginary friends. I'm sure they'd call me imaginative... But you know, I was talking to a friend who was for all intents and purposes imaginary. I don't remember ever seeing them as a presence here.

As for your question on if kids are more open. This is the general understanding among occultists. Kids and cats are supposed to see and interact with other worldly entities much easier than the rest of us. I personally really don't know...

RE: Ask and you will recieve. - Aaron - 12-09-2009

Wow guys, your experiences are amazing. Smile

Although I've never actually tried to channel, I have gotten many, many "flashes of inspiration". I'm not sure if they are some kind of communication from somewhere else, or if they are products of my imagination. But they don't feel imagined by me. They come into my mind seemingly too fast to be consciously created, and always unexpectedly. They usually come when I am relaxed and present, like when I'm meditating, listening to music, reading a book, or driving (although not lately in this horrible driving weather!). And they don't tend to last more than a few seconds. Here's a couple of recent examples.
Example: Seeing many different forms of life (including human), one at a time, go from seed/egg through the life, back to dust, and back to seed/egg over and over again very very quickly against a white radiant background with the emotion of understanding/empathy, if that makes any sense.
Example: This whole vision was third person view. Seeing a nude human being that looked nothing like me, not to mention she was female, but I still felt was "me" standing near the treeline of a forest with a brook running through it, and seeing these spirals of rainbow colored energy swirling in the ground and running up through both "me" and the trees from root to tip hundreds of times a second, very radiant, with the superpowerful, almost tear jerking, emotion of LOVE. I understood the rainbow energy to be chakra energy flowing from infinity to universe to supercluster to cluster to galaxy to star to planet to organism to infinity.

They seem to come in different forms. Some of them contain visual elements, whereas some, like this next example, contain only feelings/word thoughts.
Example: This happened the first time I listened to a particular song (Gandalf's "The Blessing"). I love this song, and it seems to me to be a very powerful tool for awakening. What I mean is the song contains lots of elements of universal love, or maybe it just seems that way to me. Anyway, while listening to the group chanting in the song, my train of thought was "Wow, it sounds like we are listening to a society kind of like the Native Americans in that they sound very close to the earth, full of love and understanding for eachother, and having eliminated all their ego worries, they are celebrating in the presence and love of God (or Logos I suppose). I would love to take a trip to visit that place where these people live and learn from them how to be connected in spirit." Then suddenly, I heard a voice in my head (sounded kinda like my thought voice, but deeper, smoother, if that makes any sense) say "THAT PLACE WILL SOMEDAY BE HERE" and I felt a sudden ultrapowerful surge of joy and love, a silly uncontrollable grin popped up on my face and the back of my head near the top of my spine physically hurt for a second as it "twanged" and my whole body tingled. I didn't really give too much credibility to the idea of chakras before that episode, but now I do!

This site looks like it's in Vietnamese, but here's a link to where you can listen to the whole song in your browser.

I have read about these "flashes of inspiration", and it seems that even the ancient zen masters experienced them. If only they had the Ra teachings, huh?

RE: Ask and you will recieve. - Ali Quadir - 12-11-2009

I kept that song on a loop at work Aaron, it's very nice, very mellow.

I think what you felt was not just the song though, we tend to respond to many different variables and if we have a strong experience it's usually that a few of those variables come together. In my experience, one means two, two means three.. In the sense that if you've had one you've taken the biggest hurdle. Just be open and the next experience will come along. You can't force it it comes in waves, so just try to be open to it most of your time so you're ready to catch the wave.

If you miss it, then catch the next, no harm done.