Words of Christ translated from original Greek. - Printable Version

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Words of Christ translated from original Greek. - TheFifty9Sound - 01-01-2012

Something Tenet Nosce said regarding the meaning of the word "sin" in the thread about abortion reminded me of this site I stumbled upon a while back, so I thought I'd share.

Basically, the guy who runs this site does a thorough translation of the words of Jesus from the original Greek into English. The problem with versions of the bible such as the King James Bible, is that it's overly simplified in the way that multiple different Greek words are all translated into just one English word, and so much of the subtlety and wordplay intended by Jesus is lost.

I found that a lot of Jesus' teachings resonated more strongly with me when reading these translations than they had previously.

Warning - the site is very hard to navigate, and as the site is intended for the authors own personal musings and is not promoted in anyway, I get the feeling they don't care too much. But if you're skilled in using google to search through a sites content, you should be able to find interesting information none the less.

Here is the passage that I was thinking of when I read Tenets post, and a the link to the full text.

"“Sin” is from hamartanô or harmartia which mean “to miss the mark,” “to fail in one’s purpose,” “to err,” “to be mistaken,” and “to neglect.”

In Greek, the word not used in the Bible and the word that actually means “sins” is alitros, which means “sins,” “sinner,” and “sinful.” It is impossible that the authors of the NT didn’t know this word. All other Greek words based on the idea of sin are relate to it–alitria (sinfulness), alitêrios (sinning), aleitês (sinner) and even, and this is funny, alêtheia (sincerity), capturing the idea that sinners are good at lying."

RE: Words of Christ translated from original Greek. - Namaste - 01-01-2012

Interesting, thanks.

RE: Words of Christ translated from original Greek. - Joseph326 - 01-06-2012

Thank you for sharing. I was hoping for a deeper understanding of what was actually meant by Jesus in his teachings, and this is a big help.

RE: Words of Christ translated from original Greek. - BrownEye - 01-18-2012

(01-01-2012, 03:44 AM)TheFifty9Sound Wrote: "“Sin” is from hamartanô or harmartia which mean “to miss the mark,” “to fail in one’s purpose,” “to err,” “to be mistaken,” and “to neglect.”

The stupid fundamentalist mindset that Jesus was special because he was "without sin" is funny. Look at sin and think of missing the mark.

Now let's say that Jesus was different from everybody because he hit the mark. Not because he was perfectly sinless.

Soooo many people have said Jesus did not come here to teach us how to do what he did. Then the next blunder is "I don't see anyone else walking on water". But they forget................Peter also walked on the water.

Also, it is easier to do your own translations.

You will find things like I did, where they mistranslate, and keep the mistranslation through all subsequent versions.

Rev 17-3
Rev 12-3
Rev 13-1
In these verses they took a number symbol descriptor and changed it into a counter.