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magic and rituals - xlsander - 06-20-2009

hi everyone, i wanted to open up this thread to exchange knowledge each of

us has (if any has) about mystic school traditions and rituals and magic etc

O.T.O - free masons - egyptian - wicca - yoga - kundalini etc etc etc

please, without any judgemental aspects - i am sure some are rather positive others

rather negative - as we know we deal with duality and free will in this

3rd density - looking forward to your input - thx and much love everyone!

RE: magic and rituals - ayadew - 06-20-2009

Discussing Freemasons...

In my knowledge and experience, Freemasons is a gentleman-only club, with much invented dogma and confusion around this. They do not discuss this dogma however, as the only prequisite of joining is to believe in "GOD" which can be the christian god, the christian devil, yourself or whatever entity. Many members only believes in this for show though, and uses the Freemason network for socialising or personal goals.
I think Freemasons has an important role for some people that wishes to have something physically more than ordinary life, mysticism, and uses it (as a certain man worded it) for "religious orgasms" without being seen as a 'weirdo' by today's western society standards. It's a unified religion that accepts all with no real rules, except the whole class, order and power-structure and strange rituals.

Really, they are a soup of good and bad and I don't think anyone alive really knows what they do or what their purpose is - including themselves.

RE: magic and rituals - Ali Quadir - 06-20-2009

Discussing Wicca..

Wicca is an OTO creation. Gerald Gardner the father of modern Wicca was a member of Crowleys OTO. And if you study the rituals they are very inspired by the Freemason's magical systems. The idea that Wicca is medieval or even prehistoric is invalid. The reason for the confusion is that in the time Wicca was created there was a large romantic movement in Europe. This movement tried to restore ancient traditions and rituals. And did it according to the understandings of the time. Modern insights often contradict those understandings. None the less it's founders were very established men. The theology is very rich and symbolic. Not just a writers invention. And it has been one of the most successful methods of bringing occult knowledge into a broader public. The God and Goddess they worship are combinations of other Gods.. Not likely their common "ancestor".

RE: magic and rituals - Sirius - 06-20-2009

Freemasons, my grandad says he is a freemason, his links to it involve him being in the SAS at the time, I don't know the details, but he said that there where many important people in his lodge, the head of the metropolitan police is the only 1 I remember offhand. He had to do some dirty jobs, secret handshakes and all of that. All of my family think he is full of rubbish, but I find too many correlations with what he says.

He said he got to the 33rd or 32nd degree, I can't remember which. but he did it twice, got kicked out but let back in, which is most abnormal as most of the time if your out, you are out.

He holds beleifs about Spirits and channeling, that is all I know.

With the things he does, he may well be a self proclaimed STS entity.

Kundalini, I have had some experience with, from my understanding it is awakening dormant aspects of your chakras. And through David Wilcocks work, is a method of accessing the pineal gland. I was mysteriously told to research it by a college lecturer. a Few months later, after the main thing of my research said it was dangerous to people who didn't know how to deal with it. It began to kick up on it's own. It requires 'maintenance' as I have not done anything in regards to kundalini it has settled again at the base of my spine. It was essentially hard for me to do as I was a top heavy chakra person and always found it really hard to open anything below the heart.

Wicca, was my very first introduction to spiritual things. I was never swayed too much, as the floweryness I was totally not into at such a basic stage of learning. Anybody heard of Silver Ravenwolf?

I have some Thoth Tarot cards, which lead me to research a little about Aliester Crowley later accumilating to OTO of which I was very unenthuseastic about. I just had visions of obnoxious children thinking they knew everything about magic that nobody else knew. Almost like the Slythern characters from harry potter :p Aliester Crowly is a very disputed character, mostly becuase he was the first of his kind and pictures of Aliester Crowly can be very easily manipulated. Wether he was STO or STS i still don't know.

Magic and rituals in general. I subscribe to the chaos theory. The only thing which matters is your sureness, and your intent/will. how/what/where/when is upto you as long as you think it actually has an effect. This would be very representative of the individual realities we are all in, but also encompass together within the shared reality.

Love and Light

RE: magic and rituals - Sirius - 06-20-2009

Sounds like the pineal gland to me

RE: magic and rituals - fairyfarmgirl - 06-20-2009

I am use what works to get me to where I am wishing to go. This can be from anything from Wicca to Islam to Hinduism.

It is all valid to me!


RE: magic and rituals - Sirius - 06-20-2009

I wil have a look into it, I must say the 'Ra Eye' has been a fascinating topic I have never looked into before. It is even more interesting as out of all of my chakras the brow is the one I had by far the most sucsess with.

Ooof that is a painfully messy site. I only understood what it was about just before I was about to quit it. Quite the library, but very seemingly complicated and Lacking proof from what I read. Unfortunately I am too vein to keep looking at such a site. I'd rather meditate on it haha.

RE: magic and rituals - pluralone - 06-22-2009

Quote:Unfortunately I am too vein to keep looking at such a site. I'd rather meditate on it haha.
What you call 'vanity' I'd call 'wisdom'. Meditation will bring the far truer (to self) answers... imo.
