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An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance (/showthread.php?tid=3465) |
An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Oldern - 10-26-2011 Greetings, everyone. The topic I want to share with you - or start a discussion in - is the Veil, the nature of the Veil, and the importance of the Veil. Disclaimer: this is a very personal subject to me, and sometimes I believe that this incarnation has something to do with realizing my limits, my "edge", or in other words: accepting the presence of the Veil. So, I am pretty sure that I was not alone when first encountering the Ra material, and reading about this Veil, I thought to myself: "Oh, that is convenient. Why does not the veil go away? Why should not we able to feel each other more directly, access to higher power more directly? Why is it so hard to get in touch with any 'spiritual source'?". Yes, this is an important thing to me. But it took years and years to finally get a glimpse of what this is about. What the Veil is about. I believe that the Veil has been placed because this Planet (as a concious being, or as something holding milliards/billions of shards of the shards of the Creator) needs to maintain the Free Will. The free will that lets us believe whatever we want, however we want to. Throught history, mankind has moved and distanced itself away from the concept of magic and supernatural. I am pretty sure that in the dawn of this current civilization, all the "gods" were social complexes that tried to guide us (just like Ra attempted, and I am sure Krisna, the Greek/Roman gods, the mythical beasts and gods of Norse mithology were beings like him, if more Earth-centered), but as we learned to live in our ways, the importance of spiritual guides (let those be wisdoms, advisors, wizards, shamans, clerics, whatever) lessened and lessened up till the point where we believed ourselves in a world where everyone is distinct, and has no connection to each other other than the "physical" realm. So this is the first nature of the Free Will being maintained. The second, I think, is a very recent realization, some kind of a "oh, I get it now" moment. I just have faith in knowing that a lot of Yogi in India and all around the world is in fact able to levitate. But they do not get that as a gift. It is a simple result of immensely hard work, self restrain, practice, and the result of the fact that they will NEVER EVER go to a television show to try and "prove" it to all the people in the world. Because that would infrige with their free will, the motions that set all their lives into what they are now. And when I had this realization, I immediately recognized that this is most likely why I have not been able to do "telekinetic" stuff, even when I sometimes tried: I would be childish and immature enough to go running to all my friends, ready to try and disturb their daily lives with it. And that is why I (we) will only get to acces those powers and those non-limitations once we are not a threat to others free will. Imagine a world without a Veil. And with millions of people in it. How could free will be retained? ONE angered person - bam, a city disintegrates. Ten angered person, in a heated battle? The earth gets destroyed. Easily. That would not be sustainable. Therefore, I am pretty sure that until we achieved a level of subconcious "we are one" as a planetary being, we will not be able to call upon forces that seem to ignore the 3 dimensional law that we all comforted ourselves with in this life. The Veil is in place so this many souls can continue their journey undisturbed. So, what do YOU think about this? :) RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-26-2011 The veil is the inability to squeeze everything known into consciousness being used. The nature is the limiting capacity of the mind. The answer for mystery. The importance is that it is what it is, and we aren't what we are without it. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Daydreamin - 10-26-2011 My whole life I wondered why it's acceptable that as human being's we only use 10-15% of our brain and recently think that the veil may be the reason for this. Here's some info I came across just today in fact that really resonated w/ me.... All Third-Dimensional Beings Wear a Veil As we discuss the subject of the wearing of a veil of ignorance and forgetfulness in the Third Dimension, we’ll need to keep in mind that the Company of Light speaks sometimes to terrestrials and sometimes to starseeds. All of us have descended from higher levels, but some of us are here only for this lifetime and others have been here for countless lifetimes. We need to keep straight who their comments are meant for. Jeshua, for instance, addresses all terrestrials when he says that we took the veil of ignorance at the request of God to descend into Third Dimensionality and explore duality, but the veil itself prevents us from remembering our choice. “God asked you, the ones that belong to the most creative, advanced and courageous part of herself, to take the veil of Ignorance. In order to experience the dynamics of opposites as thoroughly as possible, you were temporarily soaked in forgetfulness about your true nature. “You consented to take this plunge into ignorance, but this fact was overlaid by the veil of forgetfulness as well. So now you often curse God for being in the situation you’re in: the hardships, the ignorance – and we understand. In essence though: you are God, God is you.” (1) SaLuSa also tells us that our wearing of the veil as terrestrials is voluntary: “You accepted the veils that were drawn across your eyes as you dropped deeper into the lower vibrations,” SaLuSa tells us. Alongside the terrestrial explorers of duality have come a generation of starseeds, whose job it was to model the doffing of the veil. The Sirian High Council describes them: “You are of a giant brigade of warrior souls who decided that you would come to earth to unveil your true essence as a master of creation and assist the world in the great ascension of human consciousness.” (2) The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, addressing the starseeds, tell us that “many of you have had to dim your light to fit into a world that was once unfit for such magnicifience.” (3) Sananda also addressed these starseeds in 1990, reminding them that, whether they knew it or not, they were wearing blinkers. “You have, as all have, accepted limitations and veils and accepted more of the pain of life and the density that exists here into yourself and into your body. This will be released.” (4) Whether terrestrial or starseed, we are all colonists who have come from other planetary civilizations, though very few of us are aware of that, SaLuSa tells us. “Very few of you are privileged to know your true background, and where you came from to take part in duality. That will change before long, and many of you will have the chance to meet those who wait for a family reunion with you. You have come from many different civilisations, to give of your own particular skills and knowledge to uplift those lost souls upon Earth. Your journey is all but over, and the celebrations are about to begin.” (5) Not many of us are aware, SaLuSa says, but “you will realise that you walked around wearing blinkers. That is no reflection upon your ability, but simply reference to the limited conditions thrust upon you by the lower vibrations.” (6) The Third-Dimensional Veil is Very Dense The Third Dimension of duality that all dropped down into is a very tough setting which contains many levels, Matthew Ward says. “Third density is especially arduous experiencing because it encompasses so many levels, and the difference between its lowest and the first level of fourth density is as dramatic as night and day.” (7) One of the impacts of this dimension, he says, is that “the limitations of Earth’s third density could affect accurate memory of all subsequent experiencing.” (8) We remember very little because of the density of this vibration. Sananda once gave us a measure of the degree to which the veil cuts us off. He said that the veil allows us to use only a small fraction of our intellectual powers compared with ascended beings. “You have been using a certain percentage of your grey matter. Some of you are more aware through meditations and psychic powers, but nevertheless you have been existing within a certain limited framework of consciousness. So another difference between an ascended being and yourselves is that we have a one hundred percent mental capacity fully operating in our consciousnesses. And you have much less. I would say you use only ten to fifteen percent. Maybe I will give some of you the benefit of the doubt and say that you have used up to twenty percent. Congratulations! But you see there is a great deal more for you to be aware of, a great deal more for you to experience.” (9) Saul tells is that the setting in which we agreed to incarnate is quite horrific compared to the higher dimensions we are used to. We wanted to experience separation from God and we have done so. “The illusion you have made and continue to support, maintain, and rebuild is a quite horrific concept that is in complete opposition to the glorious wonder that is Reality. As I have told you before, you conceived of it as a way to experience separation from your divine Father, and to play imaginary games that are impossible in a Reality of unconditional Love. “Initially, you were quite captivated by what it seemed you had made: an environment that allowed you to judge and condemn or to forgive and love, to hate and destroy or to indulge and allow. You seemed to have infinite power to use as you pleased, quite separately from one another, and, of course, the result has been chaos and confusion as you each seek ends that are divisive and incompatible. “Finally, the extreme incompatibility of your separate agendas is seeping into your awareness. The insanity of the separate and divisive plans that you have been attempting to implement for so long is becoming apparent to you. You are ready for the enormous changes in attitude that are required to enable you to stop playing these unpleasant games and awaken, allowing the illusion to dissolve back into the nothingness from which you built it.” (10) Not only were we born into this environment, Saul reminds us, but we reconstitute it every moment. It is so real to us that we cannot release ourselves form it. “You seem to have your existence in the illusion which you collectively reassemble in every moment, otherwise it would disintegrate. Life and your environment do seem very real to you. And because it seems so real it is very difficult for you to release your belief in it and your attachment to it.” (11) The Arcturian Group also recognizes what “a difficult school” this is “and you who evolve through the earth schools graduate as powerful and enlightened beings because you have awakened in spite of heavy third dimensional energy.” (12) This harsh illusory setting was never meant to be a permanent home, SaLuSa says. “You have been living in a reality that has been created by you, and served its purpose by fulfilling your desires. It was not however meant to be permanent, and would in any event have changed in response to the higher energies. Duality such as you have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Your subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies.” (13) SaLuSa congratulates us for passing through the school of duality and being ready to graduate. “You have learnt much through the cycle of duality, and it has served its purpose in bringing you to understand the opposites and still rise up. You are clearly spiritually stronger than when you started your epic journey through the darkness and lack of Light. It is in fact quite remarkable that given the loss of your true identity you have still managed to find your way back, and today stand at the door of Ascension. It is truly a wonderful achievement and you are to be applauded for it.” (14) The Veil is Both a Blanket of Forgetfulness and a Dimensional Screen The veil that all of us wear, from terrestrial to angel, causes a blanket of forgetfulness to fall on us and walls us off from being able to see other dimensions. Melchizedek discusses its impact on our memory of our origins. “Many upon Earth have forgotten their roots, have forgotten their origins and the original reason and purpose for their incarnations upon the Earth. The denser energies have been very effective at creating forgetfulness within their Beings, but now all of that is in the process of changing and with change comes transformation on all levels of Being. (15) Wanderer of the Skies tells us that the veil as a dimensional screen is becoming thinner and thinner. “The veil between your world and the multitude of dimensions accessible to your Higher Selves is thinning beyond your ability to keep your third dimensional delusions about what is reality.” (16) The Hathors also tell us that the veil between the dimensions is being lifted: “In some ways the veils between life and death are being lifted, and the veils between dimensions are being parted.” (17) To Awaken is to be Relieved of the Veil The process by which the veil is removed is usually referred to as awakening. Saul describes it: “To awaken is to lift the veil, disperse the mist, and leave behind the shadows to experience the glory of God’s divine Reality from which you have been hiding.” (18) SaLuSa also tells us that the rising energies on the planet are responsible for our awakening: “the veil that has kept you this way is falling away, and as you draw more Light to yourself so you increase your degree of awareness.” (19) As the veil lifts, SaLuSa says, “the Light will illuminate your mind with the truth of who you really are. In reality you are great Beings of Light, who stepped down into the lower realms for no other reason than that you wanted to expand your evolutionary experiences.” (20) Not all of us are emerging at the same rate, SaLuSa informs us. “Now you are emerging once again, and being reminded of your true selves and your history upon Earth. Not all of you are awakening together so there is the inevitable difference of opinions. “That will however change quite rapidly, as the higher vibrations beaming to you are raising your levels of consciousness.” (21) Lord Arcturus told us in 2009 that our awakening was causing us to reconnect to our soul groups – on both sides of the veil. “Though you are becoming more of an independent circuit in terms of energy, you are also becoming more firmly connected to others in your vibrational fields of awareness. Very soon you will experience new levels of relationships from both sides of the veil. These new relationships of soul support will bring you unprecedented feelings of completeness as you work together with those from home to create your lives anew.” (22) Archangel Michael told us recently that the timing of the veil’s removal was largely up to us. Steve: What determines the time at which the blindfolds come off? Archangel Michael: It is a combination, but 90 percent of the factor is the individual. S: And in what respect, Lord? The individual – AAM: The individual deciding that they have had enough. (23) Suzann Carroll’s Arcturians tell us something of the process by which the veil comes off. She points to the merging and balancin of our masculine and feminine energies as being important. “This Mystical Marriage of your inner masculine and feminine energies opens your Third Eye and High Heart, which have been latent within your earth vessel since your birth. This opening then allows you to begin the gradual unveiling of the illusions of your third dimensional reality. With the opening of your Third Eye and High Heart, new brainwaves come online in your computer/brain that can access and utilize your Multidimensional Operating System.” (24) Matthew Ward reminds us that the high beings who planned the Golden Age realized that many of us would remain asleep and, to see that we woke up, seeded in our midst especially-advanced volunteers. “When the highest universal council planned the Golden Age, it was anticipated that some souls that clamored to embody during the transitional period would succumb to third density limitations and forget their eagerness to be a part of it. Primarily the forgetful souls are those who wanted to complete third density karma so they could evolve with the planet into fourth density, if not physically, then in Nirvana, your spirit world that is ascending along with Earth. Knowing of that possibility, the council wisely included in the plan many volunteers from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations to be the vanguard and help the forgetful souls to the extent they are receptive.” (25) But, no matter who is here to help us awaken, the task of awakening and of overcoming the veil remains with us. If we fail to emerge from behind the veil, we will not ascend, Matthew reminds us and tell us what is required. “There is not much time left for those who still are sleeping behind the veil, so to say, to waken from the conditioning that has kept them so long asleep and unaware of their god and goddess selves. They must become consciously aware so they can separate the wheat from the chaff in their lives, in your world, and become spiritually prepared to accompany Earth into the higher planes of energy. “It is not Earth who decides which of her beloved children will make the trip with her—she wants ALL to go!—and it is not an arbitrary basis that determines who goes and who doesn’t; it is just plain physics. The light of raised consciousness and spiritual clarity—the knowing that all life in this universe is inseparably connected with God and all other souls, and living accordingly—carries a frequency that enables physical survival in the energy planes where Earth is heading. “Those who ignore the urging of their souls and instead choose to stay oblivious to this universal truth, do not have that light; and without it, they remain in their lower frequency that prevents bodies from surviving in higher energy planes.” (26) Wanderer of the Skies foresees the time when the veil will drop and we will all rejoice as a reunited family. “You truly are great and powerful Spiritual Beings. And we rejoice for the time when you will understand that firsthand, without the veil of forgetfulness, when we can all stand together as brethren in our galactic company.”(27) Mira of the Pleiadians foresees a grand reunion when the veils finally lift. “We have strong ties with the Earth and with humanity. We have a long history of being together. We will be coming back together as the veils lift and as the opportunities for our reunion present themselves.” (28) So this then is our lot – that, whether as those who chose to have an extended experience on the Earth in the Third Dimension or as those who came here specially to help with this Ascension – we all wear the veil or blinkers. This veil causes us to forget our origins and be unable to pierce the screen of the dimensions. But soon the veil will be lifted and we’ll not only experience the return of full consciousness but will be reunited with the original planetary civilizations from which we hail and the families and star groups that we left to undertake this mission. Footnotes (1) Jeshua, “The New Earth I,” through Pamela Kribbe, at www.jeshua.net/. (2) Sirian High Council, “The Merging of Soul Partnerships,” May 12, 2009, through Lauren Gorgo, at transmissionsfromhome.blogspot.com/2009/05/merging-of-soul-partnerships-sirian.html (3) The Seven Sisters of Pleiades through Lauren Gorgo, Sept. 20, 2011, www.thinkwithyourheart.net/2011/09/20/leaders-of-new-humanity-the-emergence/. (4) Sandanda in Eric Klein, The Crystal Stair. Livermore: Oughten House Publications, 1992; c1990, 21. (5) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2011, at www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm (6) SaLuSa, Dec. 8, 2008. (7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011, at www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm (8) Matthew’s Message, May 10th, 2003. (9) Sananda in Eric Klein, The Crystal Stair, 15. (10) Saul, Nov. 6, 2010, at johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ (11) Loc. cit. (12) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011, at www.onenessofall.com/ (13) SaLuSa, March 29, 2010. (14) SaLuSa, Apr. 14, 2010. (15) Melchizedek, Oct. 4, 2011, through Marlene Swetishoff, at www.therainbowscribe.com. (16) Wanderer of the Skies, Sept. 27, 2011, atwandererodtheskies.blogspot.com/ (17) The Hathors, Jan. 13, 2010, through Tom Kenyon, at tomkenyon.com/haiti-and-the-chaotic-node. (18) Saul, Nov. 6, 2010. (19) SaLuSa, Aug. 8, 2011. (20) SaLuSa, May 31, 2010. (21) SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009. (22) Lord Arcturus, April 20, 2009, through Lauren Gorgo, at transmissionsfromhome.blogspot.com/2009/04/where-love-does-all-work-lord-arcturus.html. (23) Archangel Michael, “Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011,” Aug. 3, 2011, at stevebeckow.com/2011/08/reading-with-archangel-michael-august-2-2011-part-1/. (24) The Arcturians, “Rewriting the Hologram,” March 2010, through Dr. Suzanne Carroll, at www.suzanneliephd.com/newsletters/newsletter.html. (25) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011. (26) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 24, 2008. (27) Wanderer of the Skies, Aug. 17, 2011. (28) Mira the Pleiadian, July 7, 2009, at thegroundcrew.com/ RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Oldern - 10-26-2011 Thank you, Daydreamin, a lot of stuff to read. All those mentions of a veil lifting soon is so optimistic, that I am having a hard time believing it, haha ![]() RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-26-2011 I have the opinion that all of these quotes are developments created by delving the mystery of the veil within the veil. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Namaste - 10-26-2011 The veil is a gift - it allows us to seek and choose; fear or love. Without it, free will would be far less effective in the evolution of the galaxy, resulting in a density of less potential of experience (duality/polarity). RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-27-2011 I see the veil as more of a fact of life. You could view life as a gift too, so... RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - BrownEye - 10-27-2011 The veils purpose is to create surprise and wonder. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Unbound - 10-27-2011 I would take this opportunity to note that "Apocalypse" actually means "a lifting of the veil." Also, personally, I think we have become too attached to the veil. Yes, it is a useful tool, but it isn't the only state whereby we can learn and grow. Things are NOT the same now as they were before the veil, and were the veil to be lifted it would not be a step back, because what we do with the knowledge of having lived under the veil we can take in to a new unveiled state and make use of a whole new field of experience. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-27-2011 I think the idea of a time before the veil is another of those "answers" found by a mind restricted by a veil. That's my apocalypse. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Unbound - 10-27-2011 So, you must have all the answers! Even if you say you have no answers, that still equates to all of them because you will only assume you have the number of answers which you believe to truly exist. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-27-2011 "I am Creator. I am God. I have all the answers. Nothing exists outside of me. I created everything. It is my will that is done. I am everlasting and all knowing (eventually). " This is humanity. "I can't figure it out. If only I could see it all at once. If only I had more time. If only I could use all of my unconscious with my conscious. If only I could experience xyz." This is also humanity. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Unbound - 10-27-2011 "Woo, the universe is awesome, we don't have to worry about whether or not we know anything because within our experiences are the answer to every question, we have only to seek the experiences which contain them!" This is too! RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-27-2011 You should experience what I'm experiencing. ![]() Cause I got it all figured out. hahaha do a little dance.... RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Unbound - 10-27-2011 And you the same, imagine how our perceptions would expand! RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - 3DMonkey - 10-27-2011 Precisely ![]() RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - kycahi - 10-29-2011 Recall that Ra said, in an answer to Don (well, that was always the case, wasn't it?), that third density beings specifically must understand nothing. That being so, thanks for the veil! ![]() If the veil frustrates you, I submit that after meditating for awhile you will be less so for two reasons:
RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - godwide_void - 10-31-2011 In order to allow the mechanisms of Free Will to function (thus allowing a purity of experience for the life experiences of each spirit) it is imperative that a veil be placed which causes one to forget that they are indeed the Creator. With the illusory barrier encapsulating our awareness we are able to effectively play a divine game of hide-and-seek, and in our meanderings, if we so come to the conclusion of choosing to seek out a more meaningful and acquiescent existence, the decision stemming from what biases, distortions, and lessons we have gathered from every experience we have undergone in whatever incarnation we are in, it would beget the opening of the pathways which lead back to perceiving the Chekinah and the soul may resume its journey back Home. The veil is the catalyst to shaping this density out to be the penultimate classroom/playground. ![]() RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - kycahi - 10-31-2011 From Session 50: Quote:Ra: I am Ra. Let us give the example of the man who sees all the poker hands. He then knows the game. It is but child’s play to gamble, for it is no risk. The other hands are known. The possibilities are known and the hand will be played correctly but with no interest. All of the cards being dealt are 3D catalyst. How 3Ders respond, and how much they improve the responses during 3D lifetimes, enables them to achieve harvest, and Wanderers to improve polarity back in whichever density they came from. Hint: reread the last paragraph from Ra above. It's all laid out there! How much easier could Ra make it for us?? :idea: IMHO, this not only gives the answer to why the veil, it also tells us to interact with plenty of other-selves. So get out there and mingle! :@ ![]() RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - BrownEye - 10-31-2011 To me this is the only way to experience "new". Everything is a surprise if everything is unknown. Seeking experience is purpose. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Ankh - 12-21-2011 (10-29-2011, 02:19 AM)kycahi Wrote: Recall that Ra said, in an answer to Don (well, that was always the case, wasn't it?) Imagine session 50:17 Quote:Ra: We noticed yesterday that we experienced some pain distortions in our sunny awesome bodily parts, which you would call kidneys. Would Don like to comment on that? (Ok! Gotta go and do something useful instead!) ![]() RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Tenet Nosce - 12-24-2011 (10-26-2011, 02:59 PM)Oldern Wrote: Greetings, everyone. The topic I want to share with you - or start a discussion in - is the Veil, the nature of the Veil, and the importance of the Veil. Disclaimer: this is a very personal subject to me, and sometimes I believe that this incarnation has something to do with realizing my limits, my "edge", or in other words: accepting the presence of the Veil. This is a topic that is close to me as well. Actually, I have two queries that were made to Q'uo on the topic of the veil. Here are the queries and responses. May they be of service to your seeking in this matter: 23 May 09 Quote:G: M writes, “It is understood that the veil of forgetting is necessary in order to make the free will choice to polarize to the positive. Yet as a wanderer who has made this choice in the past, I observe that the veil persists within myself. According to my reading of your words, the veil persists within myself because if it were to be removed, it may infringe upon the free will of others who have not yet polarized. Yet I do not understand why this is the case. It would seem to me that it is possible for me to be fully conscious of both third density and fourth density simultaneously without infringing upon the will of others who choose to remain unconscious of fourth density. Please explain why the removal of the veil in one who is polarized would infringe upon the free will of one who is not yet polarized.” 13 Feb 10 Quote:G: M writes, “I have a question about the process concerning the removal of the veil and the conditions which must be met before removal may occur. Specifically, I would like to know if the removal is an automatic process that is triggered when certain conditions are met or whether a petition must be made to another level of consciousness. Any other information you may offer with regard to the form and function of the veil that can lead to a greater understanding of the process of removal would also be appreciated.” RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Diana - 12-29-2011 Thank you for those excellent quotes TN. ![]() This is helpful to me, as, no matter how many times or different ways I hear this, I gain a little more insight. Being here in 3D on such a tortured planet, I tend to want to control my environment as there is so much around that I find distressing. It is a complex issue, muddied by religion for me. When I hear the word, faith, it's difficult for me to expunge religion from it. Trust is also an issue I work on. Quotes such as the ones from Q'uo above, help me to sift through the labyrinthine issues that contribute to my unclarity. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Shin'Ar - 01-07-2012 How is it that We do not understand the veil? The veil is the cycle of reincarnation in which man is trapped until he evolves into the understanding of his true identity. The veil is called the veil of darkness and hides the realities of the spiritual from the material world. It cannot be seen through until man becomes the Light and escapes the bondage of reincarnation. Man is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. Only by struggle and toiling thy utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life. He who knows the commencement of all things, free is his star from the realm of night. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - Tenet Nosce - 01-07-2012 (12-29-2011, 02:19 PM)Diana Wrote: When I hear the word, faith, it's difficult for me to expunge religion from it. Yes. I have problems with that word as well. My current reading of the Aaron/Q'uo Dialogues has been helpful in understanding what is really meant by the term faith, as opposed to the religious distortions we are all familiar with. You might be interested in the thread What is the value of faith? RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - native - 01-07-2012 Yeah faith/will are interesting concepts that seem to have several layers. I think when Ra says understanding is not of this density in regards to harvest, they are referring to the choice of love and the attitude that accompanies it. It would seem the ability to remain humble and open are also necessary. I imagine most of us were born with a lot of love, yet harsh vibrations turned me inward personally. I still remained gentle and was kind always, but I developed a lot disdain towards others in my mental attitude. Self-validation..others are wrong..I understand and this is why, let me count thy ways. The analytical mind is extremely helpful though, and has a purpose.."However, this same ability to structure abstract concepts and to analyze experiential data may be the key to rapid positive polarization." We look at others and analyze why they are "wrong." When we are ready though, we take that knowledge and begin to integrate and accept it. "Without such a method of reversing the analytical process, one could not integrate into unity the many understandings gained in such seeking." When I think of the time that I abandoned separation and developed a deeper compassion for others, I no longer attempted to control (service to self) and validate my suffering through the viewpoint that everything outside of me is responsible for my suffering. When we attempt to understand the world in the third density sense before the choice is made, we are saying "This..this..that..and these, are the reasons why the world creates the pain I'm experiencing, and it has nothing to do with me." The choice seems to encompass a release of all this. "I no longer am going to attempt to control (understand) life, but I am going to surrender to it and enjoy how beautiful it is. Rather than attempting to control my perception of another so as to make them responsible for my pain, which I formerly called "understanding", I am simply going to accept them and choose to love them. I no longer am going to control my experience, but love the world because I now feel that loving seems more appropriate." You use your faith (belief by way of feeling) to seek past the resistance of the edge of the need to control. This is the beginning of placing others before yourself. Surrendering to love is a gesture then, an offering of yourself to others symbolized as the act of acceptance, in that you are no longer attempting to control the other/experience, but you also open up to what they are offering you by way of releasing control and simply loving them. This two-way acknowledgement of service, this opening up to others, is service to others. This takes faith..a knowing..a feeling of placement in rightness. Personally, I went through a process where life wasn't making sense at all, and I didn't understand a lot of things no matter how I tried to validate them. This is the resistance of the edge. The persistence to understand. I gave in though and began accepting life. Everything changed instantly. Many experience this as a release..bliss/enlightenment which was my experience..contact with intelligent infinity. Rather than using the left-hand path to analyze life, you abandon that and open up to the right-hand path of feeling. You no longer use other-selves, which are a part of you/your mind, for understanding by way of self-correctness. This is what Ra referred to as the prostituted entity..using the reflection of the other to validate yourself. With the choice, you instead open up to the other and offer love..a deeper understanding through the acknowledgement that you are ok with others being who they are. Quote:Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind, seeing it in the guise of the maiden, go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves. RE: An open discussion about the Veil and its importance - AnthroHeart - 04-04-2014 (10-27-2011, 07:00 PM)Tanner Wrote: Things are NOT the same now as they were before the veil, and were the veil to be lifted it would not be a step back, because what we do with the knowledge of having lived under the veil we can take in to a new unveiled state and make use of a whole new field of experience. I agree. I think we could handle the veil being lifted. And it would probably make us more eager to serve when we could feel the unconditional love that is present throughout the Universe. (10-29-2011, 02:19 AM)kycahi Wrote: Recall that Ra said, in an answer to Don (well, that was always the case, wasn't it?), that third density beings specifically must understand nothing. That being so, thanks for the veil! Agreed. Sometimes it's hard for me to get into a meditative state though because of distractions. But I've felt serenity before through it. (01-07-2012, 11:31 AM)ShinAr Wrote: How is it that We do not understand the veil? I've thought that I was a furry star. |