MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Printable Version

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MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - turtledude23 - 10-08-2012

The guy who did this study also did a similar study with psilocybin (magic) mushrooms, also with positive outcomes.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - indiGo33 - 10-08-2012

Few month ago I had to prepare for the 3 Final examinations for my college (they were happening on the same day) so my brother gave me a half of MDMA pill saying it should deeply relieve stress and sharpen my concentration.
Only thing is instead of having my concentration boosted, I felt deeply calm and peaceful, and rather than studying ended up listening to trance and mediating=)

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - AnthroHeart - 10-08-2012

LOL indiGo. That's funny about not studying after taking that. Glad it worked out for you.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Cyan - 10-08-2012

(10-08-2012, 01:28 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: LOL indiGo. That's funny about not studying after taking that. Glad it worked out for you.

Wanted to be the first to share this with you so had to click reply to the first post that i saw in your name.

[Image: i-CtrnBLs-X3.jpg]

That is all, continue, dont mind me.

BTW: personal experience is that psilocube does have a curative effect on PTSD and depression but only by making it temporarily significatnly more intense. From my experience.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - AnthroHeart - 10-08-2012

Thanks Cyan. Nice sketch.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Jim Kent + - 07-14-2013

Greetings sisters and brothers,

As someone who had much experience with MDMA back in the early 90s, I can honestly say that it is by far my favourite artificial substance!

As far as helping treat depression, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it were to turn out to be one of the most effective treatments for such conditions.

The legal stance in most countries is INSANE and bears no correlation to actual medical / scientific proof, both regarding its effectiveness and relatively low danger in consuming this wonderful substance!

Not to mention that it is indeed the ultimate party drug.

My only regret is that I haven't taken it for nearly 20 years!

L & L


RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Jeremy - 07-14-2013

Yea if you want to get the closest experience to what I think would be the orgasmic feeling of the creators love, this is it. There is definitely no intellectual talk going on but talks from the heart. Unfiltered and completely honest.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - AnthroHeart - 07-14-2013

(07-14-2013, 03:41 PM)Jeremy Wrote: Yea if you want to get the closest experience to what I think would be the orgasmic feeling of the creators love, this is it. There is definitely no intellectual talk going on but talks from the heart. Unfiltered and completely honest.

I've never had MDMA, but one experience I had I did feel unconditional love, and that made me cry it was somewhat overwhelming.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - xise - 07-14-2013

Just be aware that a lot street sources of MDMA pretty much mix it with meth and that is not something you want to ingest.

Another reason to legalize non-addictive drugs.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - xise - 07-14-2013

Just be aware that a lot street sources of MDMA pretty much mix it with meth and that is not something you want to ingest.

Another reason to legalize non-addictive drugs.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - xise - 07-14-2013

Just be aware that a lot street sources of MDMA pretty much mix it with meth and that is not something you want to ingest.

Another reason to legalize non-addictive drugs.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - xise - 07-14-2013

Lol. Talk about forum error 500!!

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - GentleReckoning - 07-15-2013

Xise, why not?

I had mdma at a party once, and would not have been surprised if it was a 'blend'. I felt fine afterwards, and had a great time.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Hototo - 07-15-2013

Anyone still using "dem streets" for their supplies really needs to step into the 21st century.

+ That is all. Both links in and of themselves are legal but both can be used for.... Stuff and .... things...

Edit: Just to clarify. I in no way condone anything illegal but recommend you use high quality packet service and not the postal service.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - xise - 07-15-2013

Meth is one of the most dangerous drugs: (1) highly addictive (2) causes pretty longlasting changes in the brain (3) causes large amount of violence and theft related crime in users.

It's lethality is less than heroin, it doesn't impair driving as much as alcohol, and it doesn't bring about as much violence as pcp. But combining all of the factors, I think it's bad. Have you seen the before and after 1 year meth users pics? It's horrible. This I say from experience of working with drug users in the criminal justice system. My reiki teacher actually has more theories as what meth does to you relating to the spirit, but I've personally seen multiple people under the influence of meth and that energy you get off the person is some of most nasty energy I've ever come across.

Logically speaking, it may or may not be ok to take mixes of MDMA and meth- it probably depends on how it is cut. But after you've seen the ugly face of meth, out of principle and out of caution there is no way I'd take something that could possibly be a mix. I don't want any of that going into my body. I don't even want 1% of that energy that I've seen in heavy users. Shows such as breaking bad (which I love!) don't even come anywhere close to capturing that meth vibe feel. Perhaps someone else with personal experience around meth users can describe it.

EDIT: I should say that I have large amounts of experience around people who smoke marijuana, ingested marijauna, have done shrooms, morning glory seeds, excessive amounts of alcohol, and snorted countless lines of cocaine. I have no observational experience of anyone under the influence of heorin, opium, pcp, smoked cocaine/crack, or lsd.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Hototo - 07-15-2013

Done meth once.

In terms of long term changes I'd say it is on par with mushrooms.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Rake - 07-16-2013

Having suffered with depression and taken MDMA on numerous occasions I can safely say that MDMA may help short term. I strongly believe in changing the thought patterns of people with depression. When i was depressed i was negative in every thought and it is a downward spiral. The Law of One was actually what helped me realise the power of my own thoughts on my body and life and since then I could not be happier.

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - falcor - 07-20-2013

for as high as most drugs get you, they also get you just as low when youre back to feeling empty. speaking from experience, i can say drugs simply arent a sustainable substitute for not living a more spiritual life.

many are taking hallucinogens to find god and the meaning of life, especially dmt which is becoming huge in the counter culture. i believe it is okay short term and ok for those who need realizations. but for those of us more spiritually inclined, we should look deeper into living a more disciplined, committed life. otherwise, we can easily become attached to engaging our mind and senses in taking these material substances and putting us further into illusion.

when we learn to treat the creator like we would treat a person, it is easy to see that it is not the highest path.

do we generally appreciate people in our life who only seek us out and are only interested in us when they are under the influence of drugs? it only makes sense to give the creator the same respect you would give any person

RE: MDMA may help treat depression and PTSD - Sagittarius - 07-20-2013

(07-15-2013, 03:50 AM)Not Sure Wrote: Done meth once.

In terms of long term changes I'd say it is on par with mushrooms.

I have once as well, found it to be an extreme red/orange/yellow chakra booster. Was in a house with 20 other people and literally talked from the time of smoking at 6pm till about 7am at which time I realized I had work for 5 hours, I then proceeded to work the most painful shift of my life trying to control my obvious change of eccentricity.

Amazing the flow conversation takes when 10 people sit in a circle smoking meth. Everyone pretty much spilt there hearts out for 12 hours to each other and didn't think of it twice.

Funny the next night I had 3 awesomely pure mdma pills cut with ketamine, still hadn't slept of course, that topped of quite an epic few days.

Purely done so in the spirit of experimenting with the Law of One of course Smile.