Local changes you are witnessing. - Printable Version

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Local changes you are witnessing. - Sagittarius - 12-05-2011

Just though I should make a thread where we can report the local physical changes we are seeing due to the harvest.

[Image: cars1-420x0.jpg]

Brisbane police just added 3 new coloured police cars, blue,green and purple.

I will endeavour to take pictures of the changes that I see throughout my city and will post them up on here. Every week it seams to increase.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Oceania - 12-05-2011

what's the point? to be silly?

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Oldern - 12-05-2011

Colors are "silly" now? I love colors.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Sagittarius - 12-05-2011

(12-05-2011, 09:38 AM)Oceania Wrote: what's the point? to be silly?

Green colour of the heart chakra, blue the throat chakra, purple the crown chakra.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - AnthroHeart - 12-05-2011

I'm seeing more "furry" stuff coming out, like the new Smurfs movie. A new movie called Dolphin Tale coming out, as I like dolphins. More people wearing furry type t-shirts, like for Underdog, or the like.

[Image: SmurfsMovie.jpg] [Image: dolphin-tale-movie.jpg] [Image: underdog2.jpg]

I'm even more comfortable posting furry art up on my wall at work. It just feels natural, where a month or so ago I'd not have been comfortable. I'm even openly furry to my coworkers.

.jpg   blotch_gotcha.jpg (Size: 131.42 KB / Downloads: 392)

The energies are changing so people are more free to express themselves. At least that's the future I intended.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Oceania - 12-05-2011

yeah colors are silly. especially in police cars.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Observer - 12-06-2011

Notcing increased unity around lately. Not sure if this is an effect, but it is noticable.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Shemaya - 12-06-2011

That made me laugh Sag, seeing those cute colorful police cars. I'm curious about the intention behind them, is it truly to lighten up or more deception from the deceivers? But it feels kind of light to me, so I think it's a good sign. :o)

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Oceania - 12-06-2011

we can choose how it affects us. i mean, it's silly police cars.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - hogey11 - 12-06-2011

I have to say that nature has been breathtaking around me (vancouver) since 11x3... Beautiful sunsets every night with multicolored skies. Even the rainclouds have been looking magnificent, with scars of light scattered throughout. My brother keeps calling me a dirty hippie every time I mention it, but I swear it's never been like this that I can remember. Maybe i'm just playing less video games thanks to baby and can actually see it for once Tongue

I have also felt a different energy the last month. I'm feeling less and less confused as a whole. There are still days where it feels like all the gears are grinding away, but for the most part I have felt very happy and 'light', if you want to call it that. I feel I have to channel patience right now; the world is changing for better or for worse, and I am anxious to see which was it turns. My hope is that the 4D world cracks open to bloom, but that has been wished many times before with little result.... but this mood seems to be helping with that. Nothing can be better at the current moment (other than the tree/house thing, but I digress...)

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - AnthroHeart - 12-06-2011

I agree hogey. Sometimes to me the sky looks like a cartoon blue, very deep and colorful.
It's happened a number of times over the years.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - AnthroHeart - 12-08-2011

People at work are talking about ET's now.

And about shape-shifters. So discussions are resonating more with me.
Re shapeshifting, I made a post:

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Crown - 12-08-2011

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Conifer16 - 12-08-2011

Gosh darn it! It is impossible to not laugh and super impossible to not smile at those videosSmile
Thanks for posting it Smile

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - AnthroHeart - 12-08-2011

Cool find Crown. Or did you take that?

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Crown - 12-08-2011

A friend posted on youtube. I dont know who took it. Made me laugh xD

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Crown - 12-09-2011

And this made me cry Sad

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Ruth - 12-09-2011

Thanks for sharing that, Crown. It warmed my heart to see this young man overcoming his losses in life and reaching out to help others.

Love and light!

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - native - 12-09-2011

(12-08-2011, 08:52 PM)Crown Wrote: A friend posted on youtube. I dont know who took it. Made me laugh xD

It's always fun to laugh with people laughing BigSmile

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Sagittarius - 12-09-2011

Ive noticed more and more people lately unsatisfied with life. Not really what anyone has said more so the look in peoples eye's.

Ra said the 4d energies would be difficult for the un-awakened to handle. As I said nothing concrete but I can just feel that people are noticing it.

Noticed a lot of people complaining about there body, back aches, tingling in there limbs, headaches, trouble sleeping.

I really hope I will be able to open up fully to people in the coming year. I feel like it's building up and about to burst. I just wanto scream it from the rooftops tbh. Wish I wasn't so impatient sometimes.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - AnthroHeart - 12-09-2011

Crown, that video gave me tears as well. Thank you.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Conifer16 - 12-09-2011

Crown could you post a link that I can share to Facebook. I am on an iPod so the video won't let me share as it is right now.

-Conifer16- Adoani Vasu Borragus

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Observer - 12-10-2011

Not really local, but heres a pretty good example of unity.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Avocado - 12-14-2011

That was a pretty good one Crown.

A group of kids on one of the teams at my old high school are getting into lucid dreaming instead drinking and partying. That was interesting to me. I feel like there was a higher reason behind it.. c:

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Parsons - 12-16-2011

(12-09-2011, 05:09 PM)Sagittarius Wrote: Ive noticed more and more people lately unsatisfied with life. Not really what anyone has said more so the look in peoples eye's.

Ra said the 4d energies would be difficult for the un-awakened to handle. As I said nothing concrete but I can just feel that people are noticing it.

Noticed a lot of people complaining about there body, back aches, tingling in there limbs, headaches, trouble sleeping.

Specifically noticed this myself. Some people seem to be getting rapidly happier or sadder... Not just treading water anymore being the overriding theme in my opinion.

(12-09-2011, 05:09 PM)Sagittarius Wrote: I really hope I will be able to open up fully to people in the coming year. I feel like it's building up and about to burst. I just wanto scream it from the rooftops tbh. Wish I wasn't so impatient sometimes.

Man I feel the same way... The speech about the famous/infamous plastic bag in the wind from American Beauty comes to mind.

Quote:"It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bag was, like, dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember... and I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in."

I feel like the same as a young child anticipates getting his favorite holiday-gift(in my personal case). I wish there was some way to spread the LOO without being a deuche-bag about it (forcing the material on people not ready for it, which covers pretty much everyone I know personally).

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Oceania - 12-16-2011

they don't need the material.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Aaron - 12-16-2011

(12-16-2011, 01:22 AM)Oceania Wrote: they don't need the material.


Ra Wrote:17.2 Questioner: Is it possible by the use of some technique or other to help an entity to reach fourth-density level in these last days?

Ra: I am Ra. It is impossible to help another being directly. It is only possible to make catalyst available in whatever form, the most important being the radiation of realization of oneness with the Creator from the self, less important being information such as we share with you.

You came here to LOVE others so that when they're actually walking the steps of light, they are unafraid enough to keep going!

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - AnthroHeart - 12-16-2011

Aaron, are you saying that walking the steps of light will take a degree of will to push? I wouldn't want to push so hard that I end up in an uncomfortable reality. But I do want to give Creator everything when I do walk the steps.

I guess with a 3D mind I can't understand how to walk the steps of light.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - Aaron - 12-16-2011

(12-16-2011, 03:10 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Aaron, are you saying that walking the steps of light will take a degree of will to push? I wouldn't want to push so hard that I end up in an uncomfortable reality. But I do want to give Creator everything when I do walk the steps.

I guess with a 3D mind I can't understand how to walk the steps of light.

From what I've gathered based on intuition and experience, (I could be discerning the completely wrong thing, a different event entirely) an entity moves closer and closer to the creator after death until they hit a snag or a bump that causes them to not want to proceed anymore. Everything that has been experienced in life is utilized in that moment of proceeding towards the light. If their experience has been one of love, one of incorporating love and experiencing and expressing love, they won't find themselves shocked or startled when they encounter the love of the creator as they walk the steps. They will instead recognize it as themselves, due to the experience they've had of it in life, and proceed. You are partly responsible for providing them the experience of the love of the creator during life, so that it became familiar to them and a part of their very being. (I'm not trying to dictate what you are responsible for with this statement - I'm only speaking in the present tense in a situation where you have already performed the action of giving love to others.)

"Them" in this case is meaning souls that have not experienced the density of love yet.

I don't think you have to worry about ending up in an uncomfortable reality... Remember that your higher self oversees the process, as well as guardians from the octave above. From my experience with psychedelic drugs, no force of will is required to push yourself along. It's effortless/automatic - you glide, or rather, are pulled forwards by the creator's will to experience merging with you again.

RE: Local changes you are witnessing. - native - 12-16-2011

Good comments. I think walking the steps of light is both a space/time and time/space analogy. Wanderers guide those who are capable of being harvested to express themselves through accepting new paradigms..a more loving reality. It's why the harvest is said to be automatic in 51.1. Not automatic as in instant, but naturally occurring.