Headaches - What can cause them? - Printable Version

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Headaches - What can cause them? - TheFifty9Sound - 02-28-2012

I've got a friend who says she suffers from headaches all the time, and pretty much has as long as she can remember. Whenever one comes on she just pops pain killers, which to me seems like she's treating the symptoms rather than the problem.

I know it's kind of a vague question to ask, but what do you guys think could cause reoccurring headaches? She says the doctors have tried looking for allergies, making her record her diet and what was eaten around the time an ache came on etc, but to no avail. I've know many of you have valuable, interesting, left field approaches to health and medicine, so I'm hoping we might be able to stumble across something helpful that she or the doctors may not have otherwise considered.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012


RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Ruth - 02-28-2012

I get a headache when the barometric pressure is changing dramatically. I try not to take anything, but when I need something I take Turmeric extract, and sometimes dab a bit of peppermint oil on my temples.

Azrael is righ, too. Dehydration will certainly lead to a headache, fatigue, dizziness . . . . most people don't drink enough fluids, especially water!

Will send your friend healing thoughts.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - BrownEye - 02-28-2012

My mother has a dense amount of dark energy in her head that comes from wrong thoughts. When i remove it she says it feels as though a huge amount of pressure from inside the head vanishes.

Dark energy will eventually manifest physical dis-ease.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

Unfortunately not everyone has access to someone who knows how to remove confused/distorted energy out of the field.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Shin'Ar - 02-28-2012

I have suffered with migraines all of my life. They have really taken much of what should have been joy out of my existence. I have never really been able to commit to anything ahead of time and have missed out on many occasions being laid out flat on my back in agony. Wow, this is the first time I have ever told this to anyone.

One of the most severe brought on by my own stupidity. I knew that I should always keep my head covered in cold weather, but this one evening after a few drinks I took the snowmobile out for a run without any headcovering at all. When I came back and went inside and the heat hit me, the bloodvessels just started reacting like a vice tightening on my head. No amount of pain killers or alchohol could help. I would have gladly taken my life that night to end the pain.

I have found that sometimes one particular food may not trigger them, but in combination with one or two other triggers I will get bad attacks. I have slowly discovered many of the foods that uaually cause them, and since I married my second wife she has introdeuced me to a doctor that has me taking a medication daily that has really turned my life around. One pill a day.

And of course, being unnatural to this world as many of you are, I also suffer from acid reflux disease and take a daily pill for that as well.

I wish that more public education was available regarding headaches. I know that many people in my life have never really understood the disabling pain because they compare my experience to their own normal headaches and think me to be making a big deal of nothing that I shouldn't have been able to suffer through.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Monica - 02-28-2012

Dehydration. Most people are dehydrated and don't realize it.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 06:38 PM)ShinAr Wrote: I have suffered with migraines all of my life. They have really taken much of what should have been joy out of my existence. I have never really been able to commit to anything ahead of time and have missed out on many occasions being laid out flat on my back in agony. Wow, this is the first time I have ever told this to anyone.

One of the most severe brought on by my own stupidity. I knew that I should always keep my head covered in cold weather, but this one evening after a few drinks I took the snowmobile out for a run without any headcovering at all. When I came back and went inside and the heat hit me, the bloodvessels just started reacting like a vice tightening on my head. No amount of pain killers or alchohol could help. I would have gladly taken my life that night to end the pain.

I have found that sometimes one particular food may not trigger them, but in combination with one or two other triggers I will get bad attacks. I have slowly discovered many of the foods that uaually cause them, and since I married my second wife she has introdeuced me to a doctor that has me taking a medication daily that has really turned my life around. One pill a day.

And of course, being unnatural to this world as many of you are, I also suffer from acid reflux disease and take a daily pill for that as well.

I wish that more public education was available regarding headaches. I know that many people in my life have never really understood the disabling pain because they compare my experience to their own normal headaches and think me to be making a big deal of nothing that I shouldn't have been able to suffer through.

My friend, I have sensed this before and will be frank. Your Third Eye is severely over-active, and it is draining power from your Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus. This is caused by a blockage in the back of the heart, lack of love extending to the past, existential portion of the Self. This blockage leaks down in to your Solar Plexus in the back, which weakens the muscles around your stomach and your diaphragm.

I would propose exercises of full-body breathing (root to crown), in slow rhythm to expand your diaphragm, and to seek forgiveness of the self for incarnating. Peace be with your One, blessings, my brother, Adonai.

Energetically, I will state that an over-active Third Eye is often the "culprit", overactive meaning the intensity of the frequency within the Chakra's field does not have enough room for expression, that is, the field is being kept near the head, when it should be expanded to encompass a larger space. This is more often a result not due to any problems with the Third Eye itself, but of the lower chakras which modulate its energies.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Ruth - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 06:59 PM)Azrael Wrote: Energetically, I will state that an over-active Third Eye is often the "culprit", overactive meaning the intensity of the frequency within the Chakra's field does not have enough room for expression, that is, the field is being kept near the head, when it should be expanded to encompass a larger space. This is more often a result not due to any problems with the Third Eye itself, but of the lower chakras which modulate its energies.

Thank you for posting this, Azrael! I have been visiting a Shaman who tells me that my root chakra is blocked. We've been working on unblocking it, and on finding the root cause of it being blocked in the first place (pun intended) but have not, so far, been successful. I will share your information with her. It is most helpful!

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

I feel it is the connective between your root chakra and sacral chakra which is weakened, perhaps a dualistic perception of some event of the past which needs to be viewed more objectively.

I hope you discover the key to your flowing!
The formula is quite simple - imbalances of emotional/dynamic energies responsible for the maintenance of the "Lower Self" cause an excess amount of energy to be generated in the Third Eye to "digest" all of the creative/emotional thoughts that are needing to be processed within the field. If the throat, and heart are also blocked, it makes for an even more intense vibration in the Third Eye, for the Third Eye never closes, and thus is the "default" center for digestion of impressions/energetic impacts/flows.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Diana - 02-28-2012

I agree with all who say dehydration. Also, see a chiropractor. Beyond that, some inner work may be needed.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

That is, if you put too much pressure on your Higher Self, when there is not a sufficient foundation for those energies to anchor upon, it can lead to over-identification with the Abstract Self and tear the Whole Self apart.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Shin'Ar - 02-28-2012

Yes Azrael, I have always known that much of my problem has been emotional instability. as a child I recall laying in bed at night and listening to my crazed mother having her tantrums, and I would escape into my own place of ignorance and realize I was levitating under my blankets.

My mother was in a nunnery before she became pregnant with me, and at a very yound age she taught me the meditation techniques she learned there. I became able to so intensely focus on my inner self that I could regularly leave my body. I was too young to know anything about it, and never tried to go anywhere. But I did know that I was doing something that was not normal. I always felt like I needed to remain close to my bed, but mow I realize it was a fear of leaving my body.

As I got older and began to experinece emotional disturbances with friends and family, and in particular my first love, I realized that I was begiining to lose the ability to concentrate enough to enter into those spiritual states, as I used to call them. And then one night with a group of friends we had a session with a night of levitating where I had a very bad experience, and since that time I have not been able to levitate since.

It seems that emotional baggage is definitely a barrier to some of my abiltiies. You are absolutely correct on this.
(02-28-2012, 07:10 PM)Azrael Wrote: I feel it is the connective between your root chakra and sacral chakra which is weakened, perhaps a dualistic perception of some event of the past which needs to be viewed more objectively.

I hope you discover the key to your flowing!
The formula is quite simple - imbalances of emotional/dynamic energies responsible for the maintenance of the "Lower Self" cause an excess amount of energy to be generated in the Third Eye to "digest" all of the creative/emotional thoughts that are needing to be processed within the field. If the throat, and heart are also blocked, it makes for an even more intense vibration in the Third Eye, for the Third Eye never closes, and thus is the "default" center for digestion of impressions/energetic impacts/flows.

Azrael I would very much like to know more about this. Can you point me to where you are getting this information from?

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

I would, perhaps, consider your fundamental views upon the Masculine and Feminine, and what you image a Man and a Woman to be, both in their manifested, incarnative expression, and in their abstract, energetic forms. Perhaps it would be of assistance to begin to create them in a manner that they see harmony within eachother. Of course, always realizing these are the two wholes of the Whole Self.

I wish you well, my friend!
Rather, are all of One's Natures Being Honoured?
I gain the information from my intuition, which I allow to construct itself based on my recorded knowledge of healing, energetic motion, and the Chakra centers. I am, how shall I say, a holistic medical intuitive. Smile I also get a little assistance from a number of my guides, Bast, Raphael, Hermes Thoth Trismegistus, Michael, Andariel, etc

Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss is a good representation of this concept and is indeed where I gained knowledge of "medical intuitives".
The movement of the basic vital Body's energy is, how shall I say, geometric and can be followed in a "logical", "physics" sort of manner.

If one has too much energy in the Upper Chakras they are "top heavy", or "bottom heavy" if vice-versa. The Heart is the fulcrum, so working with and opening the heart is always beneficial to awakening the whole.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Shin'Ar - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 07:19 PM)Azrael Wrote: I would, perhaps, consider your fundamental views upon the Masculine and Feminine, and what you image a Man and a Woman to be, both in their manifested, incarnative expression, and in their abstract, energetic forms. Perhaps it would be of assistance to begin to create them in a manner that they see harmony within eachother. Of course, always realizing these are the two wholes of the Whole Self.

I wish you well, my friend!
Rather, are all of One's Natures Being Honoured?

That has been to focus of my guides for many years now and much of what I have become is directly related to exactly that. When I had that life altering experience many years ago I lost all sense of gender separation. the reality that had been revealed to me made me understand our identity in such a way that gender became inseparable. It took many years of guidance to understand the true aspects of this. I am so in tune now with my guides and the signs that all of this is no longer aan issue, but the many emotional experiences of my long life and the scars still remain, and I am certain that what you say about an inner imbalance is causing me much physical suffering.

Ah we do have much in common don't we. The Chosen One of the Masters has been prominent in my life.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

Ah, my friend, to put in simple words, you have but to push the weight off the end of the teeter-totter. It is nothing but dross at this point, need only to be ACCEPTED IN TO THE BEING. Otherwise, all other work related to the "imbalances" is complete. Forgive yourself, my friend, and forgive the Wheels of Karma and Time. All is in Divine Order. Blessings, adonai.
How shall I say, you are always "Becoming", and you always have been. There is no you "then" and you "now". It is all One. You are One.
And yes, healing is my work, and so I associate with those Intelligences which would willingly aid me in this work, and in return I allow myself to be as an instrument for the divine as I am capable.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - BrownEye - 02-28-2012

Quote: My friend, I have sensed this before and will be frank. Your Third Eye is severely over-active, and it is draining power from your Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus.
This is very similar to how i conceive it. I see them as valves, and when a valve is closed it forces that pressure through remaining routes. Meaning whatever amount of universal flow you have is forced through the path of least resistance.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

Precisely, my friend! Viewing it as water pressure is excellent.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Shin'Ar - 02-28-2012

I have much to consider, thank you.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 02-28-2012

Blessings, my brother, seek the Sun within your Heart! Adonai.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - JustLikeYou - 02-28-2012

Drugs can also cause headaches -- and that includes the pain medication that is commonly used to treat the headache. It's commonly called "medication overuse headache" or "rebound headache". I learned this the hard way after self-medicating with excedrine for years.

RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Ruth - 02-29-2012

(02-28-2012, 07:10 PM)Azrael Wrote: I feel it is the connective between your root chakra and sacral chakra which is weakened, perhaps a dualistic perception of some event of the past which needs to be viewed more objectively.

I hope you discover the key to your flowing!
The formula is quite simple - imbalances of emotional/dynamic energies responsible for the maintenance of the "Lower Self" cause an excess amount of energy to be generated in the Third Eye to "digest" all of the creative/emotional thoughts that are needing to be processed within the field. If the throat, and heart are also blocked, it makes for an even more intense vibration in the Third Eye, for the Third Eye never closes, and thus is the "default" center for digestion of impressions/energetic impacts/flows.

Thank you again for this. I had a major breakthrough this morning and the difference is astounding. Your post, and one from Diana in another thread, provided the insight I needed to do this work.

Blessings, love and light!


RE: Headaches - What can cause them? - Unbound - 03-01-2012

Wonderful to hear! I wish you more wellness, blessings, adonai. Smile