My Dark Side Of The Soul - Most Recent Activation - Printable Version

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My Dark Side Of The Soul - Most Recent Activation - StarSeed121212 - 08-08-2012

RE: My Dark Side Of The Soul - Most Recent Activation - Parsons - 08-09-2012

Very touching and agree with almost everything you said besides maybe the whole worldwide disaster thing. In my humble opinion, this has already happened and played itself out over the past 30 years or so and we no longer have to experience any disaster when the shift comes. But I agree with your sentiments towards that what I would summarize as "hey, you need to mentally prepare yourself for big changes if you plan on advancing to the next plateau when the time comes".

RE: My Dark Side Of The Soul - Most Recent Activation - StarSeed121212 - 08-09-2012

(08-09-2012, 01:11 AM)Parsons Wrote: Very touching and agree with almost everything you said besides maybe the whole worldwide disaster thing. In my humble opinion, this has already happened and played itself out over the past 30 years or so and we no longer have to experience any disaster when the shift comes. But I agree with your sentiments towards that what I would summarize as "hey, you need to mentally prepare yourself for big changes if you plan on advancing to the next plateau when the time comes".

Thank you.... I don't believe I used the term "world wide disaster - there are changes occurring due to the Earth preparing Herself... Hence, there will be more earthquakes, more severe storms, "global warming" - which is actually stellar since it is occurring on other planets as well...


RE: My Dark Side Of The Soul - Most Recent Activation - Lycen - 08-19-2012

Welcome to B4 Gregg,

The part of running outside, saying "I am the alpha and omega" and car alarms going off.. Well that put together a pretty epic scene in me head, it caught my attention (WOW!) BigSmile

Thank you for sharing you're story and for the experience.
Be well and have a grand time ,)

RE: My Dark Side Of The Soul - Most Recent Activation - anagogy - 08-19-2012

Thank-you for sharing Gregg.

You speaketh the truth. Wink