newbie. need examples of STO? - Printable Version

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newbie. need examples of STO? - carrie - 09-21-2009

can you give examples of STO?

how can a person be STO?

how does one think to be STO?

RE: newbie. need examples of STO? - oguz - 09-21-2009

(09-21-2009, 08:34 AM)carrie Wrote: hi,
can you give examples of STO?

how can a person be STO?

how does one think to be STO?

as example i can tell Jesus, Buddha, ascended masters like p'taah

you can be sto with your thoughts, speech and actions by loving others and treating like yourself
i'm sorry if i bored. i was in a bad mood.

hope i could give a hint.


RE: newbie. need examples of STO? - Lorna - 09-21-2009

hi carrie, my interpretation is that it's not about actions, the choice of sts or sto is the very core of your being

when you see the creator in those around you is your reaction to that spark of divinity to control and rule over it, or to accept, serve and to help those other souls where you can?

to me there seems to be a quiet contentment and an acceptance in adoping a sto perspective

RE: newbie. need examples of STO? - Lavazza - 09-21-2009

Hi Carrie,

I think there's about as many ways to be STO as there are things to do in this world. As far as thinking in STO terms, it's a simple matter of evaluating a situation and seeing if you can be of service in some way. I would be quick to add however, that I do not think it wise to attempt to make every single waking second of your life a decision between STO and STS actions or thoughts. That's a quick way to burn out and ultimately won't help you or anyone else out much.

Another way of thinking on this is simply to be who you are, being who you are most comfortable being. Try not to worry so much about being "STO enough", as that is another mental trap, in my opinion.

I hope that is helpful!

RE: newbie. need examples of STO? - paddy - 09-27-2009

When I was pondering the concept of Mahayana Buddhism as meaning "The Great Vehicle", I considered that it may likely promote higher degrees of STO practice then other forms may. As I learned more about it, there seemed to be important emphasis placed on immersing in society in ways that promote healthy relationships. In the interaction with others in such positive ways, a person may be catalyzed to grow faster and to greater capacities then say a renunciate path free of catalyst may be able to offer a person. In other words, going out with friends and having a good time may be a very basic STO practice.
