Terra - Printable Version

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Terra - ayadew - 12-01-2009

The name "Terra" has always been with me for some reason, in my early days upon this planet the name awakened positive feelings without me intellectually knowing it's definition/orgin. (Terra is latin for earth/tellus)

I'm not sure of my purpose with this thread. I suppose it could be both a thread of gratitude for our planet and also for our feelings towards it.

Scientifically, Terra is the most advanced planet we have observed due to it's harboring of life. It is a planet of polarities, with life and death, creation and destruction. Filled with lessons.. a perfect 3rd density sphere.

It has everything we need and more. There is abundance, yet we desperately mine her empty in our vain pursuit of survival, as if hoarding most material will save us in some way. It all goes back to Terra in the end; her lava swallowing, melting, dissolving all that we construct. It applies to objects. It applies to us. Being born is a death sentence - how can the implications fundamental truth elude so many? What is there to fear? The infinite love of this planet gave us body and home which is made of her and it will return to her. It is well.

Terra must think we are quite silly - taking her loving gifts and use them to kill ourselves. Running our cars and boats on her surface, tickling her a little. And yet in our folly, she still loves us and provides for us.

The planet is alive, no doubt about that. And we are very closely connected to it. A picture tells more than words...
[Image: 8a35d2a933fe.jpg]

I guess the main reason I write this thread is beause I feel very connected to our dear planet. From this connection there is a very powerful red ray energy flowing upwards, sadly distorted by my other fairly blocked energy centers. But at those rare times when I succeed in clearing them well, and feel my dear Terra close to me, there is an immense power of love flowing to the green energy center. It's heaven on earth.. which is earth! BigSmile
And by that I encourage all of you to nurture your relation to her. She loves you more than you can imagine.

I look forward to see her full, creative, positive glory in 4th density light (if I may have that honor).

Love and light.

[Image: PRnVkzdRb.jpg]

PS: A really catchy song:

RE: Terra - Lorna - 12-01-2009

thank you for writing such a beautiful post ayadew
the more you look at our beautiful planet the more there is to marvel at

i love this part of your post:
"Terra must think we are quite silly - taking her loving gifts and use them to kill ourselves. Running our cars and boats on her surface, tickling her a little. And yet in our folly, she still loves us and provides for us."

RE: Terra - fairyfarmgirl - 12-01-2009

.... As any good mother would...


RE: Terra - Peregrinus - 12-01-2009

In 2001 I saw a picture of earth from space. I immediately printed the picture and put it in a very visible place in my apartment, where I would notice it daily. I used it to remind me that I am but a small part of the whole, and that I am here for a purpose. I didn't know what my purpose was until just recently, but I knew I had one.

Thanks for the reminder ayadew Smile

RE: Terra - ayadew - 12-17-2009

"I salute you all. My love and compassion are close to you always. I am playing this game together with you and I am part of it. You are beautiful and rich as human beings. Have faith in the beauty and power of the instruments available to you, the instruments of thinking, feeling and being.

I love you."

RE: Terra - Aaron - 12-19-2009

Beautiful post, and so true. "The infinite love of this planet gave us body and home which is made of her and it will return to her. It is well." I never really stopped to think about that. It's a humbling thought... Awhile back I had kind of a vision of earth from space, with nothing but silence and the sunlight reflecting off it, and I felt love radiating from it although at that time i didn't know what I was feeling.

This planet is the home of all our experience... We need to stop and just breathe... take the time and figure it all out as a species. Tongue