2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Printable Version

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2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Plenum - 02-11-2012

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You have asked this day concerning the principles involved in the process of disease and in the process of healing—whether the healing is done upon oneself or whether the healing is done for others. The two are two sides of one coin and that coin is the mystery that you behold before you in the mirror: your physical vehicle, its energy body, and all of the attachments thereto.

Let us look at the model which we would use to talk about you as a physical being that has something called wellness or health.

The body that is your physical vehicle is the outward and physical sign of your consciousness. It is not your consciousness. The physical body, left to itself, is as any animal among your many species of animals upon your planet. It has an instinctual life and it owns a brain which you generally experience as that brain that makes decisions. That is what your physical body’s brain was created for, as a choice-making tool. It makes choices on a hierarchy of priorities, the first being survival.

When you took upon yourselves the ambition of entering incarnation, you agreed upon a process that would inextricably bind you to this physical vehicle which you now enjoy, for the duration of your incarnation.

The consciousness that you possess as a citizen of eternity moved into interpenetrative intimacy, body upon body, so that the body of your consciousness—which some call a light body, some call the energy body and others call the chakra system—interpenetrated the physical form and connected with it in a very careful and specific way.

We give this instrument the vision of a plant which grows up within a pot. The pot has the soil necessary for the growth of the plant. The energy which creates the ability for that plant to grow is found in the soil of the pot. That is what your physical vehicle is. It is a clay vessel.

You, as consciousness, made an agreement with that body or physical vehicle, before incarnation. That body agreed to carry you. In a sense you may see yourselves, all of you, each and every one, as a walk-in, to use the New Age term familiar to this instrument. You, as a human species are a species of walk-ins.

Into the natural physical vehicle your consciousness walked in, made its connections with each of the various facets of your energy system that connect directly into your physical body along the line of the spine and you settled in for a shared experience together where the physical vehicle would have the privilege of carrying consciousness and you, as consciousness, would have the privilege of having an incarnation in flesh. It is a beautiful and a carefully made collaboration which you enjoy.

Left to the choices of the physical body, the kind and degree of illness which you experience as human beings would not exist. You would be healthy until your physical vehicle became weary. Given that you had food and water and the things that you needed for life, you would undoubtedly remain healthy until that illness which offered you the opportunity to leave the incarnation presented itself.

The drama of stress and tension that you experience and all of the emotional and physical aftereffects of such difficulty within the so-called energy body would not be experienced. Yours would be a life as natural as that of a cat, a horse, or a grizzly bear. In your environment you would thrive if there were enough food, enough water, enough salt, and so forth. Life would be simple.

For the human being the simplicity of that life becomes hidden. You cannot reconnect with the animal body and become a simple animal. The nature of your consciousness militates against such a choice.

No matter how deeply you attempt to bury your faculty of judgment, you as a human being are all about judgment. It is a judgment that is carefully created as a kind of instinct within consciousness which propels you forward in a metaphysical sense. As you form opinions and make choices, consciousness, which has links in the inner planes and throughout the universe, creates a reverberating sounding board which bounces your decisions, your choices, and your judgments back to you for review.

Until you begin to grasp the power and the responsiveness of this system, you may well experience a wide range of catalyst. As you become more skilled at realizing the dynamics of the natural system in which you are involved, energetically speaking, you will begin to realize that there are attitudinal choices that you can make that create within your experience much more of a feeling of participation in the process of experiencing catalyst and choosing to respond to it.

Until you grasp just how powerful a being you are as one possessing consciousness, you will be completely at the mercy of catalyst. Conversely, once you grasp the rules of this game of incarnation you are playing and begin to apply the rules of the game, which are relatively simple, you may well find yourself in a process of transformation.

Things may begin to simplify themselves for you once again. But the simplicity will be the simplicity that moves in a spiraling fashion up to the unified level of body and consciousness. This is not precisely the same thing as the psyche and the soma or the mind and body, as psychology has it, for you are more than your psyche and your body. Health [and] the process of illness as well have a great deal to do with that “more than” that you are.

In a way, you may see yourselves as pilgrims who carry their packs not over their shoulders wrapped in a kerchief, as the mythical hobo figure does; rather, you may certainly see yourself as that pilgrim on the road, the journey of spiritual evolution. The pack that you carry lies within. What is metaphysical food? What does your pack hold? The answers that you offer to that may well indicate the true nature of your wellness.

We would, in passing, distinguish between health and wellness. It is well to realize that no matter what the age or health of the physical body, by examining such things as the eyes and the general feeling that being around a person may give you, you may discover that many seemingly physically healthy people are not well. You may also discover that many seemingly frail people are extremely healthy. The actual state of wellness within your organism is a function not only of the state of your physical body and not only the state of your mind, it also contains an element that is difficult to quantize.

In consciousness there is a ground of being. That ground of being is love. You are an expression of the one original Thought. That is the gift that you carry in your physical lifetime. You don’t carry a little love. You carry the love that creates and destroys. It is at once your glory and your biggest woe because when you do not focus and direct the awesome power of your personality, your character, and your belief system and instead you allow it to follow its impulses without giving them particular thought, you may find yourself in the situation where life experiences are occurring to you that do not make sense and to which you do not know how to respond.

This being said, your basic health is like a default setting. If you were born with radiant health, then that is your factory setting—that is how you came from the manufacturer. Your light body, your energy body, or your chakra system copies that group of settings before birth as part of the integration process of soul or spirit and physical vehicle or body. The memory of that default setting, which is health, radiant and unblemished, is retained by every cell in your body and by every iota of energy in your energy body.

The process of disease occurs when the balance that is the default setting for wellness in your particular physical vehicle and energy body becomes upset. Such balances can become upset because of purely physical and mechanical reasons. If you fall and break your bone, there may be no higher interpretation of such an event. You simply had an unlucky accident. However, if you are a seeker on the path, it is well to open up your mind and your thinking to the possibility that some imbalance in your energy body threw you off so that you were literally out of balance and so you fell.

If you look at health as strictly physical, you will go with an unlucky accident. You will go to the doctor, follow the doctor’s orders, and eventually you can get well. You will not have learned anything. Your physical vehicle was damaged and then it repaired itself.

If you go with the latter explanation, that there were imbalances within your energy body, you may still go to a medical doctor for help with healing the body, but you may also go within to that divine healer that lives within your consciousness. When you choose to examine your thinking, your actions, and the possible ways to look at the balances of your energy system, you open yourself up to a whole level of powerful possibilities that are not there if you stay strictly within the physical parameters in your thinking.

Consequently, when entities decide to work with the game of incarnation at a deeper level than the physical body, [they] have made the choice to move into a faster lane as far as the pace of spiritual evolution because the sufferings and the woes of the physical existence are created as part of the work which lies before the consciousness you carry. That consciousness will use every bit of the suffering that you are able to penetrate [with] your faith. It will use it to learn how to return to the default setting. Many supposed miracle healings have been done simply because of the depth of an entity’s faith.

In general, when there is a movement away from perfect balance in any part of the energy body, the key word in looking for cause is fear. There has been a contraction away from the relaxed and peaceful default setting of the emotional and mental part of your physical vehicle. That contraction has pulled some part of your energy body into imbalance. That contraction was in one way or another caused by the faculty of fear.

If you see the perfect body and wellness itself as a state of love, then you will see that fear is a choice which turns one away from the face of love. Therefore, the choice for healing is a choice to lose fear and choose love. Because it is sometimes difficult to drop all fear, healers exist which work with the energy body rather than the physical body. What they do is to offer to the entity who seeks healing the opportunity in a neutral atmosphere to drop fear and choose love.

We realize that we have barely, barely looked at the top layer of an enormously profound subject and we have a desire to speak further with you at a later time. However, this instrument informs us that there are other queries that she would like to focus upon to some extent this day, and we, too, would like to respond to the great privilege of having this wider group that is non-local. And so we would also like to turn from this query for now in order to field some of these other queries.

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RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Diana - 02-15-2012

Excellent quote. Thanks.

I like the idea of thinking we are all walk-ins to the physical body, it being an honor to do so.

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Jerome - 02-26-2012

Thanks for posting, this is very interesting and I'd like to understand further.

I think my default is or was disease. I needed life saving emergency surgery on my pyloric sphincter at 2 1/2 weeks. I've had plenty of digestive complications in the thirty-two years since - Crohn's disease, bowel surgery, kidney stones, anemia...

I can somewhat grasp this as a plan, the expedient catalyst. I can see how this pain has spurred my seeking (I do not begrudge the experience). I can understand somewhat how fear leads to disease. But the origin of my original digestive disease, does this mean that I had a fear as I came in or is this a fear from a previous incarnation? Is my spirit afraid of something or is it like inertia from a past life? Am I aware of the blockages and the nature of the disease in between incarnations or am I fearful in these times? Or did I know I would be fearful on this plane?

Please forum, I know I'm not the only one born busted up here. What's the scoop?

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Diana - 02-26-2012

(02-26-2012, 04:10 PM)Jerome Wrote: Thanks for posting, this is very interesting and I'd like to understand further.

I think my default is or was disease. I needed life saving emergency surgery on my pyloric sphincter at 2 1/2 weeks. I've had plenty of digestive complications in the thirty-two years since - Crohn's disease, bowel surgery, kidney stones, anemia...

I can somewhat grasp this as a plan, the expedient catalyst. I can see how this pain has spurred my seeking (I do not begrudge the experience). I can understand somewhat how fear leads to disease. But the origin of my original digestive disease, does this mean that I had a fear as I came in or is this a fear from a previous incarnation? Is my spirit afraid of something or is it like inertia from a past life? Am I aware of the blockages and the nature of the disease in between incarnations or am I fearful in these times? Or did I know I would be fearful on this plane?

Please forum, I know I'm not the only one born busted up here. What's the scoop?

What do you eat? What kind of exercise do you do?

The approach to figuring this out can be multi-directional.

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Jerome - 02-28-2012

Quote:What do you eat? What kind of exercise do you do?

The approach to figuring this out can be multi-directional.

I've had to transform the diet, with success, this process continues - whole foods, mostly fruits and vegetables. Almost no sugars or complex carbohydrates. It makes for much planning, but that brings me closer to creation, I believe.
Exercise and me are good old pals, although sometimes I might be too hard on the body.

You are so deeply correct about the answers being multi-directional. I really believe my reaction to 'the world' (catalyst) is the root of the disease. The food is almost a metaphor for all that I ingest and react to. I can't help but pursue such a line of thinking (into the pre-incarnation) and this thread makes me even more curious.

The truth is, I have a few strange and crude guesses about my pre-incarnation plans or secondary lessons and it frustrates me that it isn't all yet clear.
I suspect the whole answer is so simple I can't recognize it - relax, you can't know it all, control any of it, just open your heart, guy.

Getting back to the original post as a point of curiosity. It is fascinating to imagine you and your guides examining the way your soul connects to the body and all that came before getting ready to jump into all that might come. Oh, for a scoop of that conversation. I know I'm anthropomorphizing the pre-incarnation, but you get the idea.

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Diana - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 03:59 PM)Jerome Wrote: I've had to transform the diet, with success, this process continues - whole foods, mostly fruits and vegetables. Almost no sugars or complex carbohydrates. It makes for much planning, but that brings me closer to creation, I believe.
Exercise and me are good old pals, although sometimes I might be too hard on the body.

You are so deeply correct about the answers being multi-directional. I really believe my reaction to 'the world' (catalyst) is the root of the disease. The food is almost a metaphor for all that I ingest and react to. I can't help but pursue such a line of thinking (into the pre-incarnation) and this thread makes me even more curious.

The truth is, I have a few strange and crude guesses about my pre-incarnation plans or secondary lessons and it frustrates me that it isn't all yet clear.
I suspect the whole answer is so simple I can't recognize it - relax, you can't know it all, control any of it, just open your heart, guy.

Getting back to the original post as a point of curiosity. It is fascinating to imagine you and your guides examining the way your soul connects to the body and all that came before getting ready to jump into all that might come. Oh, for a scoop of that conversation. I know I'm anthropomorphizing the pre-incarnation, but you get the idea.

I am seeing myself in a little bit of what you say. It sounds lke you have the food/exercise aspect in hand. Smile

How I see myself is the analyzing. I have found that analyzing can be unproductive (for me, if done too much, especially on subjects, as you recognize, are just not easily knowable).

What I do is try to stay focused on action (or you could call it mission). I am in my head a lot. To balance that, action, movement is required. So I try and have goals about my purpose, and I stay focused on attaining those goals. For instance, I am developing art-infused learning modules as I see a need for kids to express their right brains--creativity, intuition.

Another aspect of being in the head, is that it is not creating forward momentum. If we are to accomplish our purposes here, we must do more than think about it. At least, that has been my journey.

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Ruth - 02-28-2012

This topic always confuses me because some of the most enlightened, loving people I know have suffered terribly with illness. So reading this it seems to say to me that even though enlightened and loving, if these wonderful people would just find the right balance they would no longer be ill. Would that be an accurate interpretation or am I missing something?

"The process of disease occurs when the balance that is the default setting for wellness in your particular physical vehicle and energy body becomes upset. Such balances can become upset because of purely physical and mechanical reasons. If you fall and break your bone, there may be no higher interpretation of such an event. You simply had an unlucky accident. However, if you are a seeker on the path, it is well to open up your mind and your thinking to the possibility that some imbalance in your energy body threw you off so that you were literally out of balance and so you fell."

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Diana - 02-28-2012

(02-28-2012, 04:47 PM)Ruth Wrote: This topic always confuses me because some of the most enlightened, loving people I know have suffered terribly with illness. So reading this it seems to say to me that even though enlightened and loving, if these wonderful people would just find the right balance they would no longer be ill. Would that be an accurate interpretation or am I missing something?

"The process of disease occurs when the balance that is the default setting for wellness in your particular physical vehicle and energy body becomes upset. Such balances can become upset because of purely physical and mechanical reasons. If you fall and break your bone, there may be no higher interpretation of such an event. You simply had an unlucky accident. However, if you are a seeker on the path, it is well to open up your mind and your thinking to the possibility that some imbalance in your energy body threw you off so that you were literally out of balance and so you fell."

I don't think it is simple or easy to understand, and it certainly individual.

But, regarding the people you mentioned, there could be an imbalance, for instance, because they are loving toward others but not as much toward themselves. I think this happens often with loving people. Very loving people often do not take the time to nurture themselves, as others always come first.

There might be a balance to that scenario, by showing the same love and respect to self that is shown to others.

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Charles - 06-15-2012

Jerome wrote:
Quote:I think my default is or was disease. I needed life saving emergency surgery on my pyloric sphincter at 2 1/2 weeks. I've had plenty of digestive complications in the thirty-two years since - Crohn's disease, bowel surgery, kidney stones, anemia...

I can somewhat grasp this as a plan, the expedient catalyst. I can see how this pain has spurred my seeking (I do not begrudge the experience). I can understand somewhat how fear leads to disease. But the origin of my original digestive disease, does this mean that I had a fear as I came in or is this a fear from a previous incarnation? Is my spirit afraid of something or is it like inertia from a past life? Am I aware of the blockages and the nature of the disease in between incarnations or am I fearful in these times? Or did I know I would be fearful on this plane?

Please forum, I know I'm not the only one born busted up here. What's the scoop?

The reasoning is the same (soul lessons) whether illness is immediate or happens later. You chose what was best for you.

You set yourself up for fast soul growth learning.
You, as immortal Soul, worked things out with your Guide(s) and Teachers and Elders and decided to be born ill.

This was done with great self love, and optimistic hope.

Fear had nothing to do with it. Some of us accept pain to relieve others from their pain. It also could be as simple as karmic balance. Or maybe your parents needed the experience of dramatic and unconditional love when you were born, and for many years to follow, and you agreed.

We as Souls understand the potential for growth involved. An illness or accident of any sort may teach us about our incredible power (power to feel joyful and optimistic, or power to heal and to love a sick body), while others may need learn how to be dependent upon others (humility with grace), we may need to learn patience, we may need to learn trust, there's no end to it. Self love is a huge lesson. And illness can be a catalyst for (as well as the time for) a deep spiritual curiosity and interest.

There is no end to the good and loving reasons for illness. Blaming yourself is ridiculous. Stop "why me" and start "what do I need learn?"

Sometimes Ruth, an enlightened balance may decide on pain, to learn about it. To understand it, to strengthen their compassion for others, to help others around them learn compassion, there's no end to it.

RE: 2006.05.07 On Disease and Healing - Bang Kaew - 07-02-2012

Quote:Until you grasp just how powerful a being you are as one possessing consciousness, you will be completely at the mercy of catalyst. Conversely, once you grasp the rules of this game of incarnation you are playing and begin to apply the rules of the game, which are relatively simple, you may well find yourself in a process of transformation.

Begs the question, what are the rules? Law of Attraction?

Quote:The process of disease occurs when the balance that is the default setting for wellness in your particular physical vehicle and energy body becomes upset. Such balances can become upset because of purely physical and mechanical reasons. If you fall and break your bone, there may be no higher interpretation of such an event. You simply had an unlucky accident. However, if you are a seeker on the path, it is well to open up your mind and your thinking to the possibility that some imbalance in your energy body threw you off so that you were literally out of balance and so you fell.

I think this implies creating illness.

Quote:Consequently, when entities decide to work with the game of incarnation at a deeper level than the physical body, [they] have made the choice to move into a faster lane as far as the pace of spiritual evolution because the sufferings and the woes of the physical existence are created as part of the work which lies before the consciousness you carry. That consciousness will use every bit of the suffering that you are able to penetrate [with] your faith. It will use it to learn how to return to the default setting. Many supposed miracle healings have been done simply because of the depth of an entity’s faith.

I think this implies that we did not create illness but planned it as a test.

Quote:In general, when there is a movement away from perfect balance in any part of the energy body, the key word in looking for cause is fear. There has been a contraction away from the relaxed and peaceful default setting of the emotional and mental part of your physical vehicle. That contraction has pulled some part of your energy body into imbalance. That contraction was in one way or another caused by the faculty of fear.

i often think fear caused my illness but then not every child that is bullied generates a chronic condition mid twenties...

i agree with Charles, there are so many possibilities. For example;

Quote:35.3 Questioner: Secondly, did Franklin place the physical limitation on his body himself?

Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. The basic guidelines for the lessons and purposes of incarnation had been carefully set forth before incarnation by the mind/body/spirit complex totality. If the one known as Franklin had avoided the excessive enjoyment of or attachment to the competitiveness which may be seen to be inherent in the processes of its occupation, this entity would not have had the limitation.

However, the desire to serve and to grow was strong in this programming and when the opportunities began to cease due to these distortions towards love of power the entity’s limiting factor was activated.

i also think my illness was activated because I was on the wrong track!