A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - Printable Version

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A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - 52midnight - 06-03-2012

I'd imagine that many Wanderers have experienced increasing difficulty in their efforts to contribute anything useful to society, especially during the last decade. My own efforts ground to a halt a few years ago: I was forced to re-evaluate my situation and adopt a different and more pragmatic approach.

It's been remarked in other posts that the situation here on Earth is unique in many ways, and therefore potentially of great value to the "Gardeners of Planets". How does one go about preserving such things as the scientific insights, mathematical techniques, technological developments, music and other artistic achievements of a world that will probably destroy its biosphere and render its planet uninhabitable?

The answer, I believe, is to arrange for more advanced souls to incarnate during the terminal phase of the evolutionary epoch, and to "soak up" specific aspects of the local culture. This may be the primary function of many, perhaps a majority of Wanderers. It is not intended that they should take active roles in society other than those required for access to the experiences necessary to realize their aims. Some will find more public and specific roles, more directly involved in Earth society, and are undoubtedly of great assistance to other Wanderers and importance to the overall success of the program I am positing, this website being a good example. The remaining "cultural conservation" Wanderers will probably adopt the following course:

1. During the final period of crisis (which may well begin in 2012) they can act as "rallying points" for those seeking a spiritually-oriented center for support and survival.

2. When their period of physical life ends, they could take incarnation in whatever society is able to survive and initiate a subsequent evolutionary epoch on Earth.

3. Alternatively, most will probably be transported to other planets in the galaxy as "seed souls" for new evolutionary "experiments".

In my own understanding, each solar system is psychically independent. To explain, each planet is physically independent - we cannot travel to other planets in our solar system without constructing a physical vehicle (or "space ship") to provide a life-support environment. However, once freed from the physical body, we can travel freely to other local planets in our psychic (or "astral") body, but no further. In order to travel to planets in other solar systems we must construct a psychic vehicle (or "astral space-ship") to provide a life-support environment for our psychic bodies. We have not yet developed the "psychic technology" needed for this, but it seems that more advanced ET races do provide such a transport service in return for a share in the "harvest".

The above is an abridged section of a longer and more detailed article I wrote. If there is any interest in the topic I could expand on the above, but thought that this summary might attract some useful thoughts from others.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - xise - 06-03-2012

I believe the Akashic records automatically records all information regarding Earth.

I also believe that even in this seemingly dark world, that positivity will triumph. I doubt Earth will go the way of Maldeck, though it is certainly possible.

I see so much beauty these days. Not on the news, but when I walk the street, smile at those who walk by me. In the store. At work. With my friends. As I embraced positivity, so too are others. No, I don't think we will destroy ourselves.

much love, xise. Smile

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - 52midnight - 06-03-2012

> I believe the Akashic records automatically records all information regarding Earth.

Undoubtedly so, but a record is merely that, and not experiential. The difference is fundamental.

> No, I don't think we will destroy ourselves.

I never suggested that "we" would, which in any case is impossible in spiritual terms. In psychophysical terms - i.e. in the context of planetary evolution - the possibility is very real, and given Ra's statement that the future 3D Earth will be "uninhabitable", it may well be a probability. Personally, I see nothing wrong in this; it's happened elsewhere, it may well happen here, and it's an evolutionary outcome that is well exemplified galactically.

If you're afraid of it, or otherwise biased against it, I can well understand, and it would certainly be marvellous if such an outcome could be avoided. History and present circumstances, however, suggest discretion and precaution.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - Parsons - 06-03-2012

The amended figure I saw was 100-150 years until the end of when the last 3Der will decide to leave by. The Ra version was 100-700 years waning 3D life in '80-'82, but Q'uo amended this because the harvest yield increased since then although still small, more than expected at Ra's contact due to many wanderers incarnating. Also this lowered their first estimate from 100-700 to 100-150 due to overall consciousness due to bleed through from 4D energy space.

Am I wrong in understanding that you are referring to the planet rendered uninhabitable due to pollution or war? As I understand it from Ra and other L/L channelings, that isn't going to happen. The planet will be fine, but we will *somehow* all decide to leave incarnation by the end of that 150 years time period so all 3 groups of earth graduates(new 3D world, 4D + Earth{Terra}, or 4D-) will go their seperate ways. Then 4D will be in full swing and we will incarnate 4D+ if you awakened and know how to make the choice of polarity here in 3D.

Woops, didn't see your reply before I posted, I see that you don't think it will be pollution or war.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - 52midnight - 06-04-2012

> Woops, didn't see your reply before I posted, I see that you don't think it will be pollution or war.

I don't "think" it will be anything. Unlike many others, I don't claim to "know", either by my own insights or via the presumed authority of a supposedly channelled "higher source".

We're all stuck in this delusion together, and the worst thing any of us can do is to pretend insight and/or authority that are imagined and/or mendacious. The most contentious exchanges I have had are with those who pretend an authority they arrogate to themselves, and to which others defer out of fear, or hope of their dominance.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - Siren - 06-04-2012

(06-03-2012, 07:10 PM)52midnight Wrote: How does one go about preserving such things as the scientific insights, mathematical techniques, technological developments, music and other artistic achievements of a world that will probably destroy its biosphere and render its planet uninhabitable?

I do understand the point you're trying to make; however...

Nothing is ever lost. The Creator cannot be lost unto Itself in any way. What is no longer needed simply falls away and new experiences are embraced.

Or do we still live by animal/plant (2D) standards when we're human (3D)? Not really. Similarly, when you commence the 4D experience it will supercede the lower-consciousness 3D paradigms and expectations.

Change (progress, evolution) implies letting go of old things in order to welcome the new. Attachments to old ways and things—I don't want to say stagnate, but—somewhat retard the transitory process. Hence: if you adopt formlessness you wont have much trouble flowing, molding, adjusting accordingly through the experiences of the One Infinite Creator.

For this planetary sphere, this is quite literally the end of the old world—the beginning of the new.

I, personally, have not the slightest interest in preserving anything (especially not in material form—books being a good example of this).

Do forgive my bias here, but I am the first welcoming major natural "catastrophes." And to be quite honest, I really wouldn't mind WWIII. Whatever comes, I'm at peace with it. More oppression and tyranny? I say: bring it on. Slinghsot theory. You can't have a planet forever in war, it either destroys itself or the wars are ceased altogether; either way the result is an end and a new beginning.

I am not really a socially-active player, I am more of a watcher, an observer and an indirect catalyst to this particular game. I feel no need to get any more directly involved than just that. If I hear a call, I will answer in some way; but I try to keep the interference to the minimum.

I spread little seeds wherever I go. Do I look back to see if they fell on fertile soil? Not really. Do I witness the fruits of my actions then? In many instances, yes I do; the little seeds find their way back to me in some way or another—but in the form of blooming flowers.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - Eddie - 06-04-2012

I don't know if I'm a wanderer or not, but I've been trying to figure out how best to contribute, and coming up empty-handed. I've almost completely withdrawn from conventional society this year. I just work in my garden and keep a low profile. Sad

Time to go out and mulch the asparagus.

"The farther one travels, the less one knows"

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - 52midnight - 06-04-2012

> Nothing is ever lost. The Creator cannot be lost unto Itself in any way.

Yes, I'm aware of this high-level view, but I'm of the opinion that many of the 4D races have specific interests at their own level of evolution in which temporal and material concerns are still important.

> Similarly, when you commence the 4D experience it will supercede the lower-consciousness 3D paradigms and expectations.

Modern cars have every gadget and convenience one could wish. Yet there are many who not only collect vintage cars, but support niche manufacturers like Morgan who continue to make cars few others would buy. In the same way, there are 4D races who remain fascinated by 3D experience, and move between the two, exploring new opportunities for experience, insight, and evolution. Just as niche manufacturers must keep alive the tools and techniques of an older tradition, so too, must these experimentally-inclined races preserve things that would otherwise disappear. I'm aware that many will not sympathize with this view, but I do. It's pretty much a guy thing, anyway.

> Change (progress, evolution) implies letting go of old things in order to welcome the new.

That's one point of view. A more active and challenging view is that one keeps hold of those old things one values in order to combine them with the new.

> Attachments to old ways and things—I don't want to say stagnate, but—somewhat retard the transitory process.

Again, that's a choice, not a law.

> Hence: if you adopt formlessness you wont have much trouble flowing, molding, adjusting accordingly through the experiences of the One Infinite Creator.

Formlessness is one option. An active control over your form and the ability to retain some degree of form and experience as time unfolds is a greater challenge.

> For this planetary sphere, this is quite literally the end of the old world—the beginning of the new.

But it doesn't necessarily mean that EVERYTHING must pass. If we choose to retain that which we value, and find ways of doing so, I see nothing wrong in that.

> I, personally, have not the slightest interest in preserving anything (especially not in material form—books being a good example of this).

Then you've much less love and respect for what our ancestors strove so hard for than have I.

> Don't know about you, but thunder storms and massive tidal waves... that feels like heaven to me

Yes, I enjoy the same things and for the same reasons, but this is a separate issue from preserving past attributes.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - GreatSpirit - 06-10-2012

I was always shy and kept to myself. I never had a "clique" with people. I live in a very bad area riddled with crime, violence, and drug use. High school was a pretty bad experience for me emotionally. The only thing I ever really contributed to society was trying to be loving to others (although I screw up all the time) and sharing esoteric information for ones who care to listen.

Other than that, I don't generally associate with people. Hell, I have a hard time just going to a Turkey Hill to get something to drink. I don't date or do any of that social $hit, although I consider myself a very good looking person who needs to loose about 20 pounds.

As a Wanderer, you are never asked to do anything "great" in terms of science or math, etc. However, you must treat the "natives" as one of our own with love and care, no matter how much they abuse or try to destroy you.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - AnthroHeart - 06-10-2012

(06-03-2012, 11:50 PM)Parsons Wrote: The planet will be fine, but we will *somehow* all decide to leave incarnation by the end of that 150 years time period so all 3 groups of earth graduates(new 3D world, 4D + Earth{Terra}, or 4D-) will go their seperate ways. Then 4D will be in full swing and we will incarnate 4D+ if you awakened and know how to make the choice of polarity here in 3D.

This is one of those threads that I read twice because it was so interesting. Also to point out, we will not all incarnate at the same state in 4D+. Depending on our polarity will determine how far into 4D each of us is evolved.

(06-04-2012, 10:58 AM)Siren Wrote: Attachments to old ways and things—I don't want to say stagnate, but—somewhat retard the transitory process. Hence: if you adopt formlessness you wont have much trouble flowing, molding, adjusting accordingly through the experiences of the One Infinite Creator.
I, personally, have not the slightest interest in preserving anything (especially not in material form—books being a good example of this).

What you say here is pretty deep to me. Letting go of attachments is critical for moving out of duality, which upon another discussion, many of of have already moved past. I'm not quite to the point of not preserving anything. That goes back to my attachment. For me it's with furries. Something hard to let go of, but I know it's for the better to embrace the formless. But then, as I'm learning, striving only for formless might not be the ultimate goal. It is more challenging to strive for form of my desire, and to keep that in balance, or so it is said.

(06-04-2012, 12:08 PM)Eddie Wrote: I don't know if I'm a wanderer or not, but I've been trying to figure out how best to contribute, and coming up empty-handed. I've almost completely withdrawn from conventional society this year. I just work in my garden and keep a low profile. Sad

Time to go out and mulch the asparagus.

"The farther one travels, the less one knows"

I'm somewhat in the same boat. I'm pretty confident I'm a wanderer, but I could be completely wrong. I'm with you in not knowing how to contribute. I'm not motivated to write books anymore. Not motivated to draw. Nothing really motivates me beyond just being.

That Beatles song is so true about further you travel, the less you know. That is definitely a song for wanderers. I sometimes feel like my wander-hood is a burden, while at the same time it brings me exquisite joy that I can be of such service on an energetic level just by being here. Channeling as much balanced light as I am doing continually brings a smile to my face.

(06-10-2012, 04:22 PM)GreatSpirit Wrote: Other than that, I don't generally associate with people. Hell, I have a hard time just going to a Turkey Hill to get something to drink. I don't date or do any of that social $hit, although I consider myself a very good looking person who needs to loose about 20 pounds.

As a Wanderer, you are never asked to do anything "great" in terms of science or math, etc. However, you must treat the "natives" as one of our own with love and care, no matter how much they abuse or try to destroy you.

I agree with you about not dating. Like Ra says, I'm somewhat opposed to childbearing, which is a sign of sixth density wanderer. I agree wholeheartedly with you about not being asked to do anything great in terms of math and science, or pretty much anything. I wrote and published a novel, but it didn't take off. So I think we're just here to offer our light to a world that sorely needs it. And if my native density is sixth, then what a light it is. It must surely shine bright.

52midnight, you had so many great insights in your input that I thought about addressing you directly rather than quoting your rather extensive posts.

1) I agree with some beings would want to preserve the old, like say a library. It took great effort to create many things, and it might be a shame to lose some of that effort. After all, 4D builds upon 3D. So we shift between 3D and 4D without realizing it sometimes.

2) I love what you say about formlessness. There is a form I have been wanting to take, if I had the ability of a shapeshifter. But I would need a density/world where that form would be acceptable. So even if I could manage my form, I would still be constrained by what was appropriate to society. In a 4D, self-expression is much more recognized.

So would you agree that 4D gives us the ability to be more of who we are, and to demonstrate our self-expression in a fuller manner?

And I find it curious how we self-express through being, if it really involves doing nothing at all.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - 52midnight - 06-10-2012

> So would you agree that 4D gives us the ability to be more of who we are, and to demonstrate our self-expression in a fuller manner?

Yes, very much so. Here in 3D we accept that scientific research focuses largely on the material aspects of reality, and we change our consciousness by modifying our external (i.e. objective, physical) reality. In 4D I believe that we can modify the psychic aspects of consciousness directly, and at higher densities learn how directly to modify the spiritual aspects.

As a clarification, I use the term "psychic" to denote the emotional and intellectual aspects that, along with the physical, form the temporal aspects of consciousness that exist "within" time and are modified by it. The spiritual aspects are those that exist "outside", "across", or "beyond" time.

In 4D I believe that the equivalent of scientific research involves how to modify the psychic realms directly. Problem is, having discovered some exciting new possibilities, these may only be capable of experiential realization in 3D. I'm therefore of the opinion that many 4D races pursue ongoing relationships with 3D races, either their own, their wards (in the case of positive) or their victims (in the case of negative). Even Ra, as a 6D entity, did this, so I see no reason why it should not be both feasible and fascinating in the lower densities, and include cycles of incarnation within 3D to work through the desired possibilities.

> I thought about addressing you directly

Don't be afraid. I don't always bite, and can occasionally even be polite. And thanks indeed for the compliment.

RE: A quiet role for Wanderers during the Last Days? - Observer - 06-12-2012

How about non-wanderers? Smile